Monday, November 16, 2009

Bless Her Heart

You know that wonderful southern saying, "Bless her heart!" which excuses anything you want to say about anybody at any time? Like, "She's gained a little weight hasn't she, bless her heart!" when you really mean, "man she's packing on the pounds!" This time I'm going to say it about myself. "She's getting a little forgetful, bless her heart!" meaning, I can't remember anything when I need to remember it but I can remember my telephone number when I was 10 just in case anyone needs to know it.

Anyway, here's the thing. I started taking Fons and Porter's Love of Quilting Magazine in January of 1997. I'm not sure when they started the magazine, maybe 1996, but I started with January of 1997. And I have every single issue since then, except....I've lost March/April 2002 and July/August 2003. Now, bless my heart, I have just a touch of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (meaning I'm close to freakish about this magazine but don't care if the dust bunnies are piling up in the corners and the spiders are building condiminiums on the windows) but I sure would like to have those two magazines. If any kind soul out there has them and wouldn't mind parting with them I'd be ever so grateful. I won't offer to bake you anything because I'm prone to burning stuff, but I can do pretty good embroidery so I'm willing to trade some embroidery work for them. And if there are issues prior to January 1997 that you'd like to get rid of....well my first born child is 44 but we might could work out a deal!


  1. A post in a million, bless your heart! Past 55 you're allowed to forget things or else what;s the point having birthdays? I'm 58 and everything goes in one ear and out the other. But what shall I do for an encore when I'm...wait a minute.....hang on.....59!

    I hope you get your books. (Huh? What books.....?)

    love, Angie, xx

  2. Maybe you've loaned them out. I usually don't hang onto magazines but I subscribed to Southern Lady for a while and kept each issue. Then I loaned an issue to someone so that she could copy the instructions for a craft. I mentioned it to her when I saw her again. She didn't remember that she had it. I guess I should have shown up at her house and asked for it back. Anyway, I try not to loan anything that I really want back.
    I hope you find your magazines. Things like that can nag a person.

    Oh, and "bless her heart" can be used when you are thinking something else but are to genteel to say it.
    Mama Bear

  3. I have the July/August 2003 issue you can have, but I didn't start getting it until October/November of 2002, so I can't help you with the other one. I've been searching the net, but I haven't found it yet.

    Bless you are so sweet.
    Love ya!

  4. If I still had mine they'd be yours but I've long since purged the older quilt magazines. I hope someone still has them and will share with you :)

  5. I hope you find them~things like that bug me, too.

    I also hope you're staying warm. It was cold out there today!

  6. I am so sad that I don't have any of your treasured issues....I could use another child in my family and age 44 would be fine with me.....If I can find these issues I will draw up the adoption papers and send them to you. I will make it an open adoption and send you pictures through the years. Hugs, Lura

  7. No help here, fun post though. Here in the north few say bless her heart on a regular basis, but when said it usually means someone has been threw a hard time and you just want to "bless her heart".

  8. Hmmm . . . I say Bless his/their/her heart all the time! But when I say it I really mean that the person has touched me in a way that I want to bless their heart back. I guess it means different things in different places! Bless your heart!

  9. Hi, I have an award for you! The ‘From me to you’ flowers award. You can pick it up at my blog, under the entry ‘Thanks for the Award!’

    And just keep up the great work!

  10. If I had these magazines they would be yours, but sorry I don't.

  11. I don't have the magazines, but I sure got a chuckle reading your post. I know all too well about that memory thing...especially the details I can relate about insignificant happenings! I am a wiz!! Now why I just walked into this room??? That's a different story!

  12. Chuckle! I'd give them to in a heart beat if I had them ... TTFN ~Marydon

  13. I wish I had them, they would automatically be yours!

  14. Funny how we learn to say 'bless her heart'. I suppose I learned it from my mother-and I remember when my girls were so little they couldn't talk plain-they'd say it every time they felt sorry for someone.

    Hope you find the books-if you're like me-they're right there in plain sight : )
