Sunday, November 15, 2009

I Shouldn't Be Telling You This But....

I really, really want to win this Candle Mat from Cath's Pennies so please don't enter this giveaway. I said I would post about it so I'm posting, but please don't go here and enter. You probably wouldn't like it. Really. Oh and I have a bridge to sell.


  1. It's beautiful, but I won't go there and try to take it away from you, because I like you ALOT!
    be blessed,

  2. I think I will be the one to win. Wish me luck!

  3. I am not going over there. I just did your MIRACLE cake recipe with a carrot cake mix. Ooh la la!

  4. Oh it is beautiful! But you are so funny! Miracle cake? I think I missed a post.

  5. You are so funny. I hope that you win it....and what bridge do you want me to look at?

    hugs, Lura

  6. Oh, you are so funny! I do think you should win that because you keep us so entertained! Have a great day, Linda G.

  7. I wish you all the luck in the world to win this!
