Friday, November 13, 2009

Gifts From Afar

A couple of weeks ago I won these wonderful Kaffe Fassett fabrics from Paula at The Quilter. I was thrilled to say the least. I'm terrible at picking out bright colors and now I have these beautiful ones all coordinated for me. I'm not sure what I'm going to make yet but it's going to be great fun deciding! Paula lives in Colorado and I was just a few miles away from her when we were there in September!

And then a few days later I got another package in the mail. This was a birthday present from my cousin Carol. She knows I love aprons so she got me this traditional German apron when she was there. It's a beautiful blue and much too pretty to wear....except on special occasions. Is today special? :) Carol lives in Oklahoma and I'm hoping to see her soon!


  1. Kaffee Fassett's fabrics are almost TOO daring. They work for him and his quilts are gorgeous! But if I tried something like that it would be a mess!

  2. Marlene, NaBloPoMo stands for National Blog Posting Month. It happens every November. You sign up at their web site. The idea is to write a blog post every day for the month, thirty posts in a row! It's supposed to help your writing............I'm not so sure about that though. All it's doing for me so far is making me sleep deprived and keeping me out of the sewing room! My sister [Riseoutofme--on my side bar] made me do it! And because I've been beseeching her to blog more, I had no choice but to agree! I'm supposed to put a little NaBloPoMo button on my sidebar....maybe this w.e. when I visit my computer savvy daughter!
    If you are interested, I think you can sign up and do it for the remainder of the month...

  3. Oooh I'm an apron collector myself! Wouldn't mind getting my hands on that! :)

  4. You've been getting some very nice mail!

    Hasn't our weather been lovely? I'm going to miss it now that all the rain and cold is on it's way.

    Hope your having a great weekend.
