Anyway, thought I'd show you this table mat I embroidered months ago and machine quilted last week. That's just how I work....embroider and then wait weeks, months, years to finish. Wonder why that is. Cute don't you think? All three of those stars are black, I promise. That one, for some reason, looks pale in the picture. I probably gave it the stomach virus.
And yesterday I was craving toast but had no bread and no intention of going out to buy bread so I just made myself some. Just about zapped me but I did it. Wasn't it just smelled like heaven and tasted better. Ever notice how when you're sick there's something you crave. It might be crazy but it's your own particular comfort food. Sometimes it's oatmeal for me, sometimes a scrambled egg, sometimes homemade bread. Sometimes it's an egg salad sandwich because my mom used to make those for me and I miss her like crazy. Do you have a comfort food?
I hope you feel better soon. The bread looks wonderful. I've seen a few blogs today that featured homemade bread and I'm feeling the pressure to try some myself! lol
My comfort food is potato soup, homemade of course. Hope you have potatoes and milk.
Hubby had that nasty flu for 22 hours. He lost 8 pounds, that's been 2 weeks ago and he is still not back 100%, and hasn't gained the weigh back either. He tires easily.
Take care.
(Quilt show this way March 26/27, wanna come)
Hi, dear Marlene. So sorry you've been feeling yucky. Nothing like a little tastey homemade bread to make the tummy better. I always crave pudding...chocolate or tapioca. Mom made pudding a lot. Jello, too. With fruit cocktail floating in the red jiggly stuff. Yummm. Soothing on the tummy.
If I'm sick, it's homemade soup of about any kind, hands down. Otherwise, it's the Lindt dark chocolate truffles. In fact, I was going to blog about that soon.
I'm so sorry you've got a stomach virus. Hopefully you'll find your "want to" before too long. Be kind to yourself, though...
Your bread sounds delicious. Homemade bread, toasted with a little peanut butter...yum!
My comfort food is mashed potatoes. When I'm sick my hubby goes to our favorite Chinese take-out restaurant and gets me hot and sour soup. Seems very soothing.
I love your embroidery. Very nice.
Hugs and chicken soup...
My Moms potato soup is mine. There is nothing like it. Yum! I hope you continue to get better and find your "want to"!!! I love the table runner. It is gorgeous and I would love to have some of that homemade bread.
Mmmmm..I can almost smell the bread. Thanks! It was wonderful! Sure hope you feels lots better SOON!
Yes. we love chicken and dumplings and homemade bread is right up there.. Just talked to DD#2 and she had been making bread and said the kids gobbled it up.. go figure.. Hope you get your strength back soon..
Oh, Love the mat. love it!!
Ooooohhhh....I can smell that bread all the way over here. YUM!!!! I love to make bread if only for the way the house smells.
I am so sorry that you are still feeling so wiped out. Isn't it a shame there isn't a magic fairy to come in and do the work for us?
Your stitchery is absolutely gorgeous!
You have had your share of the icky stuff. No more. I hope you get back to normal soon.
The little stitchery is cute. Prim style good.
Can I have a piece of that bread. I can smell it now. Nothing better than fresh baked bread.
Hi Marlene...My goodness, that bread looks soooo good. Do you use a bread machine? Oh, it is making me want to make a loaf right now!
I love your table mat. It is very pretty. You did a great job.
I sincerely hope you get feeling better soon. I never cry until I am almost over it.....that is when I have had enough!
Oh Marlene, I do hope you get your "get up and go" back soon. At least you haven't lost your sense of humour :-) Any kind of soup comforts me when I'm feeling unwell. Or pudding, like sticky date pud .. yum!
The bread looks delicious. Hope you have a mixer. Kneading that would wipe you out. Hope you feel better soon.
Oh my, feel better soon! My gosh, you made bread when feeling poorly! What stamina!!!
Comfort food? A nice glass or orange juice and boiled egg on buttered toast tastes pretty delicious if I haven't eaten for days ....
Be well ...
I love homemade bread! Sorry you are still suffering from you illness, hope you will be better soon.
My mommys potatoe soup is what I crave when I feel bad. I once drove clear across the state when I was sick and crawled into bed at Mama's. She made me soup and sat by me and rubbed my forehead and brushed my hair. It was wonderful. I just left my kids and hubby at home. When I got better, I went home. It was wonderful. Have had a stomach ache all day, nothing else but a hurting tummy. Hope its not what you have coming on. Bless you Marlene.
Marlene, I hope you are feeling better soon! Sending hugs and prayers your way. My comfort food has always been tomato soup, with toast.
Gosh I hate that you have been so puny. I do hope you are staying hydrated, that is more important than food. Drink, drink, drink.
Nothing smells better than fresh baked bread. That could tempt the weakest stomach.
If I am sick to my stomach, jello is about all I can handle but if i am just puny, nothing beats beef stew.
Please be well soon.
There's nothing better than homemade bread! Sorry you've been so sick. Seems like everything that's going around this winter takes a long time to get over. Even my twenty-something daughters are having a hard time shaking their cold viruses. They've both had them 3 weeks now.
Hi Marlene - voice of reason here! First of all you'e not going to die from this :). Second, feeling wiped out is par for the course. Give in to it; have a good old wallow, it'll only be a few days and if anyone doesn;t like to see dust anywhere you point them to the cleaning cupboard and tell them the ironing needs doing as well! Simple eh?
get well soon
love, Angie, xx
PS my own food craving is egg & tomato sanwiches, wrapped up in aluminium foil for a few hours before serving so they go soggy. Love 'em!
Fresh baked bread must be the universal comfort food! Yours does look great...maybe you'd consider posting your recipe!?!
Your bread looks sooo yummy. I hope you get back to your old self soon. I hate it when my 'want to' has turned into 'don't want to'.
Love the table mat. You do very nice work.
Oh Marlene, I hope you are feeling better. Your bread is almost too pretty to eat...
Those are some gorgeous loaves of bread. Simply lovely. Great job.
Marlene so sorry you are still feeling yucky, but if you get to feeling better can you give me that bread recipe. My desire is to learn to bake bread. My comfort food is applesauce - my Mommy always made sure it was around (homemade) so I could eat it when I was feeling better.
I surely hope that you are feeling better soon. I am having the same problem getting over the stomach flu we got a couple of weeks ago. I feel yucky today. We are suppose to drive to Vegas tomorrow to see our grandson in a gymnastic's meet but I am not sure I am up to it....It is about a 31/2 to 4 hour drive through the Mojave desert to get there. That is not good when I may need to run to a bathroom every half hour. *%%/*#//##!!
I love your place mat. You are so talented....even when you are not feeling well....good for you!
Get better...hugs, Lura
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