when you don't feel good? I don't mean sick, really sick because then you don't do anything. But after the sick stuff and you just don't have your oomph back, then what do you do? I've read and read and read. I'm tired of reading. I sew an hour or two but then I'm tired so I go back to reading. I've even played solitaire on the computer till I'm sick of that. Just curious...what do you do?

I made this table runner a week or so ago from a kit I picked up at my local quilt shop. It looks kind of long for that table but that's because the leaf isn't in the table. With the leaf in it ought to be the perfect size. Of course, the problem is I rarely ever put the leaf in. Why did I make it that long? That was a question folks! I haven't a clue!

Today I spent an hour or two making a new valance for my kitchen. I needed something to brighten things up a bit. I guess I should have straightened my herb pots up and centered them for the picture but I have to keep moving them around because they make moisture underneath them and I don't want my sill to get mildewed. They're growing nicely (parsley, basil, chives) but aren't those violets incredible? I've got two smaller ones in my bedroom that are blooming too. I might not like these overcast days but apparently they do.

I also made a new "Practical Bag" (the name of the pattern) this week. Flowers to make me think spring! I lined it with a yellow print because I hate dark linings - you can never see anything in there if it's dark. And I added some pockets inside which the pattern didn't have. But you can make it in a couple of hours. It's bigger than I envisioned from the picture but I'm kind of glad about that. If I don't use it as a purse, and I probably will at least for a while, it will make a great bag for carrying my Bible study stuff.
I've been working on a wall hanging I made years ago - trying to figure out the new stippling software I got for my sewing machine. I'm not ready to show it yet but I was pleased to see that the piecing is really awful on it. Pleased? Yes - I can see my growth as a quilter. I may not be a good piecer now but 10 years ago I was really bad! Stippling covers a multitude of sins though - and that's a good thing.
It looks like you have been very productive even though you are not energetic. When I am in that type of mood, I usually make chocolate chip cookies. But then, I make them when I am happy, when I am sad, when I am hungry for chocolate, too! How about organizing your scraps, or if no scraps, you can organize your projects or your books or photos? Make some photo scrapbooks for the kids.
If I'm not feeling great I usually do some hand quilting or other craft I can do while sitting in a comfortable chair with the TV tuned to a good movie.
Looks like you got a lot done today, despite not feeling well. Everything looks really nice.
For not feeling well, you have done a lot! I was sick this past week with a sinus infection and I felt AWFUL. I feel better now, but not 100%...I go from the TV to the computer and then I try to eat something and then feel sick to my stomach. I noticed the older I get the longer it takes to feel really good after illness. Maybe we just need to force ourselves to do things...I think that is my problem!
A perfect table runner for Valentine's Day display.
When I'm trying to recover from an illness I drink lots of herbal tea.
I think you've accomplished a lot for someone who's not feeling up to par. Hope you're back to your old self soon!
Marlene, It is good to see you are feeling better. Love your table runner and the bag. See you soon.
Not to feel good, you sure are doing a lot. I love the bag. Well I love it all. I sure hope you feel better soon. I can't imagine what all you will get done when you are well!
I'd hate to see what a well woman could accomplish!
a sick one did very well!
Get better,
Glad you're feeling better! I remember --a long way back-- when my dad would get to that stage of "better, but not well" --my mom would get out the tinker toys so he and my little brothers could build fantastic creations. :-)
I like to go outside, even if only for a minute on a cold day. Something about the expansion of the space around me, with the sky --even a cloudy sky-- so high above and the squirrels traveling their tree top highways, and the fresh air. It seems like a weight lifted, and I can go back inside to the business at hand.
Love your table runner. Maybe position it at an angle?
You have made some nice things even when feeling a little down. What do I do? I take a nice long nap, and if that doesn't work, I take another one.
I think you're doing exactly what you need to do! Taking it slow and easy as you 'mend' is the best thing - but I'm not sure how slow and easy you're taking it. You're getting a lot accomplished. That's a good thing! Love your handiwork. Take care, my friend, and get well. ~Adrienne~
Hello. First thanks for being a follower, appreciate it lots. When I am not feeling well, I do get bored. I have to sneak doing things as Mr.Couple is all over my case on resting,like I'm a child? The table runner is so pretty and I don't think too long. The bag is delicious and flowers are really doing good. I love herbs and grow lots of them, I used to have violets but no more. What is that fabric in your curtain, I need that to finish my other civil war quilt..lol
Have a blessed Lords day
Looks like you were quite productive for not being 100% but I do hope you feel better soon!
You've accomplished a lot, Marlene! It just seems to take a while to get over these viruses~a little bit, day by day.
I love your new valence. I have to keep making them for my kitchen. It really does cheer things up a bit and give a whole new look for very little money.
I would like to get some herbs started. I think that my window sills are still too cold for plants. I don't get much sun in my kitchen window.
Love your table runner. It is always better to have too much than not enough.
If you like jigsaw puzzles, JigZone.com has enough to keep you busy for about a year. I do several every day.
Get some sunshine to get that "oomph" back, if you can find any that is.
Keep mending.
Well you know Marlene, any shorter and that table runner would be a placemat, then you would have to make 3 more! See? There's a bright side to everythhing!
What do I do when I have no 'ooomph'? Nothing. Nothing at all. I don't know if it's a blessing or what but I have always been perfectly happy to sit still - no radio, no tv, no book, no paper, nothing. Just the clock ticking, the sky outside my window doing whatever, the dog snoring. You know the kind of thing? As I've got older I've understood that this must be a God-given time that He wants you to have so you can get your oomph back properly.
Oh - and no noticing dust or cobwebs either!
love Angie, xx
hehe, I am chuckling at Angie's comment. She does make me laugh. What a sweetheart! Love your newest creations Marlene, especially the table runner. When I need to shake the cobwebs out I usually go for a long walk! It really helps to get me motivated!
I really like your table runner. I do the same thing you do when getting over being sick. That's what I've done the past three days. Today, I'm actually feeling pretty good, and I've gotten quite a bit done.
Oh, and I love the bag!!!! So very pretty!
Oh girl, since I've been struggling with pinched nerves for 3 months, and was in the PITS emotionally because of my lack of energy, etc., I resorted to a lot of "Poor Me's". But Friday, for the first time in months, I realized I felt kinda GOOD. Illness or injury takes it's toll, doesn't it? You could watch some quilting DVDs or VCR tapes... not to fear, you will be feeling good again - for now, rest and recouperate - apparently that's what your body needs to do. 8-)))
A crochet project and TCM=Turner Classic Movies take me away from the reality of not fully having my oomph. Cute bag.
When I'm feeling blah I watch TV. Just mindless garbage type shows that I don't usually watch. You know, those wanna be fashion models, house make-overs on a budget, over the top cake creations. That sorta stuff. Useless information that goes in one ear and out the other and needs no concentration. Reading takes too much concentration. Usually I fall asleep on the couch while watching. Napping is what I actually do more than TV watching.
I just left you a comment...a nice one of course...and when I tried to send it to you it vanished!!! It was gone...in thin air.
What I said was that you get more done when you don't feel good than I do when I am in tip top shape. You are amazing and so talented. I love all of your projects.
I hope that you get to feeling better soon. Hugs, Lura
I usually surf the web...
I absolutely love the way your table runner looks! Hmm..it's really hard to get going if I've been under the weather..kinda just have to force myself to do things even if I don't want to..I really enjoyed browsing your blog! Love you comment about stippling covering a multitude of sins..would make a great sign for my quilting room!
When I don't feel good, I usually get in my recliner and take a nap, get up and eat, and take another nap. I haven't been very productive lately. I'm hoping that it's the weather and when things start budding, I'll get more energy.
I think I have curtains made from the fabric of the bag you did. They are in my sewing room and I painted it yellow. Seems our color paletes run along the same line. Hope you get your 'get up and go' back soon
You get more done when you feel badly than I do when I feel good! Great work, and I love the bag!
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