Wednesday, May 5, 2010

New Neighbors

We have new neighbors at our house. On our house? In our house? Whatever! We have babies...I'm counting at least 4 beaks there. I have no idea what they are, sparrows maybe? Congratulations are in order!


  1. We had robins last year--took them a few days to get that fuzzy. Cute! Congratulations!

  2. Bless - bless - bless - bless! Where are they? Oh-oh, up in the middle of the night AGAIN. Digging worms this time!

  3. Mi casa es Su casa say the little birdies.

  4. Soooooo cute!!! Lucky you :o)!!
    Joy :o)

  5. Aww, how cute. Looks like they found a nice safe place. Ya think they will name one after you in honor of providing such a nice home??

  6. How fun.

    I was looking forward to a similar view but sadly, the robins abandoned the nest in the tree closest to our house. I'm not sure why. We had a couple of really chilly nights a few weeks ago and maybe the eggs didn't survive that.
