Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Beware of Pre-pubescent Boys!

Yesterday I stopped at WalMart to put gas in my car. It was about 2:00 in the afternoon, the heat index was 112 degrees, and it's a week before school starts so there were lines of cars filled with kids going in all directions in search of school supplies. As I was getting back into my car I noticed a white mini van driving slowly towards the exit of the gas station. I wondered why she was driving so slowly until I saw the approximately 13 year old boy sauntering toward her. I suppose he had been to the bathroom. He grinned and waved at the driver, I'm guessing his mother. She came to a stop and he grinned and waved again and kept on walking. I just want to interject here that this age child, whether it's a boy or a girl, are walking disaster areas. As an experienced educator I can honestly say that's the hardest age to deal with for a mother, or a teacher! Reaching the end of her rope, she rolled down her window and screamed at him (and I do mean screamed) "get your a__ in this car!" Again, he grinned and waved and kept walking toward WalMart. She sat there as cars lined up behind her trying to get out. Finally she drove off and he kept walking. It was then that I noticed the symbols on the back of her car.....five Christian fish. A momma fish, a daddy fish, and three baby fishes lined up in a row. Oh dear. My sister has asked me many times in the past why I don't put a fish on the back of my car. There in that van lies the answer. Sometimes I can be really stupid. Sometimes I can get really angry at the guy talking on the phone, eating a hamburger, and driving with his foot....or at the woman texting, putting on mascara and driving with her elbow....and weaving ever closer to my lane. So far I haven't rolled down my window and screamed obscenities at them but then I'm not a too stressed mom with the worst possible age pre-puberty boy grinning and waving from outside the car at me, or with four little ones who are hungry and tired and needing new school clothes and a rediculously long list of supplies. What happened to the days of a pencil and notebook paper for heaven's sake! Back to my story. I'm a Christian. So was that lady in the van. But we also are human. We make mistakes. We do stupid things. All too often those stupid things are in a public forum. Sometimes we forget that others are looking at us and thinking...is that how a Christian acts? School starting ranks right up there with Christmas when it comes to stress for parents. The cost can be almost devastating in these economic times. Please join with me today in praying for all those parents trying to get kids ready for school. And please, if you see me acting like a fool, give me a gentle reminder of who I am, and who's I am.

Last Friday I drove over to Lafayette to The Borne Quilter and found this fabric - I bought it with this color background and also with a pink background.
I had the striped piece already so when I got home I made these three grocery/everything bags. Wow, was this fast and easy! I was wishing I had bought more fabric - unlike at home I don't have a stash here at the mission to draw from. If it wasn't 40 miles over there I'd have driven back yesterday! I didn't put pockets in them, though you certainly could. And I probably will on the next ones I make because I think they would make great overnight bags, sewing take-along bags, baby hold-everything-but-the-bassinet bags, or travel bags.
I'm still working on pincushions too - I've made an even dozen now! I have no idea what I will do with them except that they will probably end up like the bags above - gifts for people I love. :)


  1. It is such a stressful time for parents with students.

    I agree with you about the signs on the car. I would hope that my actions would be my example.

    Love your bags and pincushions!!!

  2. Good to hear from you, my friend.

  3. I always love reading your latest postings. You are so wise and I cherish your friendship!

  4. Wonderful post today, amen!

    Love those bags and pincushions, as well as your observations, well said!

  5. Always love your posts, they make me think. Very cute pincushions and bags too.

  6. Delightful post and I pray for anyone with teenage children. Paybacks are rough.

  7. A good lesson to remind us all that our actions and our words may be seen and heard when we are not aware. Thanks for posting this

    PS. I love your bags and neat little pin cushions!

  8. Oh my, I HATE myself when I lose control, or forget, or ???? Guess we are all human.

  9. TOTALLY agree with you on raising that age children... middle school was the TOUGH years here in the Wallace house. I LOVED the high school years.

    I am often reminded of the times that I slip up and don't act as a child of God should... I only hope I don't keep people from Him because of my mistakes.

  10. One of our boys would have done that. He pushed me to the brink more than once. I never screamed like that but surely wanted to. And, that is why I don't have things on my car saying I am a Christian and messing up. Love your bags. I make them with horse fabric. I really liked your fabric.

  11. I can so relate..no fish on my car...my husband use to race...every stop light is an opportunity to beat some one off the line:) That school supply thing drove me nuts until they all wen to high school then it was a bit more realistic. That fabric is so cute, you did just the right thing with it. CUTE!!

  12. Dear Marlene...no wonder I JUST LOVE YOU!!! You are such an example of goodness. When you saw a woman acting in a not so good way.. you did not judge... you did not criticize.. your heart when out to her... you understood her frustration and her challenges. You pray for her.
    Yes, you are right. We are all human and make many mistakes in our efforts to live more like Jesus...but thank heaven there are people like you who are there to pray for us instead of point their finger in judgement.

    You are a special daughter of God. I am sure that He looks down on you with smiles. You set a good example for all of us. I hope one day that I can meet you because you bless my life. Hugs, Lura

  13. How I agree! I have been very wary about putting a fish on my car because of exactly those type of things - when I drive badly and cause problems for other drivers which I do from time to time and I don't what non-Christians thinking thats how Christians behave.

  14. As usual, I'm getting SO excited about school starting... but I'm awfully thankful I won't have any students younger than 10th grade this year - they just don't seem to have any sense before that ;)

    Oh, one of those bags would be PERFECT for my new knitting!!

  15. Hi Marlene.....You do such a fabulous job helping us to see the "right" and the "wrong" of things. I enjoy your blog!
