Sunday, August 8, 2010

There can't be anything better than loving what you're doing and doing what you think you're called to do. When Jerry and I decided to come on this four month mission trip there were several times when we looked at each other and said, "what in the world were we thinking?" There were way more times when family and/or friends said, "what in the world are you thinking?" But here we are, more than halfway through our commitment, and more than ever certain that this was the right decision. We love it here and despite the difficulties of being in a place for four months that isn't our home we've been thrilled to be here. Make no mistake there are difficulties. It's hot - and it's humid. The water smells terrible, tastes worse, and is turning all my clothes yellow when I wash them. The apartment is small and in order to sew using my machine I move everything from the corners where I've stashed the necessary "stuff" to the living room of the dorm, do my sewing, and move it all back. I move on Friday and move back on Sunday morning. And if you sew at all you know it's a lot of "stuff." Storage is where you make it, and we've been inventive. We eat in the cafeteria all week, and while that sounds like heaven..not having to cook, you eat what they cook even if it's fattening. Especially if it's fattening! They are wonderful cooks and I'm fighting to keep off that 20 pounds I lost before I came here. So far I've managed to do it but trust me, it's hard. We are spoiled at home by having two bathrooms. Here we have one and we're grateful to have it and not to have to use the communal dorm bathroom! But you know what? It's hot and humid at home - even hotter than here on some days. My clothes will be white again after a couple of washings back home. I'll be back in my private bathroom and luxuriating in my sewing room where everyting is in one room and stays there and I'll be missing it here. I'll miss the friends we've made, the weekly missionaries I've grown to admire and enjoy, and the quietness of the life here. This place fills me with joy and wonder and pride. It's so uplifting to see God's work being done every day and knowing that people are being touched and helped by the things we do. We go home October 1, but we'll be back. Oh yes, we'll be back. I might be addicted.

I finished the small quilt I made from the leftover piano bench fabric. Can you tell I hand quilted it? Go me! I don't make the smallest stitches but I sure did enjoy it.
And I finished the last flower in the border of this quilt top this week! This one has been about 4 or 5 years in the making. It's machine pieced, hand appliqued using the needle turn method, and the flowers in the border are raw edge applique using a hand blanket stitch.
Remember those bags I made last week? I liked them. I liked making them. I made some more!

I even made a couple of potholders....

and two more Schnibbles pincushions! It was a good week. :)


  1. A beautiful post! There's a special spot reserved for you in Heaven. Thank God for people like you. (hugs)

    Beautiful quilt and bags!

  2. It does sound like a very worthwhile task you have undertaken. It is also good for us to step back and appreciate all we have.

    Love all of your projects. The hand stitching in the quilting and applique must be very relaxing for you and I love the bags - especially the chicken one!!

  3. Look at you go! I LOVE the little bags... Teach me please?

  4. It's all so have talent oozing out of you/ha

    Great Job!

  5. The hand quilting is so nice and love the bags.. So glad you are getting some projects finished too.

  6. God is so proud of you! I love your sewing projects, and I'm so happy you blog so we can hear from you!

  7. I just love reading about your time this summer and as always, all your wonderful insights and life lessons. I tell my husband about what you all are doing, and we are planning on doing something like this in a couple of years when we retire.

  8. You have been so busy! I love the quilt top and the bags are great. I know you will be happy to get back home to your conveniences, but I'll bet you'll really be missed there! What a summer to remember!

  9. I agree with Darlene.... there is surely a special spot for you in Heaven. You amaze me. I love all of your sewing projects...such talent!

    Keep up the good work.

    Drop by and see my good news.
    I feel so blessed.... come share my joy. Hugs, Lura

  10. How wonderful that you have been able to make your summer "count" instead of just marking time.
    The inconveniences are just flavoring to a wonderful stew. You should feel proud and blessed.
    Love that piano bench quilt.

  11. You have been busy! But what sweet life long blessings.
