Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring Has Sprung!

When spring hits at my house two things happen.  First I go on a quilt retreat with my guild.  Four days.  Yes...four days of sewing from 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m.  We could sew all night if any of us could last that long but I long since learned that doesn't work for me so about 8 my roomies and I go back to the dorm, shower, put on our pajamas, read a minute and turn out the lights.  We have so much fun it's just like high school days when you had a sleepover.  I got two quilt tops, one purse and one tote made.  One of the tops is going to have wool flowers appliqued on it so it will be a while before you see it but the other I'll show you soon.

The second thing that happens is that everything in the yard starts growing and all the beds need cleaning and potted things need repotting.  I hate that kind of stuff because usually my allergies kill me when I do it but I'm well into allergy shots so after working outside since last Thursday at noon I'm happy to report I'm not sneezing or anything.  :)  Because of the terrible hot, dry summer we had here last year we'll be a long time in the yard but we've made a start!  One of the things we did was to cut the Rosemary way, way back.  It was trying to take over one of my beds by the deck.  I brought in some of it and put it in a vase because I love the way it smells.  Can you keep it a while in the house...I wonder.  I've never tried.
I have it sitting on my grandmother's treadle sewing machine, not that you can tell from this picture!

And just before I left for the retreat I made a quick little bib that I saw on a friend's blog.  Don't you just love this?  :)


  1. Happy Spring!! I am sure The Rosemary will make your home smell glorious. Oh, I am so very envious of your 4 day retreat, I have always want to go on one. Maybe after I retire. Hugs Judy

  2. The Rosemary will keep for a week or so and then it will start dropping leaves, if it does like mine did!
    Retreats are wonderful for getting things done! This is a good time for one. I love the little bib!

  3. It sounds like the retreat was a blast!!!

    I think rosemary should last quite awile in the house. Can't you also hang it for drying to use throughout the year?

    Darling bib.

  4. Aaaahhh, spring.We took the pree-K kids out under the cherry trees for lunch yesterday. (good thing because today is back to March weather) Lucky you to get to go on a sleep-over with the BIG kids who actually know how to sleep!

  5. I love retreats, and yours sounds wonderful!

  6. How fun! I haven't been on a retreat of any kind for a long time. The bib is adorable too.

  7. Love the rosemary - it's an herb, so you should be able to raise it indoors. Wouldn't that be wonderful thru the winter! I've never done a retreat - everyone who does give such wonderful reports. Enjoy your spring.

  8. Love the bib...does she have a pattern? Have a new grandbaby to make bibs for ;)

  9. I love rosemary! When I cut it I sometimes wrap it into a small wreath(though it will eventually drop its needles). I loved it when I cut the one at school. I would hand out sprigs to all the teachers and students on the way to the buses telling them rosemary is for remembrance they loved the comforting smell.

  10. Oh my goodness--you got so much done! I should have been there working on my quilt. BUT--I am happy to report that it is in progress now! Got everything out, replaced the broken needle, and the machine is running perfectly.

  11. What a great way to start the Spring with a Quilt Retreat. It sounds like a lot of fun, and in 4 days you probably get quite a bit of sewing in.

    My rosemary does not last through the winter sadly. Yours looks beautiful.

  12. Ok, Rosemary not for me, I think it has to do with the Nuns had a field of it...and that meant turkey, which was served far too often at boarding looks pretty from here lol..

  13. What a productive retreat you had. Sounds like much fun.

    Re: rosemary -- I had a large, old bush in my back yard that finally gave up the ghost after almost 20 years, but have planted a new one in the bed just outside my front door. I really like the piney/rosin-y fragrance and, of course, the taste. I think your cuttings make a lovely bouquet.

  14. I want to go on a quilting retreat! I've never been to one and it sounds like so much fun!!! Have a great time!

  15. Allergies explain you love of indoor activities in Spring like quilting.
    So far I am lethal to rosemary. I have killed several.

  16. dear Marlene,
    I am glad that you got away on your retreat. Its sounds like so much fun.
    Thank you for your call today. It is love and prayers that are getting me through this.
    Thank you for giving me both. this is my 19th day in the seems like a lifetime but I know that this is where I need to be.
    Hugs, Lura

  17. Every year I have to replant my rosemary. For some reason it just won't survive our winters. Just put some more in the garden yesterday.

  18. Fun! I do love a quilting retreat or any kinda girlfriends retreat! Lot's of laughs for sure!
    Happy Spring!
    xx, shell

  19. OH How fun!!! And I love the bib!

  20. It always seems like it turns green overnight! We've been working outside a lot, too~still have much to do.

    I love to cut rosemary in the winter to bring a little greenery inside. It does last for a while--longer than flowers, and the smell is wonderful! Yours looks so pretty on the sewing machine. I'm looking forward to seeing your projects.

  21. Cute little bib! Can't wait to see the things you made at retreat. I wish I could go to a retreat but it won't happen this year. Maybe next year I can join some quilting gals from my home town and 'retreat' with them.

  22. Darling little bib. Retreat are always so much fun. I attended one in two months ago and ready to go again.

    I am sure it smells wonderful in your home with the Rosemary. You can buy a plant and keep inside--- then you will have it all year around!

    Carolyn :)
