Thursday, April 14, 2011


This is a personal question...we currently use AT&T as our telephone service provider and their rates are just getting to be too much for us so we're thinking of switching.  Has anyone used Vonage?  I'd love to know if you like them, if you can keep your current number, etc.  Thanks for any info!


  1. Two long and one short ... that takes me back a bit. Sorry I have nothing to offer on phone service. We changed our service recently to save money but although we kept our old number, the fax doesn't work and we are paying more in frustration.

  2. We switched from Verizon to Time Warner last year and we were able to keep our phone number.

  3. we switched to verizon from AT*T last year as we got the new phone Palm Pre Plus which you can get internet service from - I don't know how much just a regular bill runs - this is high I think. We get much better cell signal out here in the country with Verizon than we we did with AT&T
    Old phone ours was 3 shorts - tell that to the kids and they have no idea how it would work :)

  4. We switched from at&t to vonage last year so I could call Marie in England for free. We kept our same phone number. The only down side is you don't have phone service if the internet is down. However since we have cell phones that doesn't bother us. We like having vonage.

    Thanks as always for your prayers and support. This is day 21 for me.... and at times it seems I will never be pain free again. I wish time would pass a little faster. This is getting so old... but I must be patient and submit to God's will and timing. Hugs, Lura

  5. Can't help you with Vonage but we swicthed our home number from Verizon over to a US Cellular phone and are very happy to no longer have a landline. Of course, that all depends on how good your cell phone service is where you're at. We also have wireless internet so didn't have to worry about a DSL or dial up line.

  6. We went totally cell phone and kept our home number as my phone, it has worked well for us.

  7. I've never used Vonage, but we have Majic Jack and it works well most of the time. you have to be on DSL to use it--no satellite.

  8. I switched to the all-in-one service with Time Warner (it's in our area) we have a little local phone company that was billing us along with the bills from long distant providers - 2 bills! Since I had the cable for the TV and then the dedicated line for the 'puter - I just added the phone. So much cheaper.

  9. I think it depends on whether you have satellite or cable on what options you have. We still have a home phone, because here you have to have a land line to get internet, but we don't make any long distance calls with our land line. We use our cell phone for long distance.

  10. We have been land line free for about 9 years. Haven't regretted it once.

  11. We have had Vonage for a couple years and are very satisfied with it. If the internet does go down, it will automatically forward any calls to a cell phone that you select. We are now thinking of switching to Magic Jack to save even more money, but are waiting to find out if we can keep our home number or not. Good Luck!

  12. We have Vonage because the phone lines inside the wall somewhere are broken and I don't want my walls ripped apart to find the break. we have some issues with it. Sometimes I pick up and I say hello and the other person hears me but I don't hear them. I hang up and it rings and we are all set. Friends and family are used to it but if it is a Dr calling back it is a pain. And sometimes when I am uploading or emailing lots of pics for my magazine work, we can't use the phone because every other word cuts out. Oh and sometimes there is an echo. nd those continue despite 3 different phone sets (3 different brands) and repeated calls to Vonage. I don't have a choice though so I stick with it. Good luck!!

  13. I have Vonage and for the most part I like it...sometimes the phone isn't real clear but I have found if I hang up and try again it is fine...that doesn't happen often but every once in a while...Love that you can call anywhere and it doesn't cost any more. And I think calling international is really reasonable too

  14. Sorry, can't help, I use a prepaid calling card at 3.5 cents per minute.

  15. We had Vonage for a while, but then we went to all cell phones. I was able to keep the home phone number as my cell.

  16. I don't like Vonage. I had a terrible experience with them and I could never get anyone in customer service that I could understand.

  17. We've had Vonage for a couple of years now... remind me and I'll give you all my pros/cons in person - you know I'll have more to say than I have time to type ; )
