Friday, April 15, 2011


As many of you may have heard we had some terrible storms in Arkansas last night.  Here in my own county, not far from one of my daughters, two people died when a tree fell on their mobile home.  Those who died, a young man (24) and his 18 month old child, were sleeping while the storm raged, as were most of us in this area.  This morning the world has been washed clean and the sun is shining and it's a beautiful day.  Sometimes storms rage around us and even in us...not literal ones but storms just the same.  My life has been blessed in so many ways but some days the mother in me worries desperately about her doesn't seem to matter how old they are, a mother still worries if she's 102 and her child is 82 (not that I'm 102!)  Some days I look at my home and I sputter and spit because this needs to be done and that needs to be done, windows replaced, floors refinished, flower beds cleaned out.  The television comes on and the news is awful-gas prices above what we've ever paid, the cost of a loaf of bread soon to be out of sight, fighting in the middle east, starving people in Africa.  Storms rage all around us.  But I'm going to let last night's storm remind me that as bad as the storm is, morning does come.  The sun will come out and the world will be washed clean and birds will sing.  We will arise and face a new day and smiles will return.  God is still in His Heaven.

Inside my house today a storm is going to rage and it's going to happen in my sewing room.  I haven't been in there in over a week now..since I got home from a quilt retreat.  Nothing is put away; in fact, more has been piled up as I picked up my clutter from other places in the house.  I'm going to open the windows, let the sun shine in on me and the breeze blow through the house, and God and I will clean up from the storm in that room!  What's this day going to bring you?  Are you in the midwest where they're going to get snow storms today?  Or in southern California where the weather will be perfect?  Or somewhere else in the world where weather is going to play a part in your day?


  1. Good morning, I knew that Arkansas was under tornado watches last night. I have a grandson and family in Fayetteville, and have no idea what kind of weather they had. It seems that Fayetteville is always in the path of something! I'm glad you had no damage.

    When you clean out today, be sure and take care of your back. I did that last week and I'm just now getting better with the help of muscle relaxers. I was in misery for a few days.

    We might get smoke today from the wild fires out in west Texas. Other than that the sun is out with a brisk, cool north wind, lower 80's expected.

    Still taking it easy with my back, so I'm going to sew up a pair of shorts for a grandson. Hoping they will fit, he lives in Iowa!

    Take care . . .

  2. glad to hear you came through the storm - but sorry to hear this morning that some had lost their lives. We just had the usual thunder storms here near Russellville.

  3. I'm not sure what we will get, but the wind is blowing and right now, it is 42*.

    I'm sorry to hear about the tragedy of last night's storm.

    Have a wonderful day!

  4. You know what I love? They have been predicting snow tomorrow for a week. The little icon in the forecast is a picture of snow. But if you read the details, you know what the chance of snow is? 30%. That's what worry is like. It COULD happen. But chances are it won't. Everyone is talking about it. If it did happen, we all know it can't stay. And yet, it has people's feathers ruffled. Not mine. I got a lot of work done yesterday, so today I get to move about at my own pace. It's a cloudy, blustery, happy day in my world. Thanks for a great post, Marlene. Glad you and yours are well.

  5. Knowing Who is in control of all things and Sovereign over all is what brings me peace during all the storms that are going on in our world....

  6. Hey, Marlene,

    We're awaiting what you just had, weatherwise, albeit perhaps a little milder version. Heavy rain, thunderstorms, possibly tornadoes. but we usually (knock on wood) don't get them as severely as do those in the Midwest. So sorry about your county. But thank goodness you came thru all right. And yes, the world is also in a terrible mess. I have come to regard my farm as my country. Sad to say, but I've given up expecting things are going to change any time soon in the U. S.even were we all to engage in serious activism.

    We're on our own.

  7. Well said Miss Pat. I'm glad all those storms what we shared with you didn't cause any damage for you!

  8. I am so afraid of tornadoes. We rarely have one any where near but I freak out. The weather here is windy, rainy and hail is falling at the moment. I want to get outside, know I will feel better when I can but its just not cooperating. Loved your analagies of storms. Am going to think about that for a bit and maybe take my hand and see what I can write. I feel like the Lord is prompting me to. The first time in a long time. Thanks - my head is some better today.

  9. I have not yet seen the news; I'm sorry to hear of the suffering from this latests storm. I appreciate your reminders of God's faithfulness. On a prominent wall, I have a Jan Patek designed wall hanging; many tears quilted into it. Amongst a background of moons, stars, big bright sun and blackbird are the words to the first lines of "Morning has broken, like the first morning." Contrary to contemporary understanding, those words were first written several hundred years ago and point to the faithfulness of our Sovereign God generation after generation, deserving or not. A wonderful reminder to me each day.

  10. It seems like the entire southeastern US has had nothing but severe weather and storms all spring. I sure hope it straightens out soon as we planned on heading to Eureka Springs, AR the week after Easter. I had that "storm" in my sewing room a couple of weeks ago. Need to post a picture of the king-sized duvet cover and pillow shams I finally finished.

  11. I am in So CA with perfect 80* weather and am praying for all of those affected by the storms last night. So sad.

  12. "The Lord stilled the storm to a whisper, the waves of the sea were hushed. They were glad when it grew calm and he guided them to their desired haven. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men." Psalm 107:29 - 31.
    Prayers for stillness in the storm and quiet in the pounding waves of life.

  13. I thought about you when I heard of all the damage around the state this AM. So glad you are OK.
    Here in the north, we were spared.

  14. Such a great perspective. When God is with you in the storm, all will be well.

  15. Hello to you dear Marlene!! I hope your day is now storm cloud free and a little tidier :) I've got a little girl turning 5 this weekend so, with pre-school treats on Thursday, friends' party on Saturday and family party on Sunday ... not much sewing going on ... oh, and I'm trying to get a little dress made for her in time to wear to her party...tomorrow :) Almost finished :) :) then, finish decorating her cake, clean the house, decorate the house for the party, clean the house, clean the kids, wrap presents, fix treats for party .... um, guess I best be gettnig back to it :) Hope to catch up with you soon :) :) God Bless!

  16. As I was reading your post, was thinking of the words you said and was reminded of the things that are supposed to happen in the last days...thanks for reminding me to be diligent in the things I do....wonder if this might be the time???

  17. We had some serious weather up here last night too. The first thing this morning, I saw my sister's status on Facebook about thinking the sky was falling last night - she's the one that lives in Hot Springs. On my way to work this morning, I was impressed with the beautiful blue sky after such an unsettling night. God is still on the throne.

  18. I'm so happy to know you were safe but sad to know some were not. I love the little quote that tells us sometimes He calms the storm and sometimes He calms His child in the storm. No matter what the storm we can rest in peace that HE is in control.

  19. I know what you mean about all kinds of "storms". We are having rain snow in Ohio...thank goodness. Funny, my sewing room is in bad shape since my retreat in March also...spent some fun sewing time yesterday with friends...not in my room!

  20. Hello dear,
    I am in a new hospital that I don't like because service has been poor. I hope it will improve today. I guess the only storm I have to face is that of discouragement..... but like you said in your comment to me today... worry and fear have no place with faith. I will let the sunlight of faith shine away these clouds of worry that are trying to over shadow me. Thanks for your prayers and encouragement. Love, Lura

  21. Glad you are ok, and I hope you enjoyed your day in your sewing room. Two weeks ago, we had very severe hail storms in our neck of the ball size hail. Lots of new roofs going up in our neigborhood, including ours. But no deaths, so sad to hear about the fatalities in Arkansas and Oklahoma. Our lives can truly change overnight...take care. I was blessed to be a part of an Outreach Ministry this morning...Easter egg hunt (brrr! it was cold) and crafts. It was so much fun to interact with the little ones and to share their joy in the simple things!

  22. Yep, nature brings hail and snow storms, typhoons and hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, and tsunamis but ut also brings flowers and bird song and sunsets and all that stuff that warms the heart and calms the soul.

  23. Marlene, I hope your plans went your way yesterday. Today, I need to do what you did. Go to my sewing room and clean, clean, clean. Maybe that is why I have been avoiding it for the past couple of weeks.

  24. Great analogy Marlene! I really needed to hear it.

  25. Thank God your daughter and family are okay after the storm. I have been watching the news and seeing the devastation across the nation. We never know what each day will bring...sunshine or storms. Live every day to the fullest.
