Monday, May 7, 2012

K Is For...

K is for kind.  I didn't even have to search for this one.  If you read the previous post you'll have expected this one.  Nice matters.  Kind is the only way.  There is no other way.  It fits perfectly with the just part of my personality.

If everyone in the world did one unexpected act of kindness to someone else every single day we could change the world.  Seriously.


  1. For sure Marlene, for sure. Kindness needn't cost a penny and you are right, we could change the world.

  2. you are invited to follow my blog

  3. Marlene, you definitely speak truth this morning. It's the simplest (and purest) of gifts. Would that we'd all demonstrate that quality today! :)

  4. Amen, again and again!! It's shocking to hear people WE KNOW being shocked by an act of kindness! Say what? Why are they surprised and WHY didn't they think of doing the same thing? Have we forgotten that it's more blessed to give than to receive?! Just do it - be kind!!

  5. That is so true!
    The world would be a different place.
    (however no one would be able to run for political office....a bonus!)

    Hugs for your day!

  6. Amen sister - that was my K too. It costs nothing to be kind. Blessings to you my kind sister.

  7. Amen. Just to think what our world/county would be if people remembered to practice Kindness. Thank you. God's Blessings to you.

  8. Blessings to you, Marlene, for such a sweet and thoughtful post. I guess we all wonder at times, if the things we do will ever "count" for something....oh yes they will! And we may never know the lives that we touch with a small kindness!

  9. You've probably heard the saying about the three most important rules in life?
    #1---Be kind

    #2 Be kind

    #3 Be kind!
