Saturday, November 30, 2013

A Funny Kid and A Winner

Our son and his family came for Thanksgiving.  So much fun!  Andrew, who is "about to turn 5" in his words, was ready for bed when he discovered he had forgotten his sleeping companion. He came running in to me and said, "Grandma, where do you keep your stuffed animals?"  After all, everybody keeps stuffed animals, right?  :)  And what Grandma doesn't?  I happened to have 2 teddy bears in the closet, in case of emergencies!

The winner of my giveaway on the Black Tie Boogie Blog Hop is Carolyn from Sew. Darn. Quilt.  I've e-mailed her and will be sending out her two charm packs next week.  Congratulations Carolyn!


  1. Andrew is adorable. I am so happy you had those just in case stuffed animals.

  2. Just in case stuffed animals huh? I have some too. The oldest grandson told his mom the other day he was staying here and never leaving. His reason? I made pumpkin pie.

  3. Andrew is a sweetie pie. Backup bears, you are the tops. =)
    Thank you ;)

  4. He is a sweetie pie!

    Congrats to the winner!

  5. Congratulations to Carolyn. Thanks for hosting the giveaway. He is such a cutie pie.

  6. Such a good grandma...of course you'd have a teddy bear in the closet! Congrats to the winner!

  7. What a cute little guy!!! And such a sweet story - you surely do know the important things all good Grandma's should have around the house for little visitors :*)

  8. Such a nice post,Andrew is adorable .Congrats to Carolyn!

  9. Andrew is such a cutie! I have a grandma closet, too.

  10. Congratulations to Carolyn and thank you for hosting. Oh yeah, I have those back up stuffies too. The favorite is the giant snow leapard

  11. The criteria for grandparenthood ... good advice!

  12. Ohhhhh such a sweet young man And a stuffed anything is really the best to any child if it comes from grandma

  13. Well of course Grandma has that secret stash!!!! What a cute little guy!

  14. What a cute boy. I'm glad you were prepared gra

  15. Sorry... My iPad froze up. Glad you could find a teddy for your Andrew. What a good grandma. Hugs

  16. Hi!!!! He is adorable!!!!! Glad you had a teddy bear for him!!!!! Love the quilt he is standing by too!!!!

  17. He is adorable. I am going to have to remember to have some stuffed animals on hand when I become a grandma.

  18. Andrew is such a cute boy! What a great nana you are! I would have completely failed in that role, if I had a grandson ask for a stuffed animal. You are blessed.
