Monday, November 25, 2013

Black Tie Boogie - Today's The Day!

Today's the day I get to show you the projects I made for this hop - and I have to say this has been one of my very favorites!  I love this idea that Madame Samm came up with and the great way Vickie has handled the organization chores for us.

It's been simply gorgeous here on the lake this year so it was hard for me to stay in and sew....just look at this beautiful scene I'm blessed to see outside my window.

I started out a bit slow even though I had several things in mind when I first heard about this hop.  I was in Missouri visiting my sister when I ran across a panel in a quilt shop there that I knew couldn't be passed up.  It was for this cute apron:

My friend Sandy agreed to model it for me but I promised not to show her face.  :)  This one is for my sister because she has, and loves, 22 chickens!

With this panel came another smaller rooster off by itself on the panel and since "waste not, want not" I made it into a simple pouch with a velcro closure for all my hand embroidery/quilting/applique needles.
You can see it here peeking out of my grandmother's sewing basket.

I just thought this was a pretty picture with the sun shining in the patio door and right onto Mr. Rooster.  :)

Then I dug back into my stash and UFOs and came up with these placemats.  I had bought this fabric about 3 years ago at a shop in Greenwood, Arkansas but had put off cutting into it.  I do love these!

I was visiting the local quilt shop one day and saw some more really cute chicken fabric and couldn't resist.  Truth be told, I didn't try.  :)  I needed a simple machine cover that I could just toss over my sewing machine so this is a rectangle, quilted, with ric rac added.

But my favorite project of all is this quilt called Hip Chicks - it just makes me smile every time I see it.  :)  The hair and legs are ric rac and the beaks and wings are prairie points.

I have a new computer and I just learned today how to do this so you're getting an extra picture 'cause it made me smile!  Going from a PC to a Mac definitely has a learning curve - a steep one!

Have you ever seen anything so cute?  :)

If you've made it this far be sure to leave me a comment. I've got a couple of charm squares from Free Spirit that I bet someone would love to have.  Just one comment will do and yes, I will ship internationally.

Here's the schedule for the rest of his hop - so many great stitchers to see and so many wonderful projects to crow over!

November 25
November 26
November 27
November 28


  1. Love them all! But the crazy chickens are really my favorite too. Love the quilting as well as all the personalities. Very fun! Thanks for sharing. K-

  2. All lovely projects. I love the whimsy chick quilt - how fun with all the personalities and nicely accent quilting to pop them.

  3. Love your hip chicks. They are adorable. Thanks for the chance at a great giveaway!

  4. The work shown here is fabulous. Love it. Thank you for making it open to all. Much appreciated.

  5. All great! The crazy chicks have got to be some of the cutest I have seen! They made me smile too.

  6. Love all of your fowl (haha) projects! Those Hip Chicks are really groovy with their rick rack hair. Thank you for sharing your creations.

  7. Your projects are great, but your quilt is just GORGEOUS!!!!! Wonderful, the dots, the chicks, the echo quilting, it just fits!!!

  8. I love all your projects but your Hip Chicks is my favourite!!
    BTW I love the view from your window!!

  9. I love the apron - just in time for the holiday season

  10. Adorable quilt - made me smile! And, the apron brings back memories Mu 9th grade sewing project was a bright orange apron with a very large, colorful rooster embroidered on the front. I love your apron

  11. Yes Marlene, that quilt is just about the cutest thing I've ever seen ! The quilting around those crazy chicks makes me think they are waddling....hahaha ! Apron, place mats, pouch and machine cover...are all just great ! You and your Janome seem to be getting along famously ! Thanks for showing the beautiful photo outside your window, it's just beautiful. Awesome job pretty lady.

  12. I LOVE that panel. Super strong, well defined colors. What a strutting rooster he is and the apron is wonderful. The quilt with all the chicks with ric rac hair - what can I say? It makes me smile, too. Thanks for sharing all your pics. You are going to LOVE moving to a Mac, too!

  13. You certainly embraced the theme for this hop!! What wonderful projects!

  14. You have made so wonderful and lovely projects. I fell in love with your Hipp Chicks. I think I must try to make something similar. Thanks for sharing your creativity. And you will love your Mac.

  15. You are very talented. Your projects are not only creative but very useful.

  16. Love your Hip Chicks - so cute. Thanks for sharing & thanks for the chance to win.

  17. Hip Chicks is really fantastic and I love how you quilted it! The placemats and apron are very nice as well! Great showing today!

  18. Everything is just wonderful, including the view from your house! Love the Hip Chicks....they make me smile too. And that apron is really pretty, along with the placemats. I hate to cut up my fabric too, but am always glad that I did. Great job today. Happy Thanksgiving!

  19. Your projects are all so great. Thanks for sharing them!

  20. Wow, what a great variety of lovely projects! Thanks for sharing.

  21. Great projects and I especially love that chicken quilt. I so enjoy seeing animal quilts made with bright fabrics or novelties, dots are always a favorite. Thanks for sharing all of those.

  22. You have made some terrific projects. Love the apron. The place mats seem to match those napkins too. Very nice. You hip chicks are so cute!! Glad you love your new Mac. I am a long time Mac girl. Thanks for the great pictures!

  23. They're all great projects, but Hip Chicks is definitely my favorite!

  24. Great use of such different fabrics! I do think the colors in Hip Chicks are so bright and cheery. It warms the spirit, too!

  25. Marlene; this is adorable!! Each one is better and better. I love the ric rac hair and legs!!!

  26. Sou brasileira, e amo patchwork. Aqui estamos gatinhando ainda, mas temos muito para comemorar e costurar muito. Achei criativa a colcha, porque são galinhas simpáticas!

  27. YOU just knew I would be head over feathers over your quilt….gorgeous Marlene…all of your projects distinctive, full of inspiration..but that quilt…wow…….

  28. I love all your projects but the quilt has to be my fav. Great job!

    Robin in Washington State
    assweetaspeaches hotmail

  29. Love your chicks and roosters -- I need to get shopping, I had no idea there were so many cute chicken fabrics out there! :)

  30. Great projects Marlene! Love those hip chicks :)

  31. Oh my goodness, Marlene, that is the best chicken quilt I've ever seen! How fun and whimsical. Fantastic job!!!

  32. Marlene, the chicks quilt is absolutely adorable!

  33. Love those Hip Chicks...what a fun bunch of gals! I can see why they make you smile every time you look at them...I would be smiling too!

  34. The fabrics are just beautiful on your apron and placemats...great projects! Your Hip Chicks are just the cutest things and look adorable on your it!

  35. Such fun projects! Thanks for sharing!

  36. One project cutier thatn the next. Those Hip Chicks are wonderful. So expressive. The quilting is stellar.

  37. Everything is sew cute. Love the HIp Chicks and your pictures are awesome. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  38. Beautiful, just beautiful...Thanks for sharing

  39. Oh my! How cute is that quilt?! So colorful and I love the quilting on it!

  40. Such wonderful projects...and loved the quilting!! Thanks you sew much for throwing my name into your give away hat!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  41. I love the colors in your quilt and the use of the rick rack. Your table looks lovely also. Happy Thanksgiving

  42. That quilt is pretty awesome!!!!

  43. What a great idea to use such a pretty panel to make an apron. I can see why you couldn't refuse getting that one. But your quilt is gorgeous! I love it!!

  44. Love your made me grin!

  45. Your sister is lucky to have you as a sib... Your Hip Chicks quilt is so cute. Do you have a pattern? The prairie points and rick rack really add pizzazz to it! sewingblogsarefun at yahoo dot com

  46. I love your bright fun quilt! Thanks for sharing!

  47. It's wonderful to see how many people love chickens like I do. "Very jealous of your view"

  48. What great projects! I love them all, but I especially love that cute, cute quilt.

  49. WOW! Your projects really are worth clucking about! (pun intended) ALl are beautiful and your photography skills are wonderful/. Love the details in your quilt and the exprssions of the rooster priceless!

    Happy Holidays. Jane

  50. i love all your chicken products! especially the quilt, how could anyone be depressed with that quilt in view? i understand how your sister feels. i had a very large rooster, claude, who would peck on the door so i would come outside to pet him and feed him a twinkie. thank you for a generous giveaway.

  51. I really liked your apron as I collect them and this so new to me. Your ric rac quilt is just amazing and my favourite project though. I love their ric rac hair! Thanks for sharing a fun post and a lovely giveaway.

  52. Your quilt is the cutest!!!!
    My daughter has a few chickens:) They are her pets:)

  53. Your sister will LOVE that apron. The machine cover is fabulous in those fabrics, but that quilt is precious!! I think I need to put that one on my to do list. Oh fun that it!

  54. Your projects came out great! The placemats are so appropriately festive for this week. Congrats on making the wall of fame today too!

  55. Such beautiful items! I love the hip chicks quilt!

  56. Love, love, love everyone of these!!

  57. Love, love, love everyone of these!!

  58. Computers are great for learning curves..... ;)
    Love your yard birds, remind me of my pet rooster Pickle from my childhood.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  59. Well, I love it all! Your chicken quilt is just the cutiest!

  60. I give your projects 10 clucks!!! they are fantastic! thanks for sharing....

  61. Congratulations on being in the top selected today! Your quilt is wonderful.

  62. I need to make a sewing machine cover too. After Christmas I am going to make time for some selfish sewing!

  63. Everyone of your projects are stunning .Great pics!!

  64. All your chicken projects are great but the Hip Chicks definitely steals the show! I love the extra 3D embellishments that bring the chickens to life!

  65. What neat projects and your Hip Chicks....adorable!! Congrats! Have fun with your new computer!

  66. What an adorable quilt! Your other projects are equally cute!

  67. You really did the Black Tie Boogie in style. Everything is wonderful. Hip Chicks is definitely a smile inducer. I love what you have created! Happy hopping and thanks for joining. Creative Stitching Bliss...

  68. Hip Chicks is adorable! I want to see that redwork! Nice pictures & projects.

  69. No wonder this has been your favorite hop! Your projects are terrific, but I do love your Hip Chicks! Congratulations on the top choice of the day!

  70. What a gorgeous view of your lake! I love "Hip Chicks" and have a friend who needs that for her quilting shed, the Hen House. Your projects rock, as always.
    Thanks for the chance to win, and the great photos you've taken.

  71. Your chicken quilt sure made me chuckle!!! I envy you your lake... we truly miss the Finger Lakes( our home area) here in Missouri!

  72. This is so much fun, "Hip Chicks" is a top pick for sure :)
    Thank you for sharing.

  73. The apron you made is beautiful and the Hip Chicks quilt is absolutely adorable! Thanks for sharing them.

  74. I love the chick quilt. it is great. thanks so much for sharing

  75. I like your work, but I just adore that prairie point chickens quilt! ~ Lynda

  76. Oh my do I love your quilt. You appear to be a dedicated person with any needle. Great!

  77. Your Hip Chicks quilt makes me smile too. Congratulations on being a top pick of the day.

  78. I love you Hip Chicks and their "attitudes"! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours..

  79. They are absolutely beautiful. What great projects. Love the last quilt. You out did yourself. Thanks for showing and the chance to win your give away.

  80. I love that hip chicks Thanks for sharing. I know I have to do that project. Hope you have the pattern soon

  81. Love the quilt! The colors are great.

  82. You certainly accomplished alot in spite of that wonderful view of the lake. I would have to sew in front of the window with that view an probably not get a lot done. All of you projects are so cute. Love them all. Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win.

  83. love the view you have there.
    and your quilts .... love those chickens.
    thanks sew much for sharing with us

  84. I don't blame you; if I had that view, I would have a hard time getting anything done. But, oh, that apron and the Hip Chicks! And the place mats. You did good, even with that view. :-)
    Blessed Thanksgiving!

  85. So many clucky projects. Love the chickens with the rick rack legs and prairie points though.

  86. Had to go check I follow via bloglovin.

  87. WONDERFUL job!!! Such creativity! :)

  88. Love what you have created, well done

  89. I so enjoyed your blog post and the cute rooster items you made. I love roosters and have a few rooster items in my kitchen. Oh, and some rooster fabric in my sewing room.

    Thanks for sharing.


  90. I have been following your blog for quite a while. I always enjoy reading. Your quilts are awesome and I love your chicken quilt.

  91. All of your projects are great. Your Hip Chicks quilt it really stunning ... love the design, the colors and the ric rac hair. LOL Anybody would smile looking at that quilt.

  92. Perhaps Hip Chicks is the cutest quilt I've seen for awhile; it just sparkles with personality. Love the red and yellow sprinkles in with the black and white. Lots of other cute projects - your sister will love her apron.

  93. I love all of your projects, but that Hip Chicks is awesome!! Well done.
    Thanks for sharing and Happy Thanksgiving.

  94. I think Hip Chicks is "in it to win it". How cute is that quilt! Love the colours and the black and white. Sew cheerful, who can look at it and not smile! Great job on all your projects. Happy Thanksgiving.

  95. I am amazed at the variety of chicken prints (and it isn't even their year yet! Thanks for all the ideas for when the year rolls around (both my 4th daughter and her husband are chicken year ...and they, too, raise chickens.

  96. Love Love your quilt. I am scared of chickens but yours are sew quilt.

  97. Yes, it is the cutest!!! I absolutely love Hip makes me giggle! All of your projects are wonderful. I wish I had that view. Thank you for sharing! anglanouette at gmail dot com

  98. Love all of your projects. Hip Chicks is my favorite though.

  99. Your view, your projects, and that quilt are all so wonderful to see. What a great stop on this fowl hop. You definitely are making me smile. I love all the extra touches on the quilt. Great job!

  100. I believe I like Hip Chicks the best, too. Never much of an apron or placemat kinda gal (does that mean I'm a slob? HA). And yes, you have a BEAUTIFUL view in your little piece of paradise! Thanks for the giveaway!

  101. Love the apron, love the placemats,and love the quilt! Really really fun. Thanks for sharing!

  102. No I haven't ever seen anything cuter than those Hip Chicks! They are adorable as are the other projects. Thanks for sharing.
    xo jan@sewandsowfarm

  103. Those Hip Chicks are fantastic - and so are all your other projects.

  104. Okay, I think the Hip Chicks quilt is the cutest quilt I have ever seen......Love It !!!!! Thanks

  105. Love your hip chicks! What about that view you have. No wonder stitching is hard with all the natural beauty that surrounds you!

  106. Your hip chicks are totally hip haha. I seen a little bit of redwork there too, thanks for the giveaway.
    smjohns63 at yahoo dot com

  107. Your projects are wonderful. I love your quilt. They look so happy and cute, With the FMQ it looks like they are moving to the groove. Love it. Thank you for sharing and for the give a way.

  108. All are very nice and useful! I like the "no waste" philosophy. It sometimes causes a bit of creativity that might not have been there otherwise. You did a wonderful job with all your projects. I like the hip chicks - good title! Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for a chance at your giveaway!

  109. The view from your window is to die for. Hip Chicks is just to darn cute, makes me want to make one. I'm so enjoying this hop too. Thanks for the giveaway.

  110. I'm jealous of your beautiful view! All of your projects are really nice. My favourites are the apron and the hair on Hip Chicks is such a hoot!

  111. I would love to be enjoying that beautiful view but we must get our projects finished. I loved all of your projects but your "Hip Chicks" just made me smile from ear to ear so adorable and laughable. Thanks Marlene.

  112. Great projects! My favorite is the quilt. It is so bright and fun.

  113. No, I never have seen anything so cute! LOVE that quilt. And your pictures are gorgeous! Happy Thanksgiving, Marlene!

  114. Awesome projects. I love them all, especially the apron and the place mats. Thanks for the giveaway chance. Have a great week.

  115. Marlene, you outdid yourself on this hop!! That is the cutest chicken quilt ever...I just love it and it makes me smile too! The aprons and place-mats are all so nicely made. very nice! Happy Thanksgiving!

  116. Wow- isn't it amazing that sometimes we have things in our stash that we forgot, even though we loved it when we saw it. And how wonderful when it is "found" at the right time.
    I have to say I think you have a winner entry here!

  117. Absolutely love your quilt! Using the ric rac for the accents on the chickens and flowers was fantastic! What wonderful ideas you have.

  118. Wow! I love the chicken quilt!!! EVERYTHING IS JUST PERFECTION on it!!!!
    I also wanted to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving there by the Lake...

  119. Your chicken quilt is adorable and that rooster on the apron is gorgeous as well as your placemats.

  120. All of your projects are quite adorable. Probably why I follow your blog, huh?

  121. What stunning placemats. Love all your projects. Thanks for sharing.

  122. Your quilt is great! And I love the place mats, they are just the colors I love. And a beautiful view!
    Happy Thanksgiving from Marit in Norway

  123. I love the Hip Chicks quilt. How creative and cute!

  124. So many great projects! Love your quilt and the placemats are lovely. Really liked striped fabric for borders and binding. Thanks for sharing, great job!

    Thank you for a super giveaway and a chance to win.


  125. I am so incredibly late getting around for this hop---on deadline, 3 must get done soon items---but now that I am on the binding I hope to check in on all of you! The placemats and other projects are cute but that Hip Chicks is adorable! That has to be my favorite too. Well done, Marlene.

  126. I love how your hip Chicks quilt turned out, its a very fun project, and you chose your fabrics perfectly. But I also really like your chicken placemats, a delightful print to keep little ones searching the background when they are waiting I should think! Very good job to you!

    You are an amazing talented woman!

  128. I love your Chicks quilt! They are some awesome little chickies! Thanks for sharing!
