Saturday, November 23, 2013

Baby It's Cold Outside!

So thankful to be sitting in front of the fire tonight! I sure hope that winter storm stays away from us!

It's been such a pretty fall here...freezing rain, if we get it, will ruin this beautiful scene!

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  1. We are getting some snow and high winds - to be very very cold tomorrow. I have several 'helpers' coming to load up my stuff after the show - hopefully we are out of their in 5 minutes - sub temps are horrible.

  2. I not a fan of the cold weather either. Stay toasty.

  3. I am sitting near a wonderful fire too. Snow levels are dropping to 5,000 feet so we will likely get a dusting of the white stuff later. It`s damp and cold, raining steady three days saturating the ground. This is one huge storm isn`t it? Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving Marlene.

  4. It's cold here too...and I don't like it!! Your tree is so pretty...maybe throw a blanket over it...or a plastic bubble perhaps? Snow on a tree can be very pretty too...:o}}

  5. It's a freezing cold Sunday morning at my house. I have a fire in the fireplace and a roast in the oven. Soon I'll pick up my dear, little mother to join me for a warm Sunday dinner. My sweetheart is on his way home from an elk hunting trip to the other side of the state. We had ice this morning and I've been feeling the need to stay inside! Stay warm, dear friend. Enjoy your fire.
