Friday, February 7, 2014

Is It Spring Yet?

Because if it isn't spring, I'm going back to bed.  Honestly, here in Arkansas we don't get all that much cold, cold weather but this year has been different.  And we rarely get snow but already it's snowed several times and this afternoon it's going to snow again.  There's no telling what my heating bill is going to be because I just keep turning it up a degree and then another degree.

Meanwhile I'm still staying in and stitching.  That's the positive part of cold weather.  :)

 The background is cotton but a very loose weave.  The figures are wool done with a blanket stitch.

Do you think the background needs some quilting?  The pattern doesn't show it but I think it does.  Some hand quilting?  Big stitch?  If so, what pattern?

And do the sheep need eyes?  Again when consulting the pattern it says yes but I'm thinking maybe no.  It shows French knots.

I love this piece and plan to hand it above one of the doors in my living room but I'm pretty sure I really want some quilting on it.


  1. 1. No, it's definitely not spring yet.
    2. I LOVE your sheep. :-)

  2. I love it, But if you think it need quilting do one or two quilted stars. We have snow here in Oregon too. Kept warm with the wool.

  3. Beautiful work.

    It is good you have this talent. It may be the only thing that saves you from this winter.

    Heal quickly

  4. Love your sheep runner!if you think it needs some quilting, maybe some cross hatching in the background...I use that a lot!

  5. It does need some quilting - I like Lesley's suggestion. I don't think the sheep need eyes. Spring?? Even with all the snow we got - the Robins have been back for the last couple of weeks - very large flocks, too.

  6. I'm with you Marlene!!! I don't do winter LOL!!!
    I would quilt it a little, maybe just a small meander around the background and letters? And the sheep eyes are optional I think. They will be totally cute either way :)

  7. How precious is this? I love anything sheepies, and of course the verse is wonderful. :) I hate doing french knots, but if you want eyes for the sheep, you could put those itty bitty black beads. As far as quilting goes, I probably would do a little...I like Leslie's idea of the cross-hatching. It is ADORABLE! Stay warm. :)

  8. Hi!!!! I love the cute little sheep!!!! Not Spring Yet!!!! I am so ready for it too!!!!

  9. I love your sheep -- your instincts are always so good, so I say go for it! Eyes and quilting, and be sure to show us! :)

  10. Me, I would outline stitch around the figure and the animals. Nice piece!

  11. I absolutely love this, Marlene! And I needs a bit of quilting on the background...I like the suggestion of the crosshatch...and no eyes for the sheep. It is beautiful!

  12. Absolutely beautiful but could be even more so with a little quilting added.

  13. Well, just it looks like Spring is coming to Oregon, what does it do but decide to have a big snowstorm! Poor little daffodils and crocuses and primroses that were beginning to show their heads! I love your handwork. Quilting would add another dimension that would be nice - but it's nice the way it is. Hope you're getting better all the time.

  14. Just got home from my Wool Gatherers group. We all do wool applique and chat up a storm. I love your sheep and the saying that accompanies it. I would do some quilting and I agree, also, with Lesley's idea of cross-hatching---large cross-hatching, not tiny. The sheep are fine as is. One's eye sees what it knows should be there so no need to stitch beads or French knots on unless YOU think it needs them. No spring here yet.

  15. Definitely add some quilting. Boy, when it started snowing here, it really fell. I have given up and been using our wood stove each evening when I get home. It's the only way I can get really warm. I have even put up a table in the den by the stove to do my tracing of patterns for my latest project.

    Stay warm. Get ready for another round next week and then maybe we can say "Goodbye" to all of this cold weather.

  16. That white stuff is falling here too ... and no groundhogs or sun on that day to claim an end to winter.Do what you need to to keep warm and let the sheep decide for themselves.

  17. Ohh, love this piece. I think a little quilting would be good... my first thought was cross hatching, as others have suggested. Big stitch, maybe? Sheep have their eyes closed, so you can't see them.
    Whose pattern is this? It definitely is going toward the top of my list.
    Keep warm, so your muscles can be relaxed and heal.
    Our weather here on the west coast is so different. We have had dry, warm temps most of the 'winter' until this week. Thank the Lord, we are getting some rain and it feels more like winter now.

  18. Very cut and I too think it needs a little quilting but I'm torn on the eyes or no eyes.

  19. Did my comment get erased? I said: maybe some criss-cross quilting and no eyes.....its cute
    Mama Bear

  20. Oh this is darling ... and I'm a Proverbs 31 gal, so it really speaks to me! Where did you find the pattern? As for the eyes, I love French knots, so I'd be tempted to go ahead and put them in! :)

  21. If you would wonder if it needed quilting every time you look at it, put some in...echo quilting would be pretty, or maybe just some clouds !

  22. Sorry to learn of your sciatica attack... that's what I call them, "attacks." The upside, if there is one, is that you've been turning out some wonderful work. Love the sheep... and the monkey coffee mat from a previous post. Hope you didn't get too much snow last night; only and inch or two here. Stay warm, and as comfortable as you can get.

  23. I about fainted when I got our electric bill for Jan. We also use a wood burning stove and it was higher than it has ever been because of the very cold weather we have gotten.
    I think you could do some quilting around the sheep and maybe around the letters to hold the layers in place.
    Eyes--what ever you like.
