Sunday, February 9, 2014

Not Again!

Yes, again.  Arkansas - a state that rarely gets snow - is getting it again this week.  Oh my.  Guess that means more sewing time.  :)

The next question is what do I want to work on?  I'm in the middle of so many things that it's hard to choose....I have the strips cut for a simple strip quilt, a wool piece that needs a little hand quilting, a huge embroidered quilt started (I'll show a snippet of it later), a baby quilt waiting on the free motion quilting....I could go on.  I don't know which I'll choose but I do know I'll be checking out the bloggers participating in the Hugs and Kisses Blog Hop over at Sew We Quilt.

Check this lineup - there are some wonderful stitchers here!

Feb 12th

Lady Carol

Lady Sandy

Lady Cynthia

Lady Pat

Lady Jolie

Lady Susan

Feb 13th

Lady Beth

Lady Jenny

Lady Britt-Inger

Lady Carla

Lady Marian 

Lady Lyndsey

Feb 14th

Lady Soma

Lady Laura Ann

Lady Doris

Lady Rexie

Lady Shari

Feb 17th

Lady Mary

Lady Vickie

Lady Anne

Lady Selina

Lady Theresa

Lady Jane

Feb 18th

Lady Lana

Lady Judy

Lady Shanna

Lady Amanda

Lady Kay

Feb 19th

 Lady Bente

Lady Kristen

Lady Linda

Lady Marcy

Lady Susie

Mdm Samm

1 comment:

  1. yes indeed you are a great cheerleader in the south with all that snow..thanks for being YOU
