Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Is Your Snow Gone Yet?

I have a few snow friends still hanging around!

This is another Primitive Gatherings pattern - I love their stuff!

Are you following the Ruffles Blog Hop?  Here's the rest of their schedule:

March 11th

March 12th 

March 13th

March 14th


  1. Will you stop with the four letter words! LOL. Not only is it not gone, but we are supposed to get 3 more inches tonight! Will it ever end... I want to go camping! ;0)

  2. Your felt snowmen, I love..... the real stuff..... enough! Like Josie above, we are expecting 5 to 8 inches of snow tonight. Today, it's supposed to be 54 degrees.... tomorrow night 5 degrees. Yikes!

  3. We still have snow from the last big storm and we are to have another 16" arriving tomorrow - UGH!! Today it is beautiful (calm before the storm) so I did a morning out into town. Now some housework with some hand stitching inbetween.

  4. I like YOUR snow a lot better that what I've got all over my yard and driveway! :)

  5. Love your snowmen! It is snowing this very minute as I write this in Nova Scotia, with more snow or freezing rain predicted for tomorrow. Oh well...it has to let up sometime, right?

  6. That is so cute! I still have a snowman out on my front step. It has a Valentine's flag with it. Mind you, there are still piles of snow out there, so it doesn't look out of place at all. I tried to move it last week, but it was frozen to my step. It's actually above freezing now, so I should move it! :-) Still cute though.

  7. would you believe we have a snow storm coming tonight…..we still have 4 foot snowbanks….I want it over….
    although I love your snow peeps…I would be hiding mine in the basement…lol

  8. That's the best place to see snow!

  9. Marlene I love your snowman! It is so neat.

  10. No snow here...but LOVE YOUR little snowmen...and I spy a little Hannah and Harrington as well...

  11. I LIKE your snow! If I had my druthers, that's the only kind that would hang out around here. All our white stuff is gone, finally. Monday and Tuesday brought temps in the 70's. It's cooler today and the wind sounds gale force!

  12. I like you friends and what a great place to display your Raspberry Rabbits BOM

  13. Great work. I do like that pattern.

    Snow is leaving the north side now.

  14. I love those snowmen! I keep looking at the pattern and thinking, "Someday!"
    Sadly, we don't have much snow here. Just LoTs of ice. At this point, I don't think we want the snow. Sure hope it is a very slow spring thaw!

  15. As long as we are still hearing the tales of snow I think the snowpeople are perfect decor. Those are darling.
