Thursday, March 19, 2015

It's Me...Is It You?

What a wonderful idea for meeting other stitchers from around the world!  Reading and writing blogs gives me a chance to see what other stitchers are doing but I'm always anxious to meet new people from all over the world and sometimes even in my own backyard.  Thanks so much Madame Samm for another fun adventure!

I love hand stitching and do all kinds.  Cross stitch, wool applique and embroidery are the ones that get the most of my attention.  I believe that life has seasons just like nature and now that I am in the winter of my life stitching has become even more important to me.  I've been married 50+ years to the same guy, have three children and eight grandchildren.  Since two of the grandchildren have married in the last couple of years I'm already thinking ahead to great-grandchildren!  We live in Arkansas in the United States on a small lake, which led to the name of my blog.  We spend a couple of months a year volunteering at a mission in south Louisiana but even there I have a little sewing area.

My first project is this "Holiday Lane" pillow, a wool on wool applique project done for a blog hop a couple of years ago.  It was gifted to a dear friend but I made a second one for myself.  The pattern came from Jill at Jillily Studio.

Harrington and Hannah - my favorite bunnies!  This is wool applique on cotton and the pattern comes from Michelle at The Raspberry Rabbit.    It also has a bit of embroidery on a few of the blocks.

My favorite wool applique has to be this unfinished top - all done except for the quilting!  It's called A Primitive Garden and is from Primitive Gatherings.  The applique is, of course, all hand stitched.  Their wools are just incredibly beautiful and have such deep, rich colors!

Years ago I loved counted cross stitch and have now fallen in love again with all the beautiful new patterns.  This one, by Brooke Nolan, is called Summer Vintage.

And this is Brooke's Winter Vintage draped in my mother's pearls with her picture in the background.  I'm working on a third of her designs, Autumn Vintage, and will make it into a Tammy bag as well.  I have two daughters and a daughter-in-law who will receive these for Christmas.

Since I love all hand stitching - well, pretty much all - I couldn't finish up without showing you a little embroidery.

Walking In A Winter Wonderland is redwork embroidery and is my favorite Christmas quilt.  The pattern came from Crabapple Hill Studio. The throw pillows, Sunday's Child and Girl With Watering Can, are old enough that I don't remember where I got the patterns!

I didn't mean to be so long winded but I just couldn't limit myself to one or two photos!  I've spent so much of my life stitching that they are like my babies - each piece holds a place in my heart!  Have fun visiting all the participants today.  I know I will!


  1. well I would have loved to seen more and more...all of your stitchings are the pillow, the bags, but the the bed and all of that white and red embroidery...set up a link too. ( yep still up cause you will never guess where we are again) x

  2. Your handwork is amazing! I also did the Winter Wonderland quilt, but mine hangs on the wall.

  3. Wow, Marlene! I can only imagine how much time it would take to finish at least one project you showed here. They are all wonderful!

  4. Все такое красивое и интересное! БРАВО!!!!!

  5. Fabulous peojects! Your work is exquisite and I love it all! Especially love your red and white quilt...amazing!

  6. I love your wool applique work Marlene, and that redwork quilt is beyond stunning!

  7. Just a delightful set of fiber art projects. You are one talented lady!

  8. Your work is so beautiful and you have perfection in working on so many different areas of needlework. Great job !!:)
    Is this blog hop for stitcher's too? With my basic sewing skills, I don't find myself anywhere near to this level in another 10years.

  9. Awesome work Marlene! Just gorgeous. Love your bedroom in all the white and red for Christmas time. I almost did not notice, we have the exact same headboard on our bed. ;)

  10. Marlene, Your projects are just beautiful. I love your wool applique, and that quilt - well that is just completely beautiful. I the colors just pop right off of that black background! As for your embroidery, the redwork is divine. I have always loved redwork. Such a pretty post, and it is nice to get to know you a bit better through Madame Samm and her incredible talents. She brings us all together. Hugs, ~Cori

  11. Everything is fabulous but that Christmas quilt...oh my gosh.....out of this world gorgeous

  12. What a delight to see some of your favorite projects. Each one tells a story.

  13. I'm new to your blog, and just wanted to say, 'I love your work'. I'll be checking in each day, in hopes there is a new posting. Blessings

  14. Love that wool primitive quilt! Doing one of those is on my bucket list! I have a friend here who made one and appliqued a huge red barn on it and then added other design elements like a tractor, bushes and such. It is the most fabulous piece I have ever seen. Every time I see someone's wool quilt, I get that itch to get to that list item sooner than later.

  15. Oh, so inspiring! What beautiful work!

  16. There are truly no words.....just complete AWE!! and I will never catch up to you!! WOW!! Thank you so much....I also have been a "stitcher" since age the lovely age of 65....magical, isn't it? are my hand stitching hero!!....God bless your day!!

  17. Beautiful projects.

    I can't imagine how long that Christmas quilt took to embroider. So much detail. It's gorgeous!

  18. I love all your projects, you are a master in both appliqué, cross stitching and stitchery!

  19. Your stitching is just gorgeous. I especially love the redwork Christmas quilt.

  20. fond memories...friendship and beautiful stitching!

  21. You are an amazing artist...just AMAZING.

  22. Hello Marlene,
    you are right, it is so wonderful to meet new bloggers, to see new blogs and get inspired by all this creativity.
    I am so happy that you and Mdm Samm found my blog ...
    Yoru works are stunning. One day, when I am retired I am going to give applique and embroidery stitching a chance. I see so many wonderful works here at your blog and at the others, I am really impressed of.

    Have a wonderful weekend


  23. Wow, dear Marlene, your work is gorgeous!
    The most beautiful is the bed !!!

  24. Oh my gosh I just love everything you have made here, the pillow, the quilts and the gorgeous purses, everything is gorgeous. You are definitely a lady with similar tastes to me!
    The bed quilt is one of those patterns I have been wanting for ages, I think I will ask my son to get it me for my birthday! Lol.....
    Have a lovely meet and greet day!

  25. What a wonderful collection of beautiful work , I really enjoyed seeing everything !

  26. Lovely blog, and such beautiful work you do! The red and white Christmas quilt really caught my eye!

  27. That bed with all of the redwork is absolutely gorgeous!

  28. So much to drool over in your post today!

  29. Your stitching is beautiful. I really like the redwork quilt. I have only completed a small redwork wall-hanging. I really want to make that Holiday Lane pillow!

  30. Oh, my goodness! What beautiful projects...each and every one!

  31. Marlene, you have a real gift in your stitching. Your love of primitives makes your work distinguishable and unique. But Oh that bedspread is stunning! I have a Crabapple Studio kit for Over the River Through the Woods quilt and after seeing your redwork, I am determined to get started on mine. This stitching and quilt is mainly black and white with shades & hues of each plus a splash of gold. It is really beautiful and special because my mother would always sing that song at Thanksgiving. Good memories are attached to the words in that song. I had even forgotten I had the kit until I saw your bedspread.
    Gmama Jane

  32. What awesome work you have shown in your post. Simply beautiful. Love your wool applique work. And the red work quilt is to drool over!

  33. How beautiful is that red and white bed ensemble. I just loved it!

  34. Thanks...I needed that!!

  35. So many wonderful projects. Your work is all beautiful. I have made several of the Harrington and Hannah blocks, I will have to get back to that soon and get it finished. I love the red work, thanks for sharing everything. I have stitched a few Crabapple Hill projects and I have loved them all. Yours is just gorgeous.

  36. All of your projects are beautiful I especially love the Christmas quilt. Currently I am working on the Hannah and Harrington Bom and am very much enjoying that project.

  37. Hi Marlene, How nice to see pictures of your work. They are all so lovely, especially your quilt in red and white. Have a nice weekend, Nienke

  38. Oh, how beautiful all of your creations are, Marlene :) I am so impressed with the Christmas quilt--such a perfect holiday room you've created there!

  39. Marlene, thank you for your comment :-)
    your projects are wonderful, but the quilt is my favorite!

  40. You do such beautiful work -- it was such fun to scroll through your post and see all the loveliness!! :)

  41. They are all beautiful but that Bed set is amazing!!!!!

  42. All of your work is beautiful. Exquisite! But my favorite is the quilt on the bed. It's also a favorite of mine. I've thought of making it in blue but the time involved won't happen any time soon!
    You inspire me, dear friend.

  43. Beautiful projects; each and every one of them. Thank you for sharing your heart through the works of your talented hands!

  44. Oh, what a wonderful blog hop Mme Samm had organized. I so loved visiting all the blogs and to see all these small and big master pieces that were shown. Beautiful, your stitched and quilted projects.

  45. I love you all your handworks!Thank you for your comment!Carolina

  46. Just catching up and I love all of your projects. Your wool projects are gorgeous and the redwork, oh my. Thanks so much for sharing.

  47. I stumbled across your blog this morning and what a beautiful blog. Your hand work is gorgeous! I too love cross stitch - it's so relaxing. Unfortunately, I haven't done much hand embroidery since my hubby purchased a new embroidery machine for me. It does all the work for me. :0) I especially love your Christmas bed quilt.

  48. The. Bed in this post is wonderful


  49. Loooooooooooooooove everything, but especially the bunnies. ;)

  50. I love your pillow, I've never done anything like that but would love to try, all your things are very lovely. you're very talented.

  51. I was having a browse through your blog as I haven't had a chance to come back since the Tree Bird Blog hop. I absolutely love your redwork quilt and pillows. The quilt must have taken you hours and hours to complete.

    I just started hosting a weekly Stitchery Link Party and I would love if you would come link up your quilt as well as some of your other posts if you'd like.

    I know my readers would love see it as much as I have.
