Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Spring Thyme

Just two weeks ago everything was brown and ugly in my yard but a little time has made a huge difference!  The Bradford Pear tree is in full bloom...

This one is actually in my neighbor's yard....but mine looks just like it.  This one was easier to take a picture of.  :)

The jonquils are in full bloom....

My herb garden isn't pretty enough to take a picture of though - the perennials are greening up and I have lots to plant.  I stitched up this little Spring Thyme bag to hold my seed packets....

This asparagus fern lived in the garage all winter - didn't it winter well?

The forsythia is blooming, but the Carolina jasmine isn't ready yet.....

And it's a typical March day with the winds blowing and blowing!

I wanted a picture on this tree but the bag kept blowing so far out I couldn't see the stitching.  :)

But finally I caught it in a brief moment of calm!


  1. Marlene, your cross stitched bag is so cute.Just in time for Spring. We don't have anything in bloom yet. I am waiting impatiently.

  2. ahhh spring is not even here, not a sign of it ...since this white stuff is covering most of our garden..BUT get to enjoy your view.... and your spring thyme..totally cool lol. or springie ( y) well you know

  3. Oh I am envious of your blooms. Maybe in a couple of weeks we will have some too.

  4. Look at that beautiful pear tree! The little seed bag is perfect for spring thyme!!

  5. The cross stitch bag is wonderful. So glad spring has finally arrived!

  6. Enjoyed taking a wander in your spring time pictures! Your Spring Thyme bag is so cute and I really like the floss colors you used.

    Robin in Virginia

  7. Love all the spring pictures and your Spring Thyme bag is just wonderful.

  8. What a wonderful spring! and we still cold ...
    embroidery is very beautiful

  9. Marlene,you Spring Thyme bag is simply beautiful! Very tidy stitching and sewing. And I am happy to know that spring is in full bloom at your place! I miss green grass, flowers and leaves :) Thank you fro sharing your photos!

  10. Our Bradfords are blooming, the redbuds are beginning ant the daffodils are up in force. Spring definitely happening here too.

  11. So nice to see a bit of spring finally on it's way. We are starting to see the same here, so unseasonably warm for us though. I love this time of year with all of the pretty blooms...and bright colors. Your bag is just the sweetest.

  12. Wonderful to hear that spring has arrived somewhere in the world. Alas, we are still waiting. Love your bag...perfect stitchery!

  13. That's a great bag to go with your spring gardening. And useful in so many ways.

    I suppose we will see spring at some point here as well, but it's not obvious at this point!

  14. Thank you so much for the spring pictures! We enjoyed one really nice day and now have more snow! It is wonderful to see your pictures this morning. And I love your bag! ~Jeanne

  15. Thank you so much for the spring pictures! We enjoyed one really nice day and now have more snow! It is wonderful to see your pictures this morning. And I love your bag! ~Jeanne

  16. Perfect and sweet!
    Looks so nice by you. We aren't there yet.

  17. That tree is stunning!!!!! And that bag is perfect. Well done.

  18. I love the blossoms of springtime, and your little bag is very cute!

  19. So glad spring has reached your part of the world... I'm still waiting (very impatiently!) here in Pennsylvania :) Your newest spring finish is darling!

  20. Its nice to see signs of spring SOMEWHERE in the world because I think we've been forgotten about! Great job on your bag!

  21. Great to heard Spring has arrived,I`m still waiting it.Your bag is gorgeous!

  22. Very beautiful flowers! Very beautiful bag!

  23. Spring is happening in your neighborhood.

  24. Everything is starting to look like spring in your state. Canada is still cold but snow almost gone.your little cross-
    Stitched bag is really sweet.

  25. Your cross stitch bag is so beautiful :)

  26. Flowers. Trees in bloom! I'm anxious to see what made it through our harsh winter. Thanks for the glimpse of things to come!

  27. Красивая весенняя сумочка! Нежность! Красивая природа! С миром Божьим! :-)

  28. Same here.....but tonight Winter is making one last stand....
    Mama Bear

  29. Qui piove ma i fiori cercano lo stesso di sbocciare, bellissimo il tuo ricamo

  30. So great to see the first daffodils and the first tree in full bloom. NO blooming trees around here yet but our garden is full of yellow primroses and the forsythias will take just a couple of days and open up their blooms. I can't wait.
    What a great spring bag you made for your seed packages.

  31. Amazing photos! Great job! )))

  32. thanks for visiting , your blog is very nice.glo

  33. Ciao Marlene,
    beautiful gifts of spring flowering and delicious your handbag.
    Nice to have made your acquaintance, now even I am your follower

  34. Your pictures are so pretty, Marlene! They looks so "midwest" that I could feel and smell the clear air. That blue sky! The pear tree, the forsythia... oh, such a wonderful day for good feelings about life. You're making me miss Iowa a little bit.

  35. Beautiful garden Spring is here.
    Love your stitched bag too, hugs.

  36. Thank you for visiting,this bag is perfect!


  37. Spring looks wonderful! Just wish it were outside my window. Instead, we're suffering through another bout of rain mixed with snow. I'm not sure I believe in spring any more!

  38. The bag is wonderful and what a great idea! I have my seed packets in plastic bags and small boxes all over the place. One could even put in dividers for the different types of seeds. Lucky you with all the wonderful flowers in bloom.

  39. LOVE your bag! And what gorgeous jonquils and herbs! love Annette

  40. Not so green yet in Iowa, but we are ready for it!

  41. Lovely to see spring where you are. That tree in full bloom is fabulous!

  42. Your garden is beautiful and your works also. Brava!

  43. Марлен, у вас очень красиво! Цветущая груша - сплошной восторг! Сумочка очень мила, удачное применение вышивки.
    Удачи Вам, Тоня.
