Saturday, April 25, 2015

After The Rain

It rained all afternoon here in south Louisiana where I'm doing some volunteer work at the UMCOR Sager Brown mission.  There was lightening and thunder and lots of wind.  But when it passed I took a little walk before I was ready to settle into an evening of stitching.  There are lots of flowers here and they always make me smile.....

I don't know what this purple flower is but mixed in with a few daisies it really shows off its' color.

And the color of this mum - it's as bright as the sun!

I think the daisies are my favorite....but then I spy a gardenia hiding down in the rain-soaked leaves.

Last night was the first night I've ever spent in this building alone I think, and probably it won't ever happen again.  My husband had gone home to deal with the hail damage I showed you in my last post.  Our little apartment is in an old dormitory that has 17 bedrooms besides our apartment.  There was an orphanage and school on this campus from 1867 until 1972 so thousands and thousands of children have lived here, played here, worked here and gone to school here.  In the quiet of the evening when I had no television on and I was stitching away on a small pattern I had just begun, I thought I heard the laughter of children.......and it was a comfort to me thinking of all those little ones who were safe and happy here during those years.


  1. I am so sorry your home has been damaged so badly by all the very bizarre weather. Thankfully no one injured and insurance will help. Safety for your husband and family. You are brave to be all alone in your new space of giving. Blessings...

  2. The flowers look so pretty and nicely cleansed with the gentle rains.

    I hope your husband was able to get the hail damage taken care of while he was away.

  3. The flowers are just beautiful. I would have been a bit nervous there too!

  4. Beautiful place to walk. Isn't it marvelous how our Creator makes these things work...a seed to a plant to a flower or fruit. Sometimes I am just full of awe.

    I think we should have both been at the diamond mine this week. My nephew has just said a few days ago that we needed to go since we've had so much rain...oh, well, not my time to find a big diamond yet. The lady who found the diamond is from the county next to us.

    Have a blessed week.

  5. Beautiful flowers!! :) This place sure must have old memories, 1867 to 1972 is quite a long time.

  6. Sometimes having something for hands to do is a blessed gift.

  7. After some rain the flowers and grass in the garden look more beautiful than before.

  8. such comfort and beauty that even after such rain, comes such those daisies..x

  9. I am glad you had enjoyable time to relax and admire flowers and stitch.

  10. Such beautiful thoughts. Love the flower pictures. Sometimes just being alone in the quiet of night is so comforting. Thank you for sharing , it is beautiful.

  11. What gorgeous flowers!
    I think I would find it a little creepy to be alone in such a big place, but what a great history it has!

  12. Che fiori meravigliosi!! mi dispiace per tutti i danni causati dalla grandine...deve essere stato un incubo...
    Ti abbraccio

  13. I fiori sono stupendi, anche qui da noi è brutto tempo purtroppo!!! un abbraccio Gabry

  14. What beautiful floral snapshots! I love the daisy one; it makes me smile. Hope the fixes at home go smoothly.

    Robin in Virginia

  15. Beautiful flowers!
    Amazing photo after the rain!

  16. So lovely your post,beautiful flowers after rain!!So much love in your words about children lived where you stay now!!I hope your husband repair well all dammages at your house!!Love

  17. Those daiseys are gorgeous! I love how your stitching give you time to "ponder". I will have to go read about your hail. So sorry!

  18. Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures :)

  19. Прекрасные фотографии!

  20. Such a gentle and peaceful posting Marlene! I feel blessed by reading it and sharing in your peace. Love that you heard the lovely sounds of children laughing - how comforting that must have been. So sorry about the devastation at your home! I've never seen hail that size - and I don't care to either!!! Godspeed to your husband as he works to get it all repaired :)

  21. The flowers are looking pretty despite the weather! I'm sorry to hear of the hail damage on your home.

  22. What a beautiful post Marlene. Your story made me feel like I was walking and visiting right along with you on your after rain walk. Such pretty pictures, and such pretty flowers. So nice to walk with you today.

  23. Beautiful flowers! What are you doing on your mission trip?

  24. Lovely shots of the flowers. The purple ones with the daisys are salvia.That was one heck of a hail storm, hope the repairs and clean up are going well.

  25. Your words are so sweet, thank you for your post, i hope you will enjoy soon your home!Carolina

