Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Who Can Stitch With This Going On?

Have you ever been in one of those moods where you just want to sit in your chair and stitch?  And then life interferes?  That's exactly where I am right now!

It hailed at my house Sunday evening.  I don't mean just regular hail...I mean giant sized hail.

It looked like this on my deck.

All those planter boxes were beautiful tomatoes with blooms, some gorgeous herbs that were ready to trim....they are gone.  See that chair?  Now it looks like this:

My deck box that holds the cushions for my outdoor furniture has big holes in it.

I am just so thankful that our daughter and grandchildren, who are living in our house while we're on a mission trip, were not at home and no one was hurt.

The insurance folks are coming, the roofers are giving estimates, my husband is cleaning up the devastation in the yard and is checking the camper & storage building & boat/dock to see what we have to do with those.  It's going to be a busy week at my house!

My prayers of thankfulness are going up for all that we have and all that was spared and for all those who had more damage than we did.  Mother Nature is definitely a force to be reckoned with!


  1. So glad no person was harmed. Losing the herbs and tomatoes are bad enough. That is a lot of damage from a hail storm, so prayers of thankfulness are are being sent from here too.

  2. Wow...that's crazy! I'm glad everyone was safe!

  3. OH MY....I sill can hardly believe the damage....another reason to have insurance and hubbys....to better days and a new roof

  4. Holy cow! Thank heavens no one was outside. Mother nature certainly can show her fury. Good luck with all of the repairs.

  5. Wow! Mother nature can still surprise you!
    I have not seen it and I'm happy!

  6. OH MY!! So glad no one was hurt!!

  7. Unbelievable! Will hope for warm days ahead and no more hail!

  8. What a homecoming after your mission. I'm so glad that no one was hurt but you certainly have a lot of damage to clean up and repair. Turn it over to God and take it one day at a time. Prayers heading your way.

  9. Oh my goodness Marlene. What a devastating storm. So glad all your loved ones are unharmed and safe. SO sorry for such a loss in your pretty plants and furniture. I feel the same as you...about wanting to stitch. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Life has a way of making us think outside of ourselves doesn't it. Best wishes sent your way.

  10. Oh my! So happy your family wasn't hurt. Hope things get taken care of quickly. That is some serious hail! ~Jeanne

  11. So glad no one was hurt! But I'd hate to have to clean up that mess. Sorry about the tomatoes and herbs. That would be sad.

  12. God Bless You!!! When Mother Nature unleashes her havoc it sometimes is so devastating! Thank God no one was hurt and these things can be replaced. We hear so much of this stuff going on more and more. Love to you and your family. LJ

  13. So many areas were hit with this huge storm front. Blessings that things weren't worse and glad to hear no one was hurt.

  14. Really so bad sometimes The nature is bad with us but at the is good all is finish good!!love

  15. so sorry about the havoc that rained (hailed) down on you and your property. Very glad to here that no one was hurt. Prayers for the less fortunate.

  16. Wow! I am sorry for all of your damage. Glad for insurance, right?

  17. Hail is so destructive. I'm glad you didn't run outside trying to save a tomato plant and that everyone was okay.

  18. Oh, my goodness! I'm so sorry for all of the damage, but thankful that everyone is safe. And you said it...mother nature certainly is a force to be reckoned with. May God bless you in the midst of the storm.

  19. And to think that I thought our little pea-size hail was bad. I am so sorry for your damage. Thank goodness your family was not hurt!!Nature is a force to be reckoned with. Every year out here we loose people in the mountains because they have not learned that lesson.

  20. Oh my... Marlene, I am glad you are all safe! Sorry for your tomatoes and chair :( Hail is really dangerous. It happened in my home city once when everybody was at the beach in their swimwear, many people got hurt then. Hope you will find your stitching mood soon!

  21. Wow, what a storm! I am relieved that no one was hurt from it. Thinking of you and yours as you go about the clean up and dealing with replacing the damaged items.

    Robin in Virginia

  22. Wow, like raining golf balls. They sure made a mess of things. I hope it is early enough on the year for the plants to recover, but the poor deck and chairs will take time to repair. Lucky no one war injured.

  23. Oh My, that's so much of damage . Good that no one was hurt. I know how much effort you might have put in those planters and while you clean up other things , they will again take nature's time to grow. Wish you loads of energy to clean up all the things. I feel tired just at seeing such amount of work.

  24. Oh che disastro! Un abbraccio forte, ti sono vicina, vedrai che presto sarà tutto a posto

  25. What a lot of damage it did to your garden but at least as you say, no-one was hurt. x

  26. This is definitely giant sized hail. Good to know that nobody was hurt.

  27. Wow Marlene!! That hail is huge. I'm so glad no one was hurt and that the damage isn't real great. Take care.

  28. I'm just glad that no one was hurt. Stuff can be fixed and/or replaced but people can't.

  29. Oh my, As the saying goes," Don't mess with Mother Nature." Thank goodness all is well with your family. Thinking good thoughts.

  30. Unbelieve. Glad all you are safe.

    Big hug

  31. Mother Nature needs a good talking to! I've only seen hail this size once before, in N. Tx. Glad everyone was safe. Hope your trip is going well.

  32. That is just crazy! Luckily you are safe, and I hope the cleanup is not too ,too awful.

  33. Oh my gosh! I've never seen hail that big! I can't imagine how it would have felt - hurt! - if someone got caught outdoors in it. Your poor tomatoes and herbs. It's definitely time to be grateful for insurance. Everything can be fixed, so there's a positive side to it. Keep your chin up! Bless you!

  34. OMG ! that's crasy !!!! spring ???

  35. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!

    I can't even imagine how loud that would have been!

    Thankfully your family is ok.

  36. Oh my goodness Marlene! I am so releived to know all are safe. Things can be repaired although it is not a fun way to spend your time dealing with insurance, contractors, etc... Hope your mission trip is bearing fruit...spiritual fruit!
    Blessings my Dear friend

  37. What a horrid sight, Marlene! I have never seen hail that size or seen that kind of damage. What a relief no one was outside... Good luck with the insurance company and clean-up...

  38. Oh, my! That hail is huge! I'm so glad nobody was hurt. It certainly did a lot of damage to your patio.

  39. Oh dear! So sorry to see this. I was thinking today how awful it would be to loose a garden to hail. Glad no one was hurt.

