Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Amazing Grace

I'm having trouble finding time to stitch right now so I'm picking up my needle five minutes here and five minutes there.  I finally got this piece finished and am looking for a basket/box that I can put it on....I'm not sure what I want that basket to hold but I know that's what I want!

I've not pressed it or trimmed it yet since I'm waiting for the basket to appear.  :)  But I do love the beautiful colors in this and found the perfect piece of fabric for borders.  The pattern is this one:

I bought this at a shop in Branson, MO several weeks ago when we were on spring break with some of our grandchildren.  I think I'll be stitching it more than once but I hope I don't have to do any UNstitching when I do it next - this time I don't know what happened but that upper right corner was way off when I finished it.  I had to take that whole line out and restitch.  I did change one color from the pattern.  It called for a purple for the letters and it just didn't speak to me.  :)

I love the sweet flowers on this; it just says spring I think.


  1. oh that is pretty Marlene....and amazing it is ....even if your name is not GRACE

  2. This is so pretty. I love the colors. I love the look of hand stitching, I wish I had the patience.

  3. Marlene, your piece is so sweet. I love the colors you choose. If I had what you need I would give it to your right now.

  4. That is so pretty and will be perfect in a basket. It's great to be able to pick up the stitching for just a few minutes and watch it slowly grow.

  5. It's amazing what a moment here and there can accomplish. It's a beautiful piece.

  6. It's beautiful! I love the colors.

  7. The colors are just right for the piece, just beautiful.

  8. This is very lovely and peaceful. Stitching Bliss...

  9. Marlene, I like your choice of colors! They are so beautiful, and beautiful stitching, too!

  10. Love the bleeding heart to go along with the words. Perfect!

  11. It's beautiful!! Can't wait to see it on the basket.

  12. Oh, what a lovely finish this is, Marlene. It will look gorgeous in a basket.

  13. meraviglioso ricamo, la scatola verrà benissimo!meraviglioso ricamo, la scatola verrà benissimo!

  14. Beautiful. Looking forward to seeing how you use it.
    I have not been able to get that song out of my mind for the past two days.

  15. Ahh, the bleeding hearts are perfect with Amazing Grace. Lovely.

  16. This is beautiful, Marlene. I, too, can see it on a basket or box. Show us when you get it completed!

  17. Beautiful finish! It says Spring!

  18. Congratulations on your pretty finish! A stitch here and a stitch there really does add up to a finish. Hope you find a basket or box soon for it!

    Robin in Virginia

  19. Great post
    Would you like to follow each other ?
    I'll follow back after it

  20. Such a lovely, lovely, lovely piece of stitchery! One that will always bring a smile to any one who sees it! And what a beautiful reminder of His Amazing Grace!

    Blessings and hugs!

  21. Such a pretty finish, and I like the color replacement for the purple.

  22. very lovely and good choice of colors, it's spring!
    p.s. love this song!
    hugs, Barbara.

  23. Hello

    I'm new to your lovely blog.
    This finish is beautiful.
    Happy weekend x

  24. I hope you show us your basket. That is neat that you were on a spring break!
