Sunday, April 5, 2015

Tea Time!

One of the things I love the most about blog hops is  the fact that it pushes me to get things stitched, done and passed on to friends and family.  This beautiful pattern, designed by Cori at Creativity Amongst Chaos and Madame Samm of Sew We Stitch had me scratching my head trying to decide what I wanted to do.  I wanted to do it all.  :)  I wanted to embroider it, cross stitch it, applique it....and time was not going to cooperate.  So finally I decided to combine a little embroidery and a little machine applique and see what happened.

I got to this point and then thought, ok what will I do next?  My decision was kind of made for me when I got the news that my beloved sister-in-law has cancer.  I knew that this picture of two friends would be a reminder to her of how much I love her and value her in my life.  So....a chemo bag it is.

It needs to be roomy enough to hold a lap quilt/blanket so I made it kind of tall to hold a rolled up blanket, plus a lot of other stuff.  (This is the forsythia in my yard the day before a hail storm beat most of the blooms off!)

I added a matching zipper bag to hold little things like chapstick and mints.

I'm really just showing you this view because I wanted you to see that my Carolina Jasmine is about to bloom!  Can you see those little buds?

And my phlox has also put on a few little flowers....

This will be going in the mail tomorrow along with several magazines, a crossword book, several snacks and tissues.  It's almost everything she'll need to take with her for a day spent at the doctors or getting chemo.

And if you're so minded a prayer for Marilyn and her family would be most appreciated.

Many thanks to Cori, Madame Samm, and to Mary of Needled Mom for the idea, the design and the "mothering" it took to put all of this together!  Please be sure you visit other hoppers today - there will be some wonderful things to see!

April 6th
April 7th


  1. lovely bag with a very good choice in fabrics.

  2. Love your bag! Your Sister-in-law will enjoy it. Many hugs to her.

  3. What a beautiful idea! Your sister-in-law will for sure cherish this bag! Love the fabric you chose!

  4. Beautiful bag, sending prayers.

  5. Love your bag, it is very pretty!

  6. Your bag is beautiful and loving idea for your SIL! I wish her all the best.

  7. So pretty Marlene. Many prayers going to your SIL and family. I know she'll appreciate her bag.

  8. What a sweet gift, filled with love and blessed, I know, with many prayers. I add mine to yours and wish her a full and rapid recovery.

  9. It's a beautiful bag and one that your SIL will cherish, knowing that you are there to support her. And when her treatments are behind her, it will make a great tote bag for her fun projects. Prayers for her healing and speedy recovery.

  10. Marlene, the bags (both big and small) are so beautiful! I really like them, and also I like the colours you chose!

  11. Hello So lovely your bag so usefl for your sister in law of course I also pray for her good luck!!!

  12. What a great bag for your sister in law! It will be a beautiful reminder to her of your love and care!

  13. I just love that stitchery!!! the stockings make it...

  14. It looks beautiful and is also for such a great cause, Marlene. That will certainly light up her day as she undergoes the chemo treatments. I will keep all of you in my prayers.

  15. Marlene your bag is a wonderful idea. It turned out so nice. You are such a sweet thoughtful lady. Thank you for sharing.

  16. Such a sweet and lovely gift this will be for sure! You are right, it will remind her she is loved indeed! Praying for Marilyn and all else here...please let us know how she's doing...Hugs Marlene!!!

  17. What a lovely bag set you created for your SIL! Lifting her up in prayer along with her family and friends.

    Robin in Virginia

  18. What a special project and gift. I am praying.

  19. Your bag is very beautiful !! sending prayers to your SIL. You both surely are great friends, even your names are similar .

  20. Thanks for visiting my blog. LOVE the tall tote you made and the embroidery pattern is really cute. Love the turquoise color with the black and white check. Lovely.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. What a wonderful bag for your sister in law. You know we are all sending our very best to her.

  23. Oh my how cute is this??? Love it!

  24. So sweet and lovely, prayers for your sister-in-law.

  25. Love the aqua and black with that splash of red. A nice bag. So sorry to hear your news though. Much love sent your way.

  26. The bag is great!
    I like all of the flowers bushes!
    Marlene, your garden is beautiful!

  27. Leuk dat je mijn blog bezocht bezocht.

  28. What a special bag you have made for your dear sister-in-law, Marlene! Sending prayers for Marilyn and her family, too...

  29. What a lovely bag. It will mean a lot to your SIL. Sending healing thoughts her way.

  30. I was quick out the door this am...but now I am back....and YOUR BAG is stellar...xx

  31. Marlene of course Prayers and Healing Energy for your SIL Marilyn and her family. This bag will be treasured as she uses it with love and comfort stitched into every inch. Thank you sew very much for Tea for Two Hopping.

  32. Such a cute bag! Hoping for the best for you SIL. The bag should provide positive energy for healing from the love you put into it.

  33. How very thoughtful of you. You know how much it will mean to her also. Your family has my prayers.

  34. Beautiful Bag. What a thoughtful sister in law yo are. Prayers go out to Marilyn.

  35. Blessings to Marilyn. She is sure to enjoy your creation. The stiching is perfect. I loved that you just used the black for the legs. Very neat.

  36. I am sure that your bag is the perfect gift for your sister in law. I always enjoy visiting and seeing what you have been doing. thanks for sharing your project.

  37. What a great use of the switcher - perfect to show your love and perfectly practical.

  38. Bellissima, veramente originale!

  39. Very beautiful, this big bag together with the little one. One cannot have enough of them :)

  40. Un regalo molto bello e sopratutto molto molto speciale, auguri di cuore! a presto Gabry

  41. Your tote bag turned out so pretty! I didn't join in this blog hop since it was so close to the Tree Bird Blog Hop and I didn't know if I could handle getting both projects done. Now I almost wish I had. There are so many beautiful projects.
