Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Christmas Ornament Exchange

Merry Christmas!!

It's definitely Christmas inside my house....but outside it's a different picture.

It's been so warm here that I saw forsythia blooming yesterday and the Bradford Pear Trees have buds on them.  When the cold weather finally hits they're going to be so confused!

Joan over at Moostash Quilting was my swap partner and we shared a few laughs over gifts and getting things mailed - mostly because I was almost, but not quite, late in mailing mine.  :)

Joan sent me this adorable sewing machine ornament.  How could I possibly get one I'd love more?  I couldn't!

Isn't it gorgeous?  And so perfect with that red thread for this time of the year!  But that's not all - she also made me this adorable Scottie mini quilt....

And that's not the last of her gifts - she also sent chocolate.  I can't seem to find that chocolate anywhere to take a picture - it's disappeared!

We had so much fun exchanging ornaments - if you didn't join in please consider it for next year!


  1. All those gifts are perfect! I just love the mini quilt.

  2. ohhh wow, waht a beautiful tree , the sewing machine and the did so well...

  3. Sweet Joan. I love that she always has a bit of humor in her projects. I LOVE your sewing machine ornament! Almost bought one of those myself. It is so sweet that she also sent you a gift. Can't wait to see what you found...or made Marlene. Merry Christmas.

  4. Such a cute mini. And yes the sewing machine is perfect. Somehow I missed the exchange, but will try to keep up for next year.
    Have a Blessed Christmas

  5. Your tree is beautiful. What wonderful gifts you received from your exchange partner.

  6. ooOoo! That is a gorgeous ornament you received. I keep going back to look at your mini quilt. It is soooooo precious.

  7. Your ornament is darling. Your tree looks great. I understand the snow situations! It is raining here. Had snow in November, but none in the forecast, not even for Christmas. Have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2016.

  8. I love that sewing machine ornament! And the mini quilt is simply adorable! No snow here either and above seasonal temperatures forecast through to the new year. I won't complain though... snow and cold are my least favorite weather.

  9. I think that is the perfect gift for you! How sweet of her to know.

  10. Such a beautiful tree and that ornament is quite a treasure!

  11. What a precious and special ornament. Yes, very mild start to winter here, too

  12. Beautiful ornament and mini quilt!

  13. Oh I love this little Mug Rug with the dog, its so funny.
    Greetings, Martina

  14. Красивая елка! Поздравляю с Наступающим Светлым праздником Рождеством Христовым! Чудесные и красивые подарки! :-))) Санта принес волшебные подарки! Поздравляю!

  15. Love that little sewing machine ornament!

  16. "Oh the weather outside is frightful...
    70s today and I have an Iris and Forsythia blooming....
    I absolutely love the sewing machine ornament,such a fitting tribute for anyone who sews....and the little quilt is darling.
    This was fun, wasn't it.
    Mama Bear

  17. Smile ... your chocolate was gone , which also happens to me again . You have so received wonderful gifts . The trailer is fantastic and even then this wonderful mini - quilt . I am happy for you.
    Greetings Sandra

  18. Lovely your Christmas tree,also here outside is strange warm,for this period!!lovely gifts you received!!lots of love and chocolate!!

  19. What a sweet idea and a darling ornament.... with accompanying goodies. At least you can't say the dog ate the chocolate.
    We have had weird weather here as well... hot one day, cold the next. Today I went out to sweep the leaves with the sun shining but rain was falling too. At least no snow as yet.

  20. Wonderful gifts. Here in the UK it is mild too.

  21. Oh so wonderful, these gifts from Joan.
    Here it is like in spring and my hydrangea think so, too as they have their first leaves again. When it gets cold and frosty they will freeze :(

  22. Really love those gifts from Joan, Marlene... It doesn't seem much like Christmas way up here in Pennsylvania either--way, way too warm. Today is colder, but we haven't had even one flake of snow!

  23. What a beautiful ornament. I love the mug rug too. It was fun doing the ornament exchange. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  24. Oh I do love that sewing machine ornament! And your mini quilt with the scottie dog is adorable. Lucky you. Wishing you and your family and peace-filled Christmas and New Year! Hugs!

  25. A very Merry Christmas and a happy and creative 2016! Sunny greetings from New Orleans, Alice

  26. Belated Merry Christmas to you. Hope it was wonderful. Ours has been a bit strung out between our home and our kids' homes. Our daughter and her family are sharing sickness at their house, which put our plans with them on hold. Your ornament is wonderful!

  27. Gorgeous tree! And a fun ornie exchange too. Can't imagine where the chocolate has gone...

  28. Happy New Year. The ornament is a special one for sure. The Scottie is a cutie and I love the saying. I

  29. A beautiful tree and the perfect ornament for a quilter. The mug rug is so cute!! Happy New Year...wishing you and your family good health and happiness in 2016!! Hugs Pauline
