Sunday, December 13, 2015

It's Official!

We must be officially old....we went out for dinner last night at a local establishment where they don't take reservations.  The wait was only about 10 minutes we were told, despite the long line snaking out the front door and onto the veranda.  There was a bench where a young couple were sitting and when they saw us standing they immediately rose and told us to take their seats.  We protested - we were fine, really.  They wouldn't take no for an answer.  Isn't that just the nicest thing?  Perfect for this season of love.  But really, that kind of made it official.  We're old.


  1. I so understand what you are saying. We were at Disney last week and people stood up for us on the monorail. I had that same thought about being officially "OLD"

  2. Sad that you are old but isn't it wonderful there are people that still respect that?

  3. Hey, last year on Christmas Day we were picking up our daughter at the airport in Palm Springs and I heard a mother telling her children that there was Santa and Mrs. Claus going away for a holiday...and she was talking about MY husband and ME! I was so insulted!! Yup...we must be old! haha Join the club...YEEHAW!!

  4. You are right. I knew we were old when we got reduced fares on the WA State Ferries!

  5. LOL!!!! I knew it when we started being called "mam" and "sir"!

  6. I met a little girl who knew my 7-year old grandson. A week later I asked my grandson about her. He was so surprised and said "It was you! She said it was an old lady with gray hair. I couldn't figure out who she was talking about." Maybe I'm not too old in his eyes! Glad you encountered some nice young people. ~Jeanne

  7. LOL. What a cute post. I am encouraged by the fact that someone offered you a seat. That says that respect is still alive and well...rare...but alive and well. Getting old is not for the faint of heart, but I wouldn't want to be 20 again for anything!

  8. It is stories like yours that gives me hope for the future.
    It used to be that older people were respected for their knowledge and experience.
    Suddenly, here in Japan, old people are viewed as a burden on society ... Forget that they were responsible for the recovery after the war ... that they worked and scratched, having little, to rebuild the country.
    "senior seats" on the train go to the pushiest and fastest. Thursday when I rode, three of those seats were taken up by a young guy sprawled across them asleep. An article in the newspaper ... front page ... was about a plan to move all those old people outside the city because they were taking up space where young folks could be living.
    The "senior driving test"is a humiliation ... we are dangerous because we are old ... forget about those 20-something kids who ran into my stopped car because they were texting instead of watching where they were going. Maybe it is just Japan though. Sounds like some in the states have learned manners.

  9. It's not old - it's respectable maturity.

  10. Hahaha loved this post! I like Sharon's thought..."it's respectable maturity."

  11. That only means that you are older than THEY are, and they had parents who taught manners and social graces. A rarity these days. I'm surprised and sorry to read what Julie commented, I always heard that Japan was where elders were revered.

  12. Lovely story, I mean such kind things but I guess the main thing is that you always remember - you are young in your heart!

  13. The couple had good manners, unfortunately, it made you feel older.

  14. It's so nice to hear there are still people in the world who have respect for others. You are not old. Age is only a number.

  15. ma no, è stato solo un gesto di cortesia, siete bellissimi :)

  16. Sounds like they were "raised right" to me! Old is always a relative term, they were just really young, you are not old.

  17. I'll take old over the alternative. As long as I'm able to do for myself I'm fine. When I read your blogs and I'm familiar with most of you, I'm amazed at how us "old" people do. Isn't God great?
    Merry Christmas to all.

  18. I love the maturity post..that is so mature of you Marlene....I still get " can I speak to your Mom" I would love a Mammmmmm lol

  19. I like being old :) lots of perks, lol

  20. Welcome to the club! Also want you to know how much I like the tagline beneath your banner. How good to know His promises are true, no matter our age!

  21. What a sweet picture! And you must have been an inspiration to those youngsters!

    Yesterday I was thinking about those perks of maturity ;)

  22. Well that was worth a giggle! But not at your expense. I just completely relate! It's odd to be in the "senior shoes," on the receiving end of people being nice. I've noticed that solicitousness in my son, and it's sort of endearing. Glad you were able to share a nice evening out together.

  23. Thank goodness respectfulness is not dead in the USA. After reading about Japan I am flabbergasted... We may be getting older but we are young at heart. Sometimes when I pass a mirror I am surprised that it is me, lol...

  24. Old?...Nah, you're taking this all wrong. You have earned that bench! Probably from years of doing this exact same gesture for others. It is nice to know there are still some kids being raised right in the world! How refreshing that they actually saw YOU instead of a tiny little screen. That is quite nice indeed.

  25. Old?...Nah, you're taking this all wrong. You have earned that bench! Probably from years of doing this exact same gesture for others. It is nice to know there are still some kids being raised right in the world! How refreshing that they actually saw YOU instead of a tiny little screen. That is quite nice indeed.
