Friday, December 11, 2015

One Month!

I haven't written a post for a month...a whole month!  That's the longest I've gone since I started blogging in April of 2008.  And I don't even know what I've done for the last month, but here are a few highlights of things that have happened.

Back in early November my son ran his first half marathon (and came in first in his age class!) and my granddaughter ran her first 10K.  I'm so proud of both of them!  And I wish I had started running when I was her age because my body says, "no, not now!"

My grandson took a dive off a monkey bar when he was trying to sneak up to the front of the line - not really a suitable punishment I don't think - and had 5 staples put in his head, was a real trooper through his first CT scan, and was back to acting like a crazy monkey as soon as the pain med began to work!

I went shopping for a new chair and came home with one that I'm reserving judgement on - I didn't go looking for a recliner at all but this is what happened.

While shopping I ran across this Grinch sweater - anybody out there love The Grinch?

I started my Christmas decorating and rediscovered this little apron for the fireplace broom.  It was made at least 30 years ago by a dear friend who passed away a long time ago.  I treasure it.

And a sweet friend (from my high school "sisters") sent me three new violets.  Today was repotting day.

I'm working on Eighth Day of Plum Street Samplers Twelve Days of Christmas so I'm a bit behind but that's okay....I still have time to finish.  I think.  And I've been shopping 3 times.  Three!  I hate shopping because I always see things I would love to have for myself and don't need at all...such a temptation.  :)


  1. I kept checking in and wondered where you'd run off to. Glad you're back!

  2. Great catch up post, Marlene! Your violets look great as does your broom cover. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Glad your grand son is ok. My son did something like that when he was about the same age as your grand son. Now he is a dad with his own son doing tricks like that.

  4. Glad all is well.

    Your violets are beautiful.

    Grinch stole Christmas here.

  5. So happy to hear all is well with you and that your grandson is was a real hospital superhero.

  6. Marlene, I read your post with pleasure! Violets are beautiful, and I like the Grinch, too! (Although I've found out his existance when I was about 11 years old and the movie appeared in the cinemas. He is not well-known here in Russia). And your grandson looks like you!

  7. a lot can happen in a month but you are still here and that is a blessing lol.

  8. Glad your grandson didn't have more injuries. I only run if I see a spider. Those are sweet little pots your violets are in.

  9. Nice to have you back! Congrats to the runners, and get well wishes to the monkey bar king!

  10. So glad to get caught up with you. You have one tough, little grandson.

  11. I am glad to hear your grandson is okay after his tumble, and congratulations to the runners! The little fireplace broom apron is so pretty!!

  12. I sure understand about neglecting one's blog! Personally, Instagram has replaced my blog-reading, and that leads to me not posting as frequently to my own blog. Some friends have stopped blogging, completely! Our technology goes through phases, the latest being Periscope. I haven't jumped on that one yet because it requires you to enter your phone number to log in.

    It was a flash-back to see that counted cross stitched broom cover. When I owned a counted cross stitch shop, in the mid-1980s, I made those up, blank, and sold them to my customers. Oddly, I never made one for myself though.

    Oh, and don't envy those runners! I used to be one of them, running five miles a day and entering "fun runs" and half marathons. Now I can't even break into a job without knee pain. There's a price to be paid for running on pavement, and eventually it comes back to bite every runner.

    I'm sure your home is looking festive for the holidays. Enjoy these days!

  13. Good to see you back! I think you've had an eventful month - hope your grandson is doing ok. Your new chair looks comfy. And I love that apron - what a wonderful keepsake. Hope you are enjoying each day. ~Jeanne

  14. Glad your grandson is better and all are doing well.Welcome!

    Merry Christmas!

  15. I identify with you Marlene. This last month just flew by and I find myself asking the same questions. Do you think someone put the world on fast forward? That is what it seems to me. You look like you have done quite a bit...marathon, hospital outings, replanting, and stitching too? No wonder the time went by so fast. Nice to know you are enjoying life! Merry Christmas.

  16. Glad to read that your grandson is OK and hadn't seriously hurt himself when he fell. And congratulations to your son and granddaughter on their successful running.

  17. Marlene, looks like you are keeping pretty busy. Hope you have a lovely Holiday.

  18. Looks like you had a crazy month! Boys, climbing, stitches...they definitely go together and it's why we call them monkeys. :O) I LOVE the Grinch and I'm working on a project with him right now. Cute sweater!

  19. You have gone through both good and bad in a month. Life is like that. We had two parties back-to-back at home last week and the very next day my daughter's wrist got hurt badly and is all blue. She is unable to write in school as it is on right hand.
