Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I'm Addicted

Milah at From My Back Porch had a post recently that listed 5 things she's addicted to. It made me wonder what I would consider myself "addicted" to. This is what I came up with:

1. Tazo Chai Tea Latte - you already knew that would be here. :) And oh happy days - I've found the Tazo Chai Tea concentrate at Kroger for $4.99 (10% off on "senior citizen day") and they even have decaf although why in the world would I need decaf since I'm not running and running and running and running. :)

2. Couponing - I confess I'm hooked. But girls it's just amazing how much money I'm saving and how many things I've been able to buy ahead. Just this week I got 2 tubes of children's Oral B toothpaste, 2 bottles of Coffee Mate Creamer, 2 small boxes of Turtles (chocolate and pecans, yum!) Candy and 2 cans of Progresso Soup for $2.09 - and that included taxes! My husband says Walgreens is going to bar me from coming in!

3. Organizing - I love to put things in little piles. I can sort red from green, tall from short, big from little and do it for hours. I love organizing closets and shelves. That doesn't mean my closets and shelves are organized because half the fun is organizing, messing it up, and reorganizing it in a different way. I think that might mean I'm obsessive/compulsive. Whatever. I could so come to your house and redo your kitchen cabinets!

4. Redwork Embroidery - I just love doing it. I can't use it all. I don't even want to use it all. I just want to do it. I mostly don't even want to make a finished product like a pillow or a quilt. I just want to do the embroidery. I wonder if anyone would hire me to do the handwork for them, say at about $150 an hour? Cause that would really work for me. Maybe more, maybe they could pay me more. Truly I'm worth it.

5. Lists. Yep, lists. I love 'em. I make a to-do list every day and it's ok if I don't get it all done. I just add it to the next day's list! I make a WalMart list, a Walgreens list, a Kroger list, a list of errands in the order I need to do them to use the least gas, a list of books I want to read, and a new list for me....my children and what I'm praying for or about each one. I often make a list of things for my husband to do but he doesn't care for lists as much as me.

Do you have addictions?


  1. Oh Mommy Dear... I really AM more like you than I realize :-) Yes, you do have OCD - I'm a teacher so I must be right. I keep my lists on my PDA so I can add to them anytime/anywhere.. now if I could only get my lists accomplished like you!

  2. Diet Dr. Pepper for my choice of drink...

    I am a list person too. I believe (for me) because of all those years of working in an office. We have a small dry erase board on the fridge...everything goes there....then to paper when we leave to go shopping.

    Can't stand clutter in my house...a cobweb has a better chance to survive in my house than a stack of newspapers. Everything should have a "home" so when you are thru with it - take it to where it belongs...cabinet, closet, trash, etc.

    Have a great day.

    Merry Christmas - if I don't chat with you again.


  3. You gals are funny! I love organization and if it's done for me I can maintain it for a good while....organizing myself - HA HA HA. I pull all the stuff out and end up stuffing it right back in.

    Addicted to? That would have to be books. I buy all I can afford and read them. Read to the exclusion of doing other things. Therefore, I limit myself to one book per month.

    You all please keep me in your prayers as the FBI is still stalking innocent people (namely me) in an effort to make their "puzzle" fit. Did it ever occur to them that perhaps I'm not a piece in the puzzle?

    Take care and MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  4. Hey Marlene! Glad you played along. You have some good ones there. I think I should add "lists" to my top ten addictions. If I didn't have lists, I'd never get anything done.

    I may have to start clipping coupons....with those savings I can see how it would become addicting. Especially today!

  5. Genetics rules again. Definitely #3 and #5 for me. AND my granddaughter is exactly the same - except for when it comes to organizing her room and school locker. And, yes we DO have OCD, but obviously we don't have to carry the burden alone -- there's a whole family of us.

  6. I'm seriously addicted to:

    Buying fabric
    Categorising books, CDs & fabric
    Collecting cat things
    Collecting Charm beads
    Collecting dragon things
    Darrell Lea Caramel Snows
    Making lists
    Reading blogs!

  7. Organizing and lists...I'm there with you. I'm convinced we are sisters separated at birth, lol.

  8. Addictions: My phone, my computer, chocolate, blogging, working out.

    I liked your comment about lists. When I was a little girl I used to keep "top 10" lists. Top 10 this and Top 10 that. I think I got the idea from a book or something - but I was obsessed with keeping them for a long time!

  9. Yes, I'm addicted...

    1. Glass jars. I can hardly throw one away. I like to use them for storage.
    2. Grande, 2 Sweet N Low Latte from Starbucks.
    3. School supplies. August comes around and I just drool. Glue, scissors, paper, notebooks, pens, pencils.
    4. Pedicures. Every two weeks but I can make it three, if there is an emergency.
    5. My laptop. Blogging, pics, Google. I LOVE to Google... definitions, history, dates, eclipses, medical stuff, anything... just mention something and I've probably already Googled it.

  10. Oh, yes, I have addictions. And some of them are the same as yours. Especially the list thing.

  11. Reading your blog




  12. I didn't have an addiction unitl now. I'm addicted to your blog and what will come out of your mouth next.
    Come to Missouri little sister is in need of your organization skills. Tell Hubby it Gumbo Time.

  13. Out of your 5 addictions, I'd say that making lists is the one I'm most addicted to. I make a lot of them~some never get 'used' or are much help, but I think making them makes me feel more organized--even though I am not.

  14. I am addicted too. To making lists of things to get done, that never get done. To eating things I shouldn't be eating ie chocolate and crips. To Coronation Street. To cookbooks.

  15. I am addicted too. To making lists of things to get done, that never get done. To eating things I shouldn't be eating ie chocolate and crips. To Coronation Street. To cookbooks.

  16. Oh how funny! I certainly have a fabric addiction but I have seen much worse than me. And I am addicted to diet Coke without caffeine. I am not a big organizer except I do like my fabric sorted by color in their bins. I have my patterns and books sorted but to suit myself.

  17. I love lists - especially checking things off.

    I love nibbles - especially popcorn.

    I love fabric and textures....you can tell by my crochet yarn stash!

    I love the smell of feather pillows - I'm addicted to feather pillows and if there is a Santa Claus he will send me a few pounds of down so I can make my own!

    I love reading - singing - and talking - I guess I love being verbal!

  18. Um, would you adopt me? Surely I was separated from you at birth? I'm way more like you than my own mother. LOL

  19. I'm addicted to rubber stamps (making cards) and paper in general which contributes to my need to make lists for everything and my love of letter writing.

  20. Hi, I'm addicted to chocolate and yard sales and thrift stores.I need to get rid of all of these addictions, the chocolate puts on pounds and the yard sales and thrift stores adds to my already cluttered house, but I just can't pass up a good deal. I use coupons, but nothing like I used to. Me and my son (My 20 yr old son, who was around 2 at the time)were on the front cover of a refund magazine once. I saved tons with refunding and couponing back then.

  21. Could you come to my house and reorganize all my decorations -- all seasons and my fabric cabinet, please?! Oh yeah -- and all the paper clutter and all my cookbook collection and....!

  22. Oh I LOVE Tazo chai tea ...the stuff in the yellow box that is liquid? Is that what you're talking about? I have not been able to find it in ages...I used to get it at Starbucks but no more. I wish we had Kroegers here...darn it! I'm addicted to lists also :)
