Monday, January 25, 2010

This One's For You Kim

On Sunday one of my Sunday School teachers (Hi Kim) told us about being in her bathroom getting dressed one morning, having a power surge (yes, now the whole world knows) and opening the bathroom window to cool off. Kim is the mother of four children and also fosters two babies. You heard me - six children. And she teaches Sunday School. And name it, she does it. She's sort of like the Energizer Bunny. I digress...but then most of my stories are just a succession of digressions. Is that a word? Back to my story.

She leaned out the window and looked to the left. She saw the side wall of the brick house next door. She looked to the right. She saw some woods, thick enough that she couldn't see beyond them. And she thought, "What if this was all the world I could see?"

And God said, "It is all the world you can see. It's all of my world you can's all of my plans you can see." Remember the verse from Isaiah 55:8 "your ways are not my ways and your thoughts are not my thoughts". His world is so big, so wonderful, so beautiful; but all we can see is our little corner. His plan for us is so big.....but all we see is this tiny little piece that we live in right now. If all we could see is what we see from our bathroom window just think about all of this huge world we'd be missing. And imagine - the world He has planned for us is every bit that big and bigger....and bigger still. And more beautiful. And more peaceful. And more....

When your world seems to be closing in, or your day has been a bust from the moment you got up, or your best friend has lost 10 pounds and you've gained 15, or your husband doesn't appreciate you and your children ignore you, or you spilled a Diet Dr. Pepper right smack dab in the middle of the kitchen floor you just mopped and waxed, or that bully down the street was mean to your baby and you've got to go talk to his mother - again, remember this. This is just one tiny little piece of a big picture. This is the view out of the bathroom window. The whole world is just beyond.


  1. So good once again, Marlene. I need to remember this all the time!

  2. A great nugget of wisdom, thanks for it.

  3. Great wisdom there, thanks for the reminder.

  4. Best blog post I have read in a long time!! Thanks for that! I am going to share it with all my friends.

  5. Beautiful, Marlene...Jo S.

  6. You are so very wise. Of course, I've known that all along :)

  7. Oh my goodness! I was very surprised to read the title of your post today! Thank you for sharing what God shared with me! God is good, all the time!
