Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Would You Pray For Baby Eli Again?

Back in September I told you about Baby Eli who was born while I was in Colorado in late September. Then in early October I came back and told you that Eli was born without a thyroid gland and asked you to pray for him. As you can see from the picture above he has done just great. His sweet mama has just started a blog and some of your have been reading the Colorado Belle. Well today Baby Eli is in the hospital. Yesterday he slept all day long and we all know babies don't sleep all day long unless they're sick. His eyes are red and runny and his nose is stopped up so his mama took him to the doctor. They promptly put him in the hospital and said he has RSV and bronchitis. I know his parents are frantic because I know babies can scare us to death, and especially first babies. Would you please say a prayer for Eli? And for his parents?


  1. Prayers for Eli and family....so scary.

  2. I am praying. I would be scared if that was Little D. I pray that he will get through this and grow up to be a healthy little boy!!!

  3. such a precious little angel...will be in my prayers.....

  4. Little Eli and his family are in my prayers.

  5. I remember when my baby was in the hospital so young, such a horrible feeling. Please tell them I am praying hard for Eli, his phsicians and other caregivers... and of course, for Mom and Dad. Thanks for your comment on my Prince Charming story, it was good for me writing it - a reminder of what a wonderful man he is, and all the reasons I fell in love with him :-)

  6. What a precious baby! I will pray for Eli & family.

  7. Thats some hard stuff. Will pray.

  8. I just spent time in prayer for little Eli and his parents. Keep us posted, please!!

  9. Little Eli is in my prayers. Hope mom and dad are holding up okay. I'll pray for them, too.

  10. absolutely.. i know that can be scarey.

  11. RSV is a really bad virus. We are praying!!

  12. Upholding little Eli and his family in my prayers. xxoo

  13. Prayer has been sent and will continue to pray for him until he is well. Hugs!

  14. Just finished. What a darling baby and I pray he comes through this just fine.

  15. I'm offering my prayers up for Eli.

  16. Will definitely pray for baby Eli. I know all of you are worried about him.

  17. So happy I stopped by today to check on you. Of course I will pray for this precious baby and his family.
    Hope you are doing well.
    I have to browse and catch up on you while I can today
    Take care

  18. I will certainly pray for Little Elie! I am familiar with RSV in children. My grandson, Tyler, had it twice, and was hospitalized both times, it was so scary. I pray he will overcome this horrible illness and be back to normal very soon. I am proud they hospitalized him immediately, it is the best thing under the circumstances.

  19. I'll join in prayer for Eli. Thanks for the opportunity.
