Monday, May 3, 2010


We had a wonderful family weekend! There were 35 here for supper Saturday night with children and babies everywhere. Everything in my house feels slightly sticky from their little fingers and I love the thought of that. There were tornadoes and thunderstorms that tried to dampen our fun but we didn't let them. We just lined beds up everywhere we could put one and slept just fine knowing we were together. We laughed and we cried and we ate and we talked but one little incident summed up the event quite well I think. Ella, who is 4 years old, is the granddaughter of my sister. She calls my sister Nanny. Ella and Laney, my granddaughter, were born on the same day and though they don't really look alike their personalities are quite similar - they are full of energy, determined to do what they want to do when they want to do it, and can melt your heart with a look. One afternoon after playing in the backyard for hours Ella came running in the house straight to the rocking chair where I was sitting. She said, "I picked these flowers for you!" She had a fistful of azalea blooms (yes, blooms only, no stems) squeezed tight in that tiny hand and she carefully poured them into my cupped hands. I thanked her elaborately for thinking of me and she looked up at me with her big, round eyes and said, "Are you Grandma?" Bless her heart, she knew I was somebody she ought to know but she wasn't quite sure who!

And just exactly who was I? I find myself in a position I never though I'd have...matriarch of the family. You know you read that term sometimes in books and it brings to mind a picture of the mother/grandmother who brings all her family together and binds them into a cohesive unit. I don't know how much binding I do but I do hold the title of oldest so I'm the matriarch by default. It's not a bad place to be, but I do wish Mama were still here and still had the title. I'm pretty sure I'm not really this old. I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming it and will soon wake up to find I'm really still a teenager. Or is that a nightmare...being a teenager again. :)


  1. I love the thought of this... children in and out and a house full to the brim with family! I do believe, in all honesty, that being a teenager again would be worse than aging! ;)

  2. What a sweet story!! You are the bridge my dear. The bridge that joins the generations. that is a blessing in this day and time. You have the life experience to offer guidance and the desire to still graciously accept little nubbie flowers from a dear child. I have to say this my favorite post that I have ever read on your blog :-)) It truly warmed my heart. See, One day I want to be the special matriarch to my family....Blessings, my friend

  3. I share your feelings! How did I become the oldest and where did the time go???? I still feel like the youngest (most of the time)and I know that is something to be very, very thankful for.
    I wouldn't want to be a teenager at all....but 30 would be nice/ha

  4. Marlene, Mom was the matriarch of our family and when she passed they just automatically thought I would take over. I feel bad I have not done this. Saw the hours Mom would put into this and money, but I sure miss those gatherings. Love your story.

  5. It is a badge of honor...wear it proudly:) Sweet story.

  6. It is a sweet story. Being a teen again would be a nightmare but I don't want to be a matriarch either I guess I would even settle to be at 60. I was good at that age. I mean healthy and active.

  7. When I became an adult, I realized that the biggest secret adults keep from children, is that you never really grow up on the inside.

    And just who is that person in the mirror anyway?

  8. A position of true honor for you, Marlene. I'm sure you do it justice. Your posts about your family are always filled with love.

    Glad you were all safe from those nasty storms!

  9. From one Matriarch to another, it is a beautiful place to be. Glad you were safe from the storms and that you had this wonderful time with your family. xxoo

  10. So glad the rocky weather did not dampen your reunion. Sounds like a wonderful time.
    It is a bit disconcerting when are parents pass and we realize we are now the "head". Yikes.

  11. A lovely, sweet post.
    Yep, being a teenager again does sound like kind of a nightmare, I do believe. ;)
    Congrats on hosting the huge get-together. I once could do that but these days, well not so sure. Thankfully I have a sister who LOVES having the big crowds over at her house so it's not a decision I am forced to make.

  12. Oh what a post!! It is really amazing how time flies. I still feel like a teen in my mind but my body does not feel like it. When my Grandma (my moms mother) was alive she used to tell me when she was in her 90's that in her mind she felt in her 50's. Time does fly. Amazing. By the way, your last post before this made me realize that I haven't done my devotion this morning. Thank you for the reminder.

  13. I feel the same way. Miss Mother every day. Especially this month with Mother's Day and her Birthday. I think about it sometimes, that Honey Bear and I are now the older generation. I have an older sister but I've always been the one they lean on. Grandmothers, today, just don'e fit the mold.
    Mama Bear

  14. Think of yourself as the 'glue' that binds the family together! My dear, little mother is truly the matriarch but I am the one who plans, organizes and makes family happenings become reality. I'm the one everyone leans on - I'm second in line and I'm willing to do the work my dear mother can no longer do. But I don't wish to be first in line!

  15. Oh, Marlene, my older sister is in the same position you are. When mother passed away, we automatically turned to her. I'm so thankful to have her to fill that role and I'm sure your family is thankful for you! Thinking of beds everywhere and a house full of laughter brings back lots of sweet memories! Thanks for such a sweet post!

  16. It sounds like the reunion was a fabulous event. I know everyone have a memorable time.

    Matriarch sounds like such a heavy term. I will never forget being called that for the first time. It was like the weight of the world on my shoulders.
