Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Getting ready for having masses of people at my house for several days meant having lots and lots...and lots and lots of food. But even though they made a good try, not everything was eaten. Over the last couple of days I've been trying to consolidate what I could and eat what I couldn't. That's not good for my diet but being the conservative person that I am I'm determined to count the points AND eat the food. And I'm also trying to counteract all that I ate over the weekend by walking not once but twice a day. Yesterday we walked 45 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the late afternoon. We've been on the morning walk today and plan to go again this afternoon.

I keep thinking there should be some creative way to use up some of this stuff but tell me...what do you do with potato salad? I don't think you can freeze it and besides, I'm trying to empty my freezer, not fill it up. I have a whole loaf of whole wheat bread, not to mention parts of other loaves. I made a wonderful - really wonderful - bread pudding for the reunion but I don't think whole wheat bread would be good in that. And again I'm trying not to freeze anything. Since we'll be gone for several months pretty soon I want my freezer to be as empty as possible. And then there's cereal..several different kinds of cereal, some opened, some not. What in the world am I going to do with more-cereal-than-we-can-eat?

Thinking about leftovers has fostered some other sort-of related thoughts. Getting ready for the reunion meant not only buying and cooking food. It meant getting my house "ready." My husband and I have different thoughts about what ready means and different timelines for doing the necessary things. I like for everything to be done, finished, settled at least a couple of days before. He, on the other hand, likes to be sweeping the porch as company drives up the driveway. He doesn't see the sense in washing the glass light cover in the entry where no one but me ever goes. I'm not sure I see the sense in that either but I wanted it done. :) Vacuuming and dusting are obvious things that are needful but there are less obvious things that we women seem to place lots of importance on when someone is going to staying in our homes for several days. Like the glass light cover. Or the .....? Where do you want to be sure you've cleaned? After all, I might not have thought of that place and I might need to clean it too!


  1. As for the extra cereal and any other packaged non-perishables, you could donate them to a food pantry. Most of the ones around here are always struggling to get enough donations.

  2. Hey, Marlene,
    Probably everyone in your neighborhood knew you'd had a big crowd over the weekend...how about having a "Leftovers Party." Invite the neighbors--even the ones you don't know. Nothing like a second event to clean out the cupboard, the fridge and not eat it yourself!

    I have three lists for housecleaning before company arrives: one is for putting on the dog, so to speak...that's the go-all-out mode where I whirl for three days ahead of time; (and to my consternation, MM declares to any and all immediately when they arrive, "we don't live like this." So all my effort in this mode is for naught! Second level is a general pick up that --given a darkly lit house, lets me work only a day; third mode: do nothing. No work, just enjoy. Reserved for best friends who don't notice my houseclearning, but just love being here. That's the best!


  3. Why is it I only notice dust in places I never notice any other time, when someone is coming?

  4. LOL, I feel just like you!!! Why do I need to straighten the pantry and my closet before company gets here......I'll bet no one notices the things that bother us (or I hope they don't) ha
    Leftover potato salad is only good for the garbage disposal........

  5. Sounds like you had a great family reunion. Lots of energy everywhere.

    Donate the left over cereal and other food stuffs to a shelter. They always needs food.

  6. Been in the same situation. But a "leftovers party" sounds like a wonderful solution.

  7. Potato salad. That would be tremendously hard to throw out. I'm with the leftover party. I've done it before, and it's really fun to get a whole second party with none of the work. :-)

  8. I like Anon's idea of a left overs party. That is a win win.

  9. It's not in the 'seeing' the dust. . .it's in the 'knowing' it's not there!
