Tuesday, November 22, 2011

One Thousand Blessings - Day 28

911.  Books that strengthen my faith
912.  Books that teach
913.  Books that entertain (I'm sensing a pattern here!)
914.  Meals shared with people I love
915.  Emergency personnel
916.  People God has healed this year - either through the wisdom of medical people, a miracle given by God, or through His perfect healing through entering their heavenly home
917.  The means and ability to cook Thanksgiving dinner
918.  Family, warts and all
919.  Gifts and prizes I've received from blogging friends
920.  High school girlfriends who remain in my life
921.  Physical therapists
922.  Frost that glistens in the sun like diamonds
923.  Clear, crisp fall days
924.  The smell of pumpkin pie cooking
925.  Leaf blowers, and the people who use them
926.  Ruffles and lace
927.  Puppies
928.  Wind in the leaves
929.  Pansies
930.  White Christmas lights
931.  Live nativity scenes
932.  Christmas music
933.  Meditation
934.  Kitchen appliances
935.  Reading glasses
936.  The drawings of children
937.  Windmills
938.  Fried pies
939.  Pinterest
940.  Hearing my child say "I feel better"
941.  New makeup
942.  Butter Bowls
943.  Pretty Scarves
944.  Chipmunks
945.  Chocolate milk
946.  Business cards
947.  Coupons that work on sale items
948.  Angels
949.  Beautiful old clocks
950.  The sun on the lake


  1. Interesting list , what are fried pies?

  2. Just reading your list calms me, slows me down, makes my heart happy. Thank you!

    I read the book "One Thousand Gifts" and will be reading it again. I wonder how it would change me, to make a conscious effort every single day to be grateful for what God has brought into my life.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. I love your gratitude for pinterest. That made me giggle.
    What a wonderful thing to count a thousand blessings.
    You are a marvel.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!

  4. I love your gratitude for pinterest. That made me giggle.
    What a wonderful thing to count a thousand blessings.
    You are a marvel.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving Marlene! I love how you keep reminding us to find ordinary things, every day, to be grateful for, not just on Thanksgiving! Hope you are surrounded by people you love this holiday.....

  6. Wonderful list! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving! Your list reminds me to be thankful all year long.

  8. I so needed this today. Thank you for sharing...I was blue because not all of our family was together. But God has preserved us all, and kept us healthy -- perhaps soon we may all see each other again. Thank you, Marlene!

  9. I have enjoyed all of your blessings posts. It is wonderful to find joy in the simple things. Your list always makes me appreciate some of the things I take for granted more. Thank you dear friend for making my world sweeter. Hugs, Lura

  10. Oh boy! Lots of these I liked, but especially 923,928,932,936,949,950
