Thursday, November 17, 2011

 Don't you just love the block tutorials going on over at Stash Manicure this month?  I love seeing the different blocks and reading the tutorials but I didn't really plan to make any of them.  After all, I have this promise to myself hovering over my head - "start nothing new until you've finished at least half of your UFOs".  I refuse to tell you how many UFOs I have.  You can torture me and I won't tell.  Well, maybe I would depending on the torture.  But when I saw the tutorial by Jennifer at Ellison Lane Quilts I was smitten.  Not the Improv Block, altough I loved her bright colors.  It was the Christmas Tree Block that caught my eye.  So I broke my promise to myself and made this:

 It's just perfect for this little corner of my kitchen window.  And the colors fit right into the color scheme I have in there.  I mean you can see why I had to do it, right?

And on a different note do you Pinterest?  Because I'm seriously addicted and I'm spending way too many hours there.  If you want to see what it's about click on the Pinterest button over on my right sidebar.  Anyway, I saw these wonderful scarf pins made out of buttons and a light bulb went off....I have buttons!  So I made these:

I only burned my finger once on the hot glue.  That's a record for me.


  1. I guess I need to make one of those pins. I have a knitted sweater that literally used ALL of the yarn - there wasn't any left over for button loops or anything. So I told myself that I needed to make either a scarf pin or a shawl pin to keep that thing closed. Thanks for the reminder. I really like the brown one.

  2. I love how you made the tree block into a mini - clever gal! Your button pins are just so cute - hey, I'm partial to buttons. Hmm, maybe something may evolve here! Thank you for sharing.

  3. I love the tree! And the buttons! (inside my head:' and then some whining.) The voice inside my head may lose on this one.

  4. The buttons are the pop that makes the block special.

  5. I guess I don't know what some of the terms are that you used....stash? What's that? Is that what all the fabric I have had laying around for the last several years is?

    Those pinterest buttons are absolutely darling.
    This is about the sixth blog I've come across tonight that has mentioned their addiction to pinterest.
    AWESOME place as far as I'm concerned.

  6. Love the little tree quilt you made - and it matches your blog button, too! I want a blog button but am not sure how to go about it.

    The scarf pins are lovely. I joined Pinterest but haven't quite gotten the hang of it yet. Just what I need...another source of inspiration!

  7. I love the button ideas! I really, really LOVE your new mini-quilt! I have several UFOs, but I have come to realize that starting and finishing something small can really give me a pick-me-up. Your little tree is just perfect! That striped fabric make the perfect binding!

  8. I loved the tree, too! Yours is darling. I'm glad it was just once with the hot glue gun! :)

  9. Marlene, your pinterest board is amazing! Ever since you posted my quiche recipe, my blog traffic has pretty much doubled. I hope they like it! You have so many good things on yours, that I can just live vicariously by going there if I need any inspiration. :-) Thanks for saving me the need for another addiction!

  10. ok, I am all in for a Christmas tree and that size is perfect for me lol
    fab job on it too..don't you just love those screens

  11. Hehehe. They do make it tough to stick to your plan don't they. I love all the tuts too but am determined to not start anything new just yet. As for the list of UFOs I'm actually keeping it on my new blog....I am what my family calls a "list queen" and it helps me to always see in print all that I have on my to do list.

  12. Must. Not. Click. To. Pinterest. Must. Not. LOL I'm going to have to say no....I simply must finish some of my projects (including one for Madame) and I can't go look at other inspiring things and get distracted! You are the temptress, aren't you? Heehee! Love your mini and your buttons!

  13. Your 'new' block is wonderful! And, yes, I LOVE Pinterest - I'm afraid I'm there a bit too much!

  14. Oh...I love your tree and those buttons.....ummm ummmm good!

  15. That tree block turned out great and those buttons are something else. I'll have to check out your pintrest site for sure :)

  16. What a cute little quilt. Love it on that stand!
    Your button pins are so sweet girlfriend!

  17. Love your little Christmas Tree...And I love your display rack almost as much! I also would not reveal the number of UFOs I need to finish, even if subjected to Chinese water torture!

  18. You are so talented my friend. I love seeing your projects. The first of my family arrived this afternoon. I have been able to get quite a bit done in preparation.... at least the house looks pretty good. I'll start working on the food tomorrow.

    Have a happy thanksgiving. I am sending hugs your way. Love, Lura

  19. fun...following you on pinterest...vickiewallace1

  20. Love your little tree - just perfect in it's simplicity. Wondering what size your metal stand is, as I am looking for one of those. Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Judy C
