Monday, April 9, 2012

F Is For....

F is for flexible.  Not my body.  It's not very flexible at all!

But personality - you bet!  I'm good at "going with the flow".  Remember the Slinky?  It went from side to side, shifting and changing when it needed to so that it could either balance or go all the way back to it's original shape.

When I was teaching the catch phrase of the day was "monitor and adjust."  And it meant just that - if something you were doing wasn't working, you switched gears and did something else.  You tried different things until you hit on the one that worked with the kids you were teaching.  I learned a lot from that....I learned to do the same thing in life.  I learned that if you keep on doing what you always did you will keep on getting what you always got.  Read that somewhere - and it's true.  If you're flexible you can take advantage of opportunities that pop up, you cease to be rigid and you learn to bend without breaking.

Being flexible is said much better than I could ever say it in Ecclesiastes 3 - To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under Heaven.  Embrace your season.  That's being flexible.


  1. As a retired teacher, I applied your technique every lesson and it became part of my personality too. Monitor & adjust makes life a whole lot easier.

  2. I agree 100% with your statement , we need to be flexible in everything in life and wouldn't it be dull if we didn't .

  3. I like, especially, your last paragraph. "Embrace your season." It's so true! :)

  4. What a GREAT blog! Love the slinky visual. Thank you for posting!

  5. Perfect analogy. I bet you were the perfect teacher. Those students that came through your door were the luckiest ever.

  6. At my age this is especially true, as I see those who have not made changes are more and more left behind.

  7. Being flexible is a survival skill we all could use.

  8. I had to go back and get caught up on my ABC's!! Somehow I got behind last week in every area of my life. That's the Fibro Fog talking. I love this favorite to date!! Embrace your Season!! I may steal that or make it my new Matra. Embrace MY Season covers a multitude of sins.
    Great post!
