Tuesday, April 10, 2012

G Is For....

G is for grateful.  I don't know quite how to explain this one except to say that my life could have gone in lots of different directions, most of them not so good.  There were difficulties in my childhood and traumatic events in my teens that could have sent me spinning off into space.
Even though I didn't know it at the time God was in control.  He steered me toward good friends and good role models who started me down a different path.  He orchestrated the way I met my husband and He pointed out better choices.  He let me serve others in my work and He encouraged me to be more than I ever thought I could be.

Grateful doesn't sound like much, but it really is huge.


  1. Grateful is everything Marlene. Gratitude is truly the under-pining of happily ever after! xxoo

  2. I'm grateful for you. God always puts the most wonderful people in my life. You pass on His love everyday to everyone you know. Hugs!

  3. How true, and the comments say it all.

  4. You are very right - gratitude IS huge. Practicing gratitude can completely change someone's life outlook.
    And I would be grateful to you if you would share how you get an embroidery design on wool like for that beautiful Down on the Farm piece you have shown. Until a piece I'm working on now for a fundraiser auction for our Christian school I've only done simple edging stitches or a pumpkin stem or something that didn't really require a design, but this time I had words to stitch and I wanted to use a particular font. Thanks in advance for any good advice you can give me! (I managed this time but would like a better way)

  5. Amen. A wonderful blessing you are able to see the path you've chosen over the one you didn't and be grateful for the choices presented to get there.

  6. Thank you so much Marlene...this post and the one yesterday ("F") are two very important guidelines in my own life. It's wonderful to be reminded. Thanks for being a blessing to us in the community!

  7. We have so much to be grateful for! What a wonderful "word"!! I am grateful for you and your steadfast faith AND your posting about it day after day! Great is Thy Faithfulness!!

  8. Your optical illusion picture could be made into a quilt design.

  9. I have been feeling really grateful lately myself...

  10. Marlene, I'm grateful that you have such a gift for putting into words the things that mean so much to me too. Many is the time I find myself nodding in delighted agreement as I read your posts, particularly this current series. Bless you!
