This is post #201 since I began blogging in April. Who would have thought I could talk that much? Don't answer that!
Anyway I've decided to have a giveaway for my regular readers. Did you get that...regular readers? Rule #1 - do not post about this giveaway. I really do want a couple of my "regular folks" to win. I've done the other kind of giveaway where you post it and they post it and you get lots of comments but most of those people never come back. So for this one we'll just keep it small. However, if you're a regular reader and not a regular commenter you go ahead and comment now - I'd love to know who you are. :)
I have two gifts to give away. The first one is aimed at quilters and includes several patterns, a couple of quilting/sewing tools, and some quilt labels. That's gift #1.
The second gift is aimed at the non-quilters, though you quilters might prefer this one and that's ok too. It includes a tea towel I appliqued, a dish rag I knitted, a journal, a sweet little book by Dr. Dobson, and two candles. That's gift #2.
So here's what you do. Leave a comment on this post and just tell me which gift you want to receive. DO NOT post about it. Just comment. (That's the school teacher in me coming out and telling you over and over what not to do.) I will draw names (no random generator thingy for me) on Monday. I will ship internationally so if you're not in the USA that's ok.
Why am I doing this? Because I love blogging, I love my readers, and God has blessed me with your presence.
You're so sweet. I don't think I've ever missed a post of yours (at least not since I've found you) and get excited when I see you've added something new. I would love to be entered in to the Quilting giveaway. They're both great but the quilting hits me square in my heart. Thanks for doing this!
Wow - #2 is a sock knocker-off!! KNITTED DISH CLOTH! Did you read my post when I was saying that as a child in the weekly knitting lesson my friend and I loved to knit these so we could pretend to be (english) high court judges. And the appliqued tea towel - applique is something I used to do a lot of at one time but in sugar. What a lovely post and it brought back some good memories!
love, Angie, xx
I like the quilting items, but I would really prefer to have things that you have made yourself. Hugs.
I would really like to win no 1 ,but dont think you would want to post over here to the uk ,I love your blog since I discovered it I love to hear about your stiching projects , Jan xx
I read you each time you post, though I'm not a frequent commenter. I'd love to win your gift #1 for quilters.
I am a faithful follower of yours and look forward to every post. I am so excited about this one. So sweet of you. If I were to win, either would be a blessing, but if I had my choice it would be the quilting gifts. Thank you so much for the opportunity to be a part of this.
The true gift is you, my wonderful friend. Either gift is awesome. I love visiting with and learning from you!
Oooh, my goodness. Has it really been 201 posts? I've got a way to go to catch up with you, Marlene. I enjoy all your posts so much especially your humorous descriptions of your adorable grandchildren. I'd love to win the quilting goodies.
How do you keep up with the post number? I have no idea. Gift 2even though I am a quilter.
Your blogs brighten me up whenever you post. Thanks
Love reading your blog about the simple life! And I also enjoy your view of the lake! I am a quilter but your non-quilter's gift works for me. I always enjoy appliqued tea towels - though I've never done one myself! Thanx, Linda G.
You know I read you Marlene :o) Love your writing style and you always leave me with something to ponder!
I love both gifties.... If I am lucky enough to win, you choose for me!
How would I ever pick. But since I have to, #1 it is.
Hi Marlene
I haven't been by to visit for awhile and I was just htinking about you today. Good timing for me I see since you are having a giveaway.
Hugs, Rhondi
Congratulations on 201 posts! It didn't seem like that many to me. How do you know how many you've done?
I like to read your blog because it's real.and your sense of humor makes my day,
I would love to win either prize but if I have to choose I would prefer #2.
Hooray for you! Congrats, I have enjoyed reading all of your doings this past year. What a thoughtful giveaway, thank you! I love that towel (and my buddy would just think it is the neatest), so I will have to choose gift #1!
Congratulations on your 201 posts! I would be grateful to win either prize.
Hello Marlene!
How lovely of you to do a giveaway! I would love to put my name in the hat for gift #2, please!
Thank you so much!
So enjoy your blog...always like when a wonderful Christian person is not afraid to show their love for God in their blog.
Either one or two...I would welcome either one.
Look up - not down - think positive and remember God is in control.
Hugs from Oklahoma - Amelia
I love school teachers! I have only one quilt project, and it may very well last me the rest of my life!! So put me in the hat for #2. Looking forward to the next 200!
Congratulations-it would be wonderful to win #1.
You are such a sweetie! And I HOPE I'm considered a "regular reader." I think I'd like the gift for quilters, please. As you know, my SIL, Aunt Julie, does marvelous things with quilts. Her birthday is coming up, and I'd love to send her a very special gift!
Congratulations on 201 posts, Marlene! I'm looking forward to the next 201.
I like both gifts you are offering. It's too hard to decide which would be preference number 1.
WOW!!!! 201!!! I'm impressed, but then again, you always impress me. Please put my name in the hat for either one (I'm the world's worse at decision making.)
Hi Marlene, I hope that, as your newest Follower, I still qualify? I'm so glad to have discovered your blog (and am praying for baby Harper as you requested). Both your giveaways are delightful, but if I must choose then I'll choose the draw for #1. Cheers, Di
How nice of you to do this give away for your regulars! I am a quilter and would be delighted to win your quilty prize.
Have a wonderful day,
How fun and what an accomplishment for you. Congratulations. Hmmm...this is a tough choice, but guess it would be the quilting things.
Congratulations on your 201st post!
I'd like to enter for the quilty items if I may. Very considerate of you to consider those on both sides of the fence. Thanks for the opportunity, and happy blogging for another 200 or more!!
Congrats on post #201! I would appreciate either gift....but I am leaning toward the second one! LOL
HI Marlene, I am lucky enough to already have something you made, so, put me in the draw for the quilting goodies (Package one I think it is!)
Even though I don't comment a lot, I hope you know that I read your blog regularly.
I started reading your blog a couple of months ago when I searched out fellow Arkansans (I live in Paris). I read you daily even though I only think I posted once before to introduce myself. I love the quilty package with the patterns. My kitchen is in chickens and sunflowers. I am also a teacher (principal now) of a small religious school. I am curious as to what area you taught in.
What a sweet give away - teacher! hehehe! I like that part. Sometimes we just gotta be firm!!
I'd love door #2, who doesn't ove new linens! A book and a candle and a tub of warm water...what a way for a quilter to relax!
I read your blog often, but this is my first post. I too am a teacher and totally understand your directions!! I have the snowman sweatshirt pattern in your first giveaway and have sold many of them. I'd love either of your giveaways.
I read your blog often, but this is my first post. I too am a teacher and totally understand your directions!! I have the snowman sweatshirt pattern in your first giveaway and have sold many of them. I'd love either of your giveaways.
Thank you for your comment...IF I quilt it myself, what would you suggest for a backing? Also...please enter me in this giveaway. I would love either gift. I would let you chose...both are wonderful!!
I always hesitate to comment on giveaways. Because the comments go over the moon, it seems. Do you think some people troll around, looking for blogs that have giveaways? I just enjoy some of the things you write about and the humour you bring to your blog. That's enough for me!
I so enjoy your blog. Thanks for your generosity. Have a great day/night. Em
Hi Marlene,
Fast comment, something you made is for me.
Thank you for having this,
Yep, enter me in the 2nd give away . . . the tea towel, the dishrag, journal, et al. Oh, heck. it doesn't matter, I'd love either one.
I do read you every other night or so . . . but I don't comment. You lured me in with the give away!
I do enjoy reading "Stitchin by the lake"
If you have been blessed by your readers...this reader certainly has been blessed by your blogging! I look for your post everyday. Thank you for taking the time to share your heart so freely.
Marlene, congrats on over 200 posts!! What a lovely giveaway you are hosting. Anyone would be most lucky indeed to receive any one of those sussies!
I'm not a quilter so I'll throw my name in for the second give-away!
Woo Hoo....Lookie there Marlene, you got 43 comments! I'm going to follow the rules here and tell you that I'm interested in Gift #1 - the quilting stuff.
Thanks so much for doing this.
- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Hi, Marlene....I don't care which one I win. Maybe I prefer #2 because you made them. You're so sweet to have a give-away. Jo S.
Found your blog only a couple of months ago and surely must enjoy it as I have it on my favorites list! I started quilting a couple of years ago when I retired so would especially enjoy #1 - you can never have too many quilting accessories! I'm not a retired school teacher but am a retired postmaster and I too like telling people what not to do - ha ha!
Marlene, I love reading your blog.. Please enter my name in your #2 giveaway. I've not learned to quilt yet, but do hopeso in the near future! Thank you so much!
Have a great weekend!
~Lynn/Okc (email)
Marlene, I would love some new patterns for projects! Thanks for the opportunity! Marge
Wow! 201 posts, I only discovered your blog in Sept or maybe a little earlier. But I've loved it ever since. I particularly enjoyed your posts about your mission trip! Anyhow, three cheers for you and your fabulous blog!
Gee, I just love give aways. I can't deside which one I like better so just pick one and put my name in if you will. I've not been coming by for a real long time but I have you in my list of blogs I follow.
Mama Bear
I might not always comment, but I'm always here. You make me laugh and make me think. I love visiting with you and hearing what you have to say. Congrats on 201 posts!
I really want #2 because I love that tea towel!
Dear Marlene, I have followed your blog for quite some time now, but never commented until now as I have finally started my blog ( and can comment using my blogger identity), wont mind if I dont win, as your sharing your thoughts and often funny happenings in your live is to me truly a gift. You have brightened my day so many times, so here comes a long overdue Thank you.
Sunna in Iceland
Congratulations on those 200 plus posts! And I see you are starting a 2nd blog. Remember you said you were looking for God to lead you into something new because you had to give up some visitations (if I remember correctly). Looks like you have been lead.
If I am a lucky winner, I would like the quilty stuff.
Way to Go, Marlene! Congrats on 201 posts! It happens before you know it!
Two giveaways? Awesome. I guess if my name is the lucky one chosen, I'd do better with the non-quilter set for now.
Take care!
Good Morning!
My teachers always liked me because I followed directions well. I would like to win #1.
I have enjoyed reading your blog even though I don't comment often.
Well, I am a regular reader, just have not had much time to comment lately! You are a blessing, Marlene! I would love to have #2! Much love, Raquel XO
201 Wow!! Kinda makes me feel bad that I haven't written that many and I started about the same time. I love both sets but like #2 the best. Congrats on your blog milestone.
How lovely of you to do this for us my dear. Both gifts are nice but since I am not yet a very good quilter I think that I would pick gift #2.
I wish that we lived close together and I could take lessons from you. I think that we would be a good team.
Hugs, Lura
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