Is there anything cuter than a baby eating spaghetti?

Did you notice the sippy cup was missing from picture 3? That's because he pulled the top off and poured his apple juice onto the spaghetti on the floor.

And thought it was hilarious that Grandpa was frantically trying to wipe it up!
What a handsome, funny little man. You are blessed!
What a cutie!
The proximity of that quilt to the spagetti eating baby is a little scary, lol.
What a hoot! This brings back alot of memories of my children at that age. LOL
baby is cute - I was just thinking though that I would move his chair further away from the quilt on the wall - I can just see him all of a sudden turning it and grabbing it with those food covered hands :)
So cute! I think we all have pictures of the little ones eating spagetti with sauce everywhere. It's a rite of passage!!
Adorable! Every meal my girls ate-they looked like that afterwards : ) I made them use high chairs till their feet reached the floor!
He sure is a sweet little mess!
My kids are still too close to making those kinds of messes for me to fully appreciate it--but he is adorable! What a sweet smile!
He is beautiful! I could look at these sweet pictures all day :-) Would you email them to me so I can put my darling nephew on my new digital frame?
What a cutie!! I remember the fun my kids used to have in a high chair.
The baby is a blessing, but so is the fact that Grandpa can get down on the floor, and up againd (!!) to clean it up. 8-)))
(sometimes blessings can be very small to be important)
Happy New Year. 8-))
I love it! I have a photo posted on our refrigerator of our youngest sitting in his high chair with his first bowl of spagetti. He has it in his ears, in his diaper (?), and of course everywhere on the floor. And he has the biggest smile on his face. This picture is priceless. He is 31 years old now.
What would we do without our little grandmunchies??? S0 cute!!
What a darling baby...mess and all. Aren't grandchildren just precious! What a blessing they are. Have a great day. Hugs, Lura
How cute he is! I think it is neat that we have grandsons about the same age. Little D's birthday is today! 1 year old. Can you believe it? I received my pattern that you sent me during all of the wedding and Christmas rush! Thank you so much. I think Brother will like this. I need to start now to have it ready by Halloween! Seriously.
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