Ok, I admit to being a little organized, but only in spots. Not every spot. Just a few spots. This is my linen closet. My shelves are labeled - call me Martha Stewart. I have a loveseat that makes a twin bed, a sofa that makes a double bed, queen beds in the bedrooms and a king sized bed in the camper - that means sheets of every size. If I don't label them I spend way too much time figuring out which sheets go where! And look what I discovered. This over-the-door shoe holder is perfect for pillow cases. :) I roll each pair and stick in a slot - there are a few singles on the bottom row for the twin bed (and the odd embroidered pillowcase I find at antique shops and can afford). I'm a sucker for hand embroidered pillowcases. So if you have any languishing in a drawer think of me! And there's so little storage space in this house (we downsized 6 years ago like people our age are supposed to do but which I don't understand at all because it took me years to collect all my stuff and then I'm supposed to get rid of half of it - what's up with that? I'm just sayin'.) So in the bottom of my linen closet I put a few other things, like my rice cooker which I only use for steaming shrimp which happens about twice a year. And light bulbs, and beach towels. Oh, and a couple of suitcases. One is for storing the electric blanket (the one with the cord sticking out) for when we have company who likes to be warm. My husband could live in the Antarctic and be comfortable...we sleep with the temp at 60°. Brrr. And the other little case holds the American flag my cousin Carol sent me and which only goes on the flagpole in the summer, specifically the Fourth of July because it's too special to leave out all the time.

Yes this is part of my fabric stash and yes I know that shelf is sagging. Fabric is fat in case you didn't know it. It must be big boned because it weighs way more than you would expect. Those white forms I wrap it on are foamboard? I buy when it's half price at Hobby Lobby and cut into fourths. There are a few extras there because I recently used some of my stash - yea, me! The folded fabrics are either solid color Kona cottons or quilt width backing fabrics. The Kona is folded because generally I buy 5 yards at a time and it's way too fat to put on a form. I also have a bin with fat quarters in it (which are really not fat at all) and a bin waiting to get onto forms. But right now there's not an extra inch of breathing space on the shelves so that fabric in the bin will have to wait it's turn.

Yes this is part of my fabric stash and yes I know that shelf is sagging. Fabric is fat in case you didn't know it. It must be big boned because it weighs way more than you would expect. Those white forms I wrap it on are foamboard? I buy when it's half price at Hobby Lobby and cut into fourths. There are a few extras there because I recently used some of my stash - yea, me! The folded fabrics are either solid color Kona cottons or quilt width backing fabrics. The Kona is folded because generally I buy 5 yards at a time and it's way too fat to put on a form. I also have a bin with fat quarters in it (which are really not fat at all) and a bin waiting to get onto forms. But right now there's not an extra inch of breathing space on the shelves so that fabric in the bin will have to wait it's turn.
And these old P.E. lockers each have one project in them. Some are projects in progress (WIPs) and some I haven't started yet but plan to any day now. Right. Any day now.
So honestly that's just two spots that are organized. Or three if you count the fabric closet and the project shelves as two spots but really they're in the same room so if I'm counting I'll say one spot. Did you notice I didn't show you the closets in my bedroom? There's a reason for that. And that's all I'll say about that. But I might organize them in a couple of weeks. Maybe. It could happen. But it's not likely.
I'm going to be having a giveaway sometime late next week so stay tuned. You never know what I might choose - a trip to Hawaii (just kidding about that one), an apron, fabric, patterns, my first born child (just kidding about that one too). I might even go shopping. Probably not. Anyway, you might want to leave a comment because you never know how I might choose the winner. That's a hint girls/guys.
Love the way you have organized everything...a lady after my own heart. I can not stand clutter - now things may get in a mess during a project - but afterwards everything needs to be put in its place...as I have often said everything you own should have a permanent place to be put. Oh, I drive my daughter wild at times with my obsession...
Have a wonderful bringing in of the New Year.
Do you think you could come to my house and organize my sewing room & closet??? LOL!! I wish I had that much discipline. I'll clean it all up and before you know it it's a mess again!!! Right now it looks like a tornado hit it. At Christmas it became the place to hide stuff when I cleaned the living room. I like your idea for the pillowcases.
I'm from AR but I'm in Louisiana now. I love to read your blog.
We're coming to HS today to look at campers. Wave if you see me!!!
Love efficiency and organization, but it doesn't always win out in my house, lol.
Hope you have a wonderful New Year!
I haven't seen the foam boards at Hobby Lobby but I will look and see if I can find them. I do not have a lot of big pieces of fabric but would like to get some to put aside for when I need them. I like how you are organized - it gives me ideas. One thing I use for organizing projects that I want to do and have fabric set aside for is to put them in the zipper plastic bags that you get the sets of sheets in and other things sometimes come in them as well.
Thanks for sharing...you gave me some good ideas!
Hey, with sheets, ya gotta do this! LOVE the pillow case solution - hadn't thought of that one.
Good jobs!
Wow, that is amazing. The linen closet was one of the things on the Company Girl list this month. Mine needs it bad but I didn't feel that it was a priority in December. I'll put that on my goal list.
You have an extra shelf in yours.
My fabric is in small suitcases in the craft room.
Mama Bear
my hint for organizing linen closets is put the folded sheets and 2nd pillowcase inside the other pillowcase. Then you can pick up a full set quickly and easily. But then what would you do with that super organzied shoe rack
I think you've done a great job. I struggle to get my little house organized but I'm working away at it. I just started cleaning my office/sewing room and there's a lot to be done before it's finished. If I can see the floor and the surfaces before bedtime I will feel successful. (already see most of the floor!) You've given me a couple of ideas that may work at my house. Have a great New Year, my friend. ~Adrienne~
Love your organization....Happy 2010!
I just told the hubby we need to clean out cabianets. You give me inspiration.
Are you coming this thursday or next thursday? We should be back home by next Thursday.
We downsized from 4 bedrooms & a 4 car garage to 2 bedrooms and no garage!I got rid of a whole housefull of stuff!I don't miss any of it. I don't know why I had all that stuff in the first place! Now I have more room for fabric! Have a wonderful 2010 full of love and joy!
I guess I have OCD too. I love your organization! Looks just right to me!!
HappY NEw Year!!
There's no way I could show you my stash storage ... no way {{eeek}}}!!! My problem is ADOP (Kris from Tagalong Teddies told me this LOL) it's "Attention Deficit .... oh pretty" :o).
I hope you have a fabulous 2010!!!
Joy :o)
I love my stuff organized. It isn't right now, but I'll start working on it tomorrow when I take down all the Christmas stuff. :)
Oh my, you are very organized! I wanna be organized!
Happy New Year!
Marlene, you're an inspiration! Having spent the past couple of days cleaning out and organising my kitchen cupboards I'm ready to attack my linen closet! Love the shoe bag idea - Bless you!
I usually have the fabric pretty well organized, too. And the linen closet, which is very small and has to hold sheets, towels, blankets, etc. But I manage. And I use large plastic bags for WIP.
Happy New Year!
Oh my goodness. Your ARE SO organized. I would not dare show you pictures of my sewing/craft room. Organized I am not. 13 years ago we moved from a 3 story large Victorian house to a 3 bedroom double wide mobile. I am still trying to get rid of stuff. Holy Mackerel. Don't know where this all came from. Have a blessed New Year.
Okay which is worse being accused of being OCD or of being a "hoarder". There is a show about hoarding that is really scary and my kids are beginning to look at me funny!!! You closets and your fabric stash are just delightful. Happy New Year!!!
Everything looks fantastic and in order. Now you know why I'm crazy. I looked for over half an hour this morning before work for a bag with my rebate papers from my new cellphone. I found the bag inside a box, in my bedroom closet. I think I was trying to hide the clutter upon arrive of guests! I'm glad I found it before I went to work, or I would have been a basket case all day!
Happy New Year!
ps...now you KNOW I will be looking for embroidered pillowcases for you now, right?
Well,I'm sure with you on keeping the linens organized. It makes life so much simpler. Now the stash, ehh it keeps changing on me. Especially the scraps are so busy multiplying. And I'm definitely not a slice-them-up-into-strips/squares sort of person. Soon as I cut them into 2" strips, I find that I really needed 2 1/2" strips. Yup, I cut 'em as I need 'em. I'll look into the foam sheets at the craft shop. There are a few larger pieces that could use some help.
Happy New Year, Marlene!
Happy New Year!
I think being organized is a great thing especially when you have to downsize. It looks great to me.
I think you should come to CA for a nice winter break...and stay in our home....and help me organize my sewing room and linen closet while you are visiting. Dosen't that sound like fun???
You are amazing!
Happy New Year hugs, Grammy
I could do with your help too. I also prefer the pillow case filled with it's set thing.
Happy new year everyone.
Great idea for the pillowcases! I loved seeing all that fabric~I've made myself quit buying it until my dds are out on their own and I have a little more room. (Okay, I still buy it sometimes...but I really, really try not to!).
Happy New Year!!!!!
Wow! I'd love to be that organized!
I love the way you used the old P.E. wire baskets!
Thanks for stopping by, being a newbie I really appreciate it. Yes, I would say you are very close to Martha.. Great going.. I like to have things in order too and when I want something I (usually) can find it. Sometimes, not. lol. Have a good weekend.
I love organization....just not good at it like you! You are my idol/ha
And to think you are in Arkansas! Me too!
Glad I happened upon your great blog!
I love your organization. Would you like to come to my house and help me get organized?
Oh my goodness! You really make me feel bad. You are so organized. I guess I could be organized too, (at least half as good as you are) if I had the space. My problem is that I have too much stuff and not enough room. I am proud of you.
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