Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Double Digit Days

Ya'll someone told me it's only 99 days til Christmas! If you have things to make now's the time to get started. I sat down one afternoon this week and made this little Santa wallhanging. The pattern is #501 Old World Santa by Bloomin' Minds and is super fast to make. I stuck the pattern and some scrap fabrics in a plastic bag at home a couple of weeks ago and brought it to the mission with me. When I was missing a couple of pieces I thought I had put in I dug through my scrap bag here (don't you have a scrap bag with you everywhere you go?) and used the back of one fabric and another one fussy cut to finish the job. Seriously, only a couple of hours at most. You gotta' love that! And.....I did the machine quilting on this table runner, made the binding and put it on and all it needs now is to be washed so the flowers and leaves can fray. It's a raw edge applique piece and I want the edges to be fuzzy. I'd wash it here but the water is awful for laundry - my white things have some tough rust spots that I'll be spending some time trying to get out when I get home. I love this for the fall....I think it will go on my small bar in the kitchen.

Anyone else starting on Christmas stuff?


1 Unknown said...

Yes, definitely the time of the year to get started for the upcoming holidays.

I've found a website with a gingerbread ornament. I have to look in a notebook for the link, then I'll send it to you. The ornament is soooo cute!

2 Unknown said...

Edit . . . I meant to say gingerbread "man" ornament. Sorry.

3 Amy said...

Your Santa is so cute! I love him!!!

4 Carrie P. said...

Yes, I have started but it will be here too soon. YYour Santa is so cute. A very pretty topper for fall.

5 Robin Beck said...

I have dreamed about starting my Christmas sewing...Dream being the key word!
The santa and the table runner both turned out so nice!
So (I know this may sound dumb) but did you do the whole santa by hand stitch. I'm pretty much still considered a newbie in the sewing world. :) You inspire me though!

6 em's scrapbag said...

Very cute Santa! Your scaring me with Christmas that close.
Love the table runner!

7 Needled Mom said...

I've just barely started a few. I can't believe how close Christmas is. Love that Santa!!!

8 Debora said...

Hola Marlene gracias por el comentario,,que lindo que esta tu blog,por lo que veo todos se preparan para la navidad,,yo estoy atrasada ,,te mando un beso...

9 Mary L. Briggs said...

I love that Santa wall hanging. He is so cute!

I've only started making one decoration and bought the supplies for one present. With only 99 days to go, I'd better get busy and start on some gifts!

10 Arkansas Patti said...

Good grief, you are kidding about Christmas being so close? Yikes.
The Santa is adorable but I really like the runner. It is beautiful and so cheerful.

11 FabricFascination said...

Actually I am up to my neck in Xmas stockings, which is the title of a blog post I will be doing later. Some are for a custom order, some are for my shop.

Love the table runner you did.

12 Maggey and Jim said...

You did a great job on that quilting..I am always so afraid of using a light color thread and stick to the monofilament.. Love the Santa too,

13 Angie said...

Love your Santa and that runner is awesome!! I may have to try replicating. :)

14 Tracy P. said...

Oh Marlene, I have a quilt all cut out now...FINALLY... for Bethany, and I just need to get cracking on the piecing. It's a rag quilt, so I won't even have to quilt it, but I must, MUST get stitching on it. Thanks for reminding me. I would SO love to give it to her for Christmas.

15 Grammy Staffy said...

How I love your Santa!!! He is so cute. I need to learn how to do that kind of sewing and quilting. I love the fall table runner too. You are such an artist! I love your work....and I love you! How I wish that we could meet some day so I could give you a real hug.... but until then I am sending you cyber love. Thanks for your sweet comment today. Hugs, Lura

16 Jody Blue said...

Haven't even given it a thought...yikes, its going to be here be for I know it.