Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Let's Go Visiting!

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Okay ya'll let's start the new year off right by sharing some good times with each other!

Each Wednesday for the next several weeks I'm going to post a list of "Blog Neighbors To Visit This Week."  Those of you who signed up on this post have been placed on my list, in order of your comments.  Or I hope it's in order of your comments.  :)  (If you haven't signed up but want to then comment on that post and I'll add you to the list - you are welcome here.)  I'll try to warn you ahead of time that we're coming so you can write a new post, or not.

Let's all make some new friends doing this, look around at some old posts or tutorials or other tabs/buttons (pretend you're snooping in their closets or something!) comment somewhere on the blogs we visit, and get to know each other.  With all the sadness we've experienced during the last several months it's time to spread love and good cheer.  I will list ten names each week but don't feel like you have to visit them all in one day - take your time, savor the time you spend and enjoy your visit.  Here's who's up for our first visits this week:


  1. I love this idea - I must have been ill when this came out originally. I would love to sign up and I look forward to visiting the neighborhoods your list. Thank you for such a warm welcome to 2013.

  2. A big part of visiting blogs comes from reading comments those bloggers leave others ... as in, "wow, I was just thinking the same thing" or "what a kind thing to say" ...and often I find those bloggers reader-friendly and go back for more.

  3. I love this idea too. I can't wait to hop around and visit everyone but at the moment I need to get the kids off to school and myself off to work. I'll definitely check back later.

  4. This is going to be great fun! New friends...YIPPEE! Another reason to CELEBRATE!

  5. How did I miss this? What a clever girl you are to do this. I am not clear about where to sign add me to the list.

  6. What a great idea!! I'll start visiting today!

  7. I missed this somehow also! Please sign me up. I will go visiting right now!

  8. Fun stuff, Marlene!! Going around to visit the rest of my neighbors now!! Thank you for including me! :)

  9. Love that you've decided to make one day a week our visiting day. This will give us time to get to know our new neighbors. Looking forward to visiting. Ronda

  10. Thanks Marlene, I've already visited several neighbors. This is fun!

  11. I love this! What a great idea. I'm goin' visiting!


  12. This is very cool. I went to the first stop on your list and poked around only to find that Linda lives where we just purchased our retirement home. She even lives in the same model. I kinda now know a neighbor. Thanks.

  13. I got some new visitors. Thank you so much.

  14. Thanks for including me here Marlene; appreciate it. The words hop is going to be interesting

  15. This will be great.I`m going visiting!!

  16. What a great idea! I blog mostly about my dachshunds but I do include my quilting adventures!

  17. This is the first time I`ve been able to stop by and start visiting others! Below freezing every day last week and pipes frozen three days. And now I`m coming down with a virus. I appreciate what you are doing and will visit the other ladies soon as I can. This is fun! Thank you Marlene!

  18. Hi Marlene - would love to be included!
