Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Daycare Dilemma

Yesterday my niece got a call from the daycare. Don't you hate when the phone rings and the caller id says "daycare?" Do you answer or pretend you aren't home? Do you automatically think, "uh oh, sick kid" or "uh oh, they want cupcakes" or "uh oh, kid in trouble!"? It seems that sweet, beautiful, girly little Ella was sitting on the toilet (she's 2 1/2) which is a good thing since potty training obviously is working. She sat a long time. Apparently a really long time. Friend and fellow classmate needed to sit on the toilet too. A scuffle ensued. Friend was bitten (didn't break the skin but caused a bruise) by sweet, beautiful, girly little Ella. It is not ok to bite a friend when he/she is shoving you off the toilet!

Uh, exactly when is it ok to bite a friend? What is ok to do when a friend shoves you off the toilet? Did Emily Post give any suggestions in her book? Is there any gracious way to step aside when your panties are down around your ankles? My grandmotherly skills have abondoned me on this one.


Unknown said...

Go ahead Ella!!! I would have bit them too. Rules go out the window when it involves toilets and being on them.

What a cute post. I am glad that you shared it with us!

Marilyn Robertson said...

Thanks for the giggle this morning! Poor Ella!

Unknown said...

I believe Ella has the right to go to the bathroom undisturbed. How else was she to defend herself? Her hands were probably holding her little dress from falling in the toilet. The other child was lucky she didn't dunk his/her head! I worked in preschool one year, we had little stop signs the children hung on the door knob before entering. Trust me, two year olds can read a stop sign. I think the teacher has some responsibility here. Poor Ella

Twisted Fencepost said...

Where was the teacher? Why was this friend in the bathroom at the same time? Surely, the daycare has another bathroom that could have been used?
She has the right to defend herself, even when being shoved off the toilet. Next time, give the friend a swirly. The friend will think twice about shoving someone off a toilet again!

Liz Harrell said...

Humphf. I'd have bitten anyone that pushed me off a toilet. Go Ella. :)

Amelia said...

I agree with Ella...leave me along while I am on the potty. True - maybe this does not warrant a bite - but give Ella her own space.

Anonymous said...

LOLOL... too funny!

Danielle said...

I say-

Get in my space when I'm on the potty and all bets are off!

Grant was both the giver and receiver of bites a couple of years ago. I never got worked up- either way. Most kids go through it and it's a learning process for them. On both sides of the fence.

BUT- I did get upset at when the mother of a repeat offender actually called to apologize to me, and then followed it with "Grant just doesn't like to share is all."

Um, right. "Your kid snatches toys from my kid, he struggles (of which I approve), and yours bites."

Hope your niece isn't too worked up. I say her daughter was probably frustrated and wanted to be left alone. And while it should probably be iterated that "we don't handle being frustrated with biting yada yada", the little voice in my head would sort of think "lesson learned".

Is that too harsh?

Cindy said...

Oh my gosh, this was too funny. Thank you for a real laugh out loud moment.

Salem Stitcher said...

I've bitten people for lesser things. You go Ella!

Julia said...

This is so funny!
When you have to go, you have to go, no matter how long it takes!!
Good for you Ella..

Juryizstillout said...

Now that's funny, I don't care who ya are ~ Larry the Cable Guy.

Hey, congrats on winning the purse!

Christine said...

LOL, oh that's too funny! Poor kid.

Monica at Buttoncounter said...

Shame on you, Ella! Mommy should have told you not to eat in the bathroom. Wait until you both are out of the room and go at her buffet-style!

Cute, Cute, Cute.


Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

LOL - as a seasoned preschool teacher, I thought I had heard it all! Too cute - but seriously, WHERE was the teacher? Poor Ella, if we don't know how to handle this, how could she? Poor little boy probably had to GO NOW!! It is NEVER ok to bite so we always taught the kiddo's that if someone was bothering them and a teacher didn't notice, it was OK to say really loudly TEACHER I NEED HELP! I am having my school teacher pals over next week, I hope you don't mind if I share this cute story!

molly said...

I'm howling here! Some of the conflict resolution techniques those in the upper rooms of education come up with are so obviously the work of someone who never spent time in the motherhood trenches!

Vicky said...

That was funny. I have a lovely video of my son and nephew fighting over the potty chair when they were 2. Thanks for the smile! said...

Biting is never acceptable, but shoving back might be okay. Did anyone ask where the teacher was and why she had not ask your Ella if she had a problem and could she please get off the potty? I wonder sometimes????

sister sheri said...

huh? 2 1/2 year olds can be potty trained?