Lura at Grammy Staffy's got an award that asked her these questions below. She wanted me to answer them too and follow some rules that went along. Now ya' know I don't follow rules. These are supposed to have one word answers and I just can't do it. I don't know why. I just can't do one word answers. There's just so much I have to say I can't get it into one word. But let's see what she wants to know.
1.Where is your cell phone? Cell phone? Oh yes, I have one. And it's... it's... well, it could be in my purse, or it could be on the bar, or in the car, or in a jar. I don't have a clue but if it rings I'll hear it and there it will be!
2.Where is your significant other? In the kitchen rummaging for something to eat.
3.Your hair color? White, but only in the front. The back is still dark. Does that mean that only the front half of me is old and the back half is young?
4. Your mother? Waiting for me in Heaven but every once in a while sending a bird to sit on the screen outside my bedroom window to remind me she still loves me.
5. Your father? He's up there in Heaven with Mama telling everyone she is his beautiful baby.
6. Your favorite thing? Thing...not person. Thing...sometimes it's my quilts, sometimes it's my computer, sometime's it's my diamond ring my husband gave me, sometime's it's the picture of my children that hangs over my bed. I'm versatile folks. Or is that just another word for wishy-washy?
7. Your dream last night? I have really weird dreams but last night...none.
8. Your dream/goal? To have the attributes of Proverbs 31.
9. The room you're in? my bedroom - I love this room....yellow walls, white trim, 3 big windows looking out on the lake
10. Your hobby? stitching
11. Your fear? outliving one of my children
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? right here in this house
13. Where were you last night? church - Bible study class
14. What you're not? hard-hearted
15. One of your wish-list items? a dog - preferably a wiemeraner female about a year or two old
16. Where you grew up? Arkansas
17. The last thing you did? Took a nap. :)
18. What are you wearing? slacks, t shirt, robe (no hot flash today - and I'm cold!)
19. Your TV? Good grief I have no idea but I have one. No I have 5. Sinful.
20. Your pet? my husband
21. Your computer? HP
22. Your mood? Content
23. Missing someone? Every single day I miss mama and daddy
24. Your car? GMC Envoy
25. Something you're not wearing? Shoes. What can I say...I live in Arkansas.
26. Favorite store? Besides quilt shops? Hobby Lobby.
27. Your summer? Summer on the lake is awesome.
28.Love someone? whole heartedly
29. Your favorite color? yellow
30. When is the last time you laughed? today
31. When is the last time you cried? last time my hormones ran amuck
I'm also supposed to pick 7 people to do this. Now admit it, you know you want to do it so why should I pick 7? You do it, and you, and you......
Hi, Marlene ...
I enjoyed getting to know you a little more by reading your answers to the questions.
By the way ... I ordered the American Patchwork book for my mother-in-law for Christmas, and can't wait to read your selection.
You are too funny! I don't think I could give one word answers either.
Loved your answers...made me chuckle over them.
Have a Godly weekend..
You did a great job answering the questions....and at our age who cares if we break a rule or two?
Thanks my friend
great job in getting to know you better.. I love your answers:) thank you for posting:)
Loved reading your blog...from one white haired lady to another....Isn't it wonderful not to have to worry about the "dye jobs" anymore !!!
Hope your week is wonderful and full of unexpected surprises and delights.
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