In my effort to stay focused on the positive, the up-beat, the good instead of the negative stuff going on all around us I'm starting a new kind of post. On Sundays I'm going to highlight something or someone who's making a difference in the world - someone I've come in contact with during the week or something I've seen that's out of the ordinary. I think I'll call it Sunday's Stars. It could be a person, it could be an event, it could be an idea. I'm going to be alert during the week to those things rather than looking for the depressing things that permeate our world. This is my first Sunday Star.
Photo by FlickrIn an e-mail conversation I had this week with a friend who is a middle school teacher I was thrilled to read these words:
"I’m working very hard to help make children’s lives better. Sometimes all they need is someone to tell them they can do something they never thought they could. Sometimes they just need someone to look them in the eye and tell them they are cheating themselves and they are worth more than that. Sometimes they just need to know that somebody (anybody) is proud of them for showing up at school and giving full effort no matter what goes on at home. I try never to miss an opportunity to do that. "
This is a teacher I met her very first year out of college when she was assigned the classroom next to my office. That year she was teaching sex ed in her health classes and would frequently come running to my office to say, "Quick, what is....?" I'll spare you the details but bear in mind that she was young, single, and shall we say inexperienced in some matters. Let your imagination be your guide. That was about 20 years ago and she's now working in a public middle school administering a program focused on giving economically deprived students a shot at the success they never dreamed they might have.
I'm so glad to be reminded that in our schools, both public and private, there are men and women who truly care. People who love our children and want them to be the best they can be. This young woman is making a difference in her classroom, in her school, and ultimately in our world.
I hope you will join me in looking for Stars to show us on Sundays - I don't want to miss a one of them.
what a wonderful post. If we all did our best what a wonderful galaxy we would make.
Such a great idea!
I'll keep it in the back of my mind and maybe join you, somewhere in the future. I try to look at positive things, although sometimes it's not easy. Kinda like seeing the diamond in the rough.
I have to hand it to teachers these days! They have a hard job. And keeping a positive attitude must be tiresome at times.
I believe, being a public school teacher, takes a special person.
What a fantastic way to highlight that teacher. What a great attitude she has and we need more folks like her. I think our teachers are so undervalued and unappreciated. MOST of them are wonderful dedicated folks. They are some of the tru heroes in this society!
Coming from a family of teachers I say bravo! Teaching is a calling just like the ministry. A good teacher wants to see a world of opportunities open up for their students. It sounds like your sunday star is one of those teachers.
I certainly hope your "star" reads your blog. She certainly deserves every bit of praise she gets. I, too, think that it takes a special person to be a teacher, and also feel they are undervalued and unappreciated.
What a great idea!
I agree with Linda. I've always felt teaching was a calling. I have so appreciated the teachers that have come and gone through my children's lives. To be honest, the students know which teachers really care by the way they interact with them.
Thank you for sharing your idea and wonderful email from your friend. I have a feeling you were one of those caring, loving teachers too. What a blessing your students had!
What a wonderful idea for posting. I look forward to reading about Sunday Stars. And, I am sure this will lift us all up so that we're looking for our Sunday Stars instead of focusing on all the negative around us.
Thank you!
I'll be looking forward to these. I get so tired of hearing only bad things and it's so easy to get sucked into that mentality. What a great idea!
Wonderful idea...I like the star that you picked for this sunday. We need to plant the seed while people are young that they can do unimaginable things beyond their comprehension as long as they believe they can. I think it was Henry Ford that said that "Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't; you are right."
Good Job! -Monica
Fantastic idea. I'm going to be here every Sunday.
- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
I love your idea, and I love that you began it with a teacher.
What a nice idea! We all need to be reminded of the good things in life!
Marlene! What a great idea! Thanks so much for the positive news for a change.
What a lovely post. I believe that if we looked for the positive at least 50% of the time, we might all be a bit less stressed.
What a lovely idea!! I always enjoy reading inspiring and uplifting posts (and who doesn't!) There is already too much negative out there, so it's good to be that light in such a dark place and time!
Great post, and what synchronistic timing...I was just very inspired today by a family of 'stars'. :) Got me to thinking, what have I done to be productive to the world lately? Now that I've come across your post I know the Universe is telling me something! :)
Thank you for sharing your Sunday Stars with us.
What a good idea. I will look forward to reading about them each week.... and I will keep my eyes open as well...I can add a Sunday Star to my Sunday Six smile list.
Have a great week
How inspiring!
Thanks for sharing with us.
That was lovely. Isn't it truely amazing how much good there is out there if we are willing to open our eyes and see it. Thanks for taking time to share.
YOu have been busy, I love the finished by Friday project, it looks great. I am thankful for anyone who can see the good going on around them....like you!!
That is a great idea and what a wonderful story you related. My daughter is teaching for the first time this year - 3rd grade. I can only hope she will be guided by such loving smart teachers as the one you wrote about.
Your Sunday Stars is such a marvelous idea, Marlene. I look forward to reading more on these stars!!
I count you as a star in blogland.
She sounds like a star for sure! As do you for reminding us to focus on the positive!
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