This Christmas card is the one I sent out this year - and I just love it! I know you can't see it but inside this snug little cabin is a woman with a quilt hoop in her lap. It's just so me! There are candles in the windows and a heart wreath on the door and bunny rabbits peeking inside. It sits beside a creek and in the background is a sleigh, undoubtedly the husband off to town while the wife stays home in the warmth. That would be me - staying home where it's warm. :)
Inside it says "May your heart and home be filled with the light of Christ in this beautiful season of love. Merry Christmas! And it includes this verse, "Lord, may your faithful love rest on us. We put our hope in you. " Psalm 33.22 And that's my wish for each of you - that the light of Christ will live in your heart throughout this season and beyond.
I didn't do as much decorating this year as in the past but I thought you might like to see what I've done that I especially enjoy. This is the china cabinet that belonged to my husband's grandmother. The Merry Christmas blocks were given to me by a friend many years ago and the dishes were a gift from my children. The glasses were my mother's. The things that mean the most to me are the ones that have memories of people associated with them. They are the ones I want to be surrounded by and have close to me.
This Dickens Christmas Village was given to me by my children as well. It sits on the mantle in my sunroom and stays lit from the time it goes up until I take it down - and this year it might just stay up all winter!
I hate the dark. That means it's important to me to always have light around me - sometimes it's just the light of Jesus' love but the flicker of a candle symbolizes that for me.

On the left I have a manger scene with a beautiful angel wallhanging watching over it. We've had it for several years and since we moved into this house it always watches over us from that spot. The Santa is one I made last year. I bought the kit on one of our Colorado trips at a small quilt shop on the Kansas border. We were stopping at Winnfield for the bluegrass festival that year, meeting my sister and friends. I have wonderful memories of that time. The stockings, of course, are for my seven grandchildren. It's time to add an eighth!

And this last one is our tree. The angel on top is a little bedraggled but she's guarded our tree since my children were small so she will always be there as long as I'm here! Our tree isn't a masterpiece of design - but every ornament on there is one that means something to me. There are ornaments my children made when they were small and ornaments my grandchildren have given me. There are ornaments we've bought when we traveled or that I've made. There are ornaments that were gifts from dear friends or loved ones, some now singing with the angels. The Christmas tree skirt my mother made for me. The bear was a gift from my husband just a few years ago - just because.
And this last one is our tree. The angel on top is a little bedraggled but she's guarded our tree since my children were small so she will always be there as long as I'm here! Our tree isn't a masterpiece of design - but every ornament on there is one that means something to me. There are ornaments my children made when they were small and ornaments my grandchildren have given me. There are ornaments we've bought when we traveled or that I've made. There are ornaments that were gifts from dear friends or loved ones, some now singing with the angels. The Christmas tree skirt my mother made for me. The bear was a gift from my husband just a few years ago - just because.
You know Christmas is such a time of joy and it should be. What a great gift we got in that baby. But it's also a time when my heart yearns for Heaven. When we sing carols I can almost see the doors of Heaven opening.............
Beautiful, Marlene! Not much decorating here since we are leaving. The things and and the memories that go with them will be even more fun next year after a year away.
You have a Merry Christmas!
I'd say you've done a lot of decorating. Much more than me, and it looks beautiful. I've just had a very difficult time getting into the spirit of things this year. I used to collect Dickens Village also, but sold it all a few years back. Now I don't know why. Have a great holiday season. You seem to be so organized - I haven't gotten my Christmas letter out - that needs to take priority today.
What beautiful decorations. I haven't done much myself since we are having Christmas at my Son's house. I love what you have done and the story behind them.
I hope you and your family have a very Blessed Christmas.
Everything looks so festive. I've really enjoyed the pictures of everyone's decorations.
You will call me Scroog, but I don't have a tree up. The only think I have out is a nativity scene.
Your house looks lovely. I really love the wall hangings.
Your decorations are like mine in that they all have connections to other people and other times and events. I love putting them out and reliving the memories. It's such a special time of quiet reflection. Yours look beautiful, too.
Your home looks so nice and cozy, Marlene. Just like I knew it would be! We only have a little tree and the nativity set up this year. And lots of candles, but I always have them up. I have my cards sent out....and I think I just might post my Christmas letter here. Now just bring on the grandkids! Oooops, not yet. I still have to bake some spritz.
I love your Christmas card and I'm really loving your Christmas village!!
I agree - I love old things that have memories attached to them. Although, I try to really think about any antique that I have as to whom it belonged in the past and what it meant to them. What stories they could tell!!
Hi Marlene,
Your decorations are gorgeous and I know they are such treasures to you. Isn't it something over the years what means so much to us are the little things.
That card is so cute, would love to be in that little cabin quilting and visiting with you.
Have a Merry Christmas and Blessings,
Your decorations and card are all so beautiful. I can feel the wam and cozy holidays that will be shared at your home. They are just wonderful and I thank you for sharing them with us.
Beautiful post!
Every word touched my heart.
My Christmas tree is not a work of art either. Almost everything on it has a heart string attached.
Decorations look great! My grandkids get here tomorrow and nothing is done! Of course, you know I was ALWAYS planning on them helping me with all the decorating and cooking, etc. -- hard to keep teenagers from getting bored.
I have new progressive lenses and have been struggling with them for nearly 3 weeks now. When your Christmas card came, I was ready to throw my glasses in the trash until I got my magnifying glass out. Marnie, there is no lady quilting in that window. It's a man and a woman holding a baby wrapped in a blanket. You silly goose! How I love you!! (You don't have to post this. It'll be our secret.)
Merry Christmas to your whole big family - 8 grandchildren! How can that be when I am 5 weeks older than you and I only have 2 grandchildren?
Marlene...I have the same tree plates from my husband's grandma. :)
Beautiful post, Marlene. I'm so glad we are friends. Jo S.
Thanks so much Marlene, for sharing some of your Christmas joys with us. I love your card and all your decorations. They are so family oriented and have such meaning. I hope you have a cheery and blessed Christmas!
Very nice decorating - I love the card also. What fun to find something like that which is totally YOU!
Hi Marlene -
Your decorations are so pretty. And that card is special. Thanks for sharing your Christmas wishes and your cozy home with us. Have a wonderful Christmas, my friend.
Your home is beautiful and warm....just like you!!!
I wrote a Christmas poem I'd like to share with you. I hope that you can drop by and read it.
Merry Christmas with love, Lura
Its all so lovely. Your tree is much like mine and almost seems to represent our lives. So many memories and treasures.
I love your decorations. I haven't even put the tree up this year. Hopefully my daughter will find time to be at home for a bit tomorrow. Happy Holidays and Bah Humbug!
I love the Christmas card and your tree. The angel looks beautiful on top.
Hi Marlene,
Beautiful Christmas card, and if I click on the picture of the card, it enlarges and I can see the woman quilting! Your decorations are wondeful also. Love your tree!
Wonderful Christmas decor and memories! That is what I like about bringing out all our decorations. There is a person, and story, that goes with each item... 8-)
I add to my village every year. I think I have 5 now. I posted this year's building yesterday. Check it out on my blog. I was so excited at the find! 8-)
Still haven't decorated! Brought the tree in last night to thaw... 8-)
I enjoyed seeing your decorations. There was an article in our newspaper a couple weeks ago about a lady who has bunches of the different villages she displays. It said about how much she has spent on her collection over the years and I forget the amount. She starts putting them up in the fall because it takes her so long. Interesting article.
I know you are excited about the new baby about to arrive!
Really like your cozy fireplace corner, the Santa quilt is very nice.
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