Do you see that baby over there on the right? That's Andrew Jacob and his birthday is December 31, 2008. Right now he's resting in the safest place there is on this earth - in his Mommy's womb. He doesn't know that in 8 days (as I write this) his world is going to be literally turned inside out, upside down. He doesn't know that he is going to be rudely plucked from the home he's known for the whole of his life and dropped down into a life he knows nothing about. A life with a Mom who is going to continue to hold him and protect him and take care of every need. A life with a Dad who's going to throw him up on his shoulder and carry him around like a football and never, ever drop him. A life with two big sisters who are going to dote on every sound and move and yawn he makes and who will, in time, be screaming at him to leave them alone one minute and scooping him up and squeezing him tight to their hearts the next. A life with grandparents who will think he's the best thing since sliced bread and who will take millions of pictures and tell hundreds of stories all about him.
And just think, God loves us more than that. More than Andrew's Mommy loves him and more than Andrew's Daddy loves him and more than Andrew's sisters love him and more than Andrew's grandparents love him....all added together.
And two days from now as I write this Jesus will have His birthday celebrated all around the world. Once upon a time He was a baby in His mother's womb and His life was turned upside down, inside out. And once upon a time His mother held Him and protected Him and took care of His every need. And once upon a time His daddy threw Him up on His shoulder and carried Him around and never, ever dropped Him. And once upon a time He had brothers and sisters and grandparents who teased Him and laughed with Him and loved Him and told hundreds of stories about Him.
And just think, He willingly allowed His life to be turned inside out, upside down....again. Because He loves us more than our Mommys and Daddys and brother and sisters and grandparents...all added together. Wow.
May God bless you throughout this Christmas season and beyond. May He give you the strength and grace and wisdom you need to serve Him and love Him just like He loves you. Merry Christmas.
A beautiful, beautiful post, Marlene!
Have a beautiful, wonderful, blessed Chritmas with all of your family!
My dear wonderful friend,
This is the best post I have ever had the pleasure of reading. What a gift you have given us here.
I will be praying for a safe delivery.
Much joy and many blessings are sent to you and yours.
Your Namesake friend,
How beautiful, Marlene, and how loved this baby will be!
I loved the words you wrote in your post. How beautiful, and how true.
Enjoy your new grandbaby. What a blessed little fellow he will be, coming into the world and being received by so many who love him.
Merry Christ-mas!
Marlene - that is so beautifully written. What a lucky baby he will be, born into your family.
Merry Christmas and Thank you for welcoming me into your world through your blog! Prim hugs, Linda
Your post touched me. You have a beautiful way with words. Congratulations on your new precious little arrival. I am sure you are so excited to lay hands on that sweet baby.
Thanks for visiting me and leaving such a sweet comment - I always enjoy hearing from you!
God's richest blessings on you and your family,
Congratulations, Marlene, and Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas...I always enjoy your posts. :-)
Simply beautiful. Merry Christmas, sweet friend.
Oh Marlene, your words are so wonderfully written and so true. Loved this post, had to make a copy of this one and show to my daughter who is expecting.
A big blessed hug and wish to you and your family for a Merry Christmas,
Wonderful post Marlene!! All the best to you and your lovely family this Christmas. May it indeed be merry and bright and blessed! XXOO
I enjoyed reading your heartwarming post about Andrew Jacob. He truly is a special gift from heaven. Congratulations!
I would like to wish you and your family a healthy, happy, and safe holiday season.
Mele Kalikimaka and Hauoli Makahiki Hou!
I'm very excited for you - another grandchild. He is a wonderful start to the new year.
And thank you for the reminder of why we have this Christmas season to celebrate with our families.
Hi Marlene :)
Congratulations on the Grandbaby that will be meeting you soon!
I know I haven't been by as much as I should have, but I wanted to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year.
What a wonderful way to remind us of Jesus' love for us!
Congratulations on baby-on-the-way!
What a wonderful post. My newest grandchild will make his or her appearance on January 2nd.
Seasons Greetings. Have a Peaceful and Happy Day.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thank you for sharing such a lovely post with us today.
Here is a belated Merry Christmas and wish for a blessed New year! I have enjoyed catching up on your blog!
Check your inbox, Marlene. :)
Christmas blessings Marlene to You and your family, and especially to little Andrew. One of my favourite names! [Oldest son's name...]
Please promise you'll spoil him! lol Can't wait to see pictures of him after he makes his appearance next week!
Nice post and congratulations. Two of my sons were born in December (Andrew and David) they were my special presents that year.
You have a beautiful way with words, Marlene ... and a beautiful spirit as well.
I will say a prayer for Andrew as he begins his new life. He is already a blessed little boy to have such a sweet and loving family awaiting his arrival.
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