Last week I was gone all week on a mission trip....yes I wrote 5 posts about that! For some reason before I left I scheduled several appointments for this week. What was I thinking?
We got home Friday night about 9:00 - tired to the bone.
Saturday I packed away the fall decorations, unpacked my suitcases, and did about 8 loads of laundry. And of course did the usual other stuff...cooked dinner, washed dishes, etc. I started about 8:00 in the morning and finally sat down about 8:00 that night.
Sunday after church and Sunday School I did my WalMart shopping, decorated the Christmas tree, and washed 2 more loads of laundry - all the Christmas towels, throws, etc. On Sundays I check out the Walgreens ad and gather coupons since they usually have some really good sale items. Another long day!
Monday morning I had a mammogram (been doing this every year for 12 years now and for the first time ever it really, really, really hurt!) (but the results were good!), went to the bank, post office, Walgreens and library; got my allergy shot, put gas in the car, checked out a serger at the sewing machine store and then got out all the rest of the Christmas decorations. After supper and dishes I made my list for Target and Kroger and gathered those coupons. At 9:30 I quit and went to bed.
Today I drove to Little Rock (one hour one way) to the dentist, went to Barnes & Noble, Sam's, Target and the local quilt shop....gone from home for 8 hours. I've put away the groceries, cooked supper & cleaned up the kitchen. Too tired to go to Krogers!
I still have to get a haircut and see the allergy doctor this week. I haven't changed the beds or cleaned my bathroom or addressed my Christmas cards or finished my Bible study.

I am about in the same boat you are in...retired but seems like I am busy all the time. Just in keeping up with the housework, cooking, laundry and other requirements about the house, church and church related projects...throw in some shopping, doctor appts, then the day, week, month is gone. I just give thanks to the Lord I (we) can do it. There are many things worse than being busy like we are.
Just count this as one of God's blessings...the ability to do all of this!
Sometimes my weeks are so busy they're just a blur. And if life weren't crazy enough, now I'm driving chickens to town to see the vet. Yep, I've completely lost it.
Welcome home, Marlene. I enjoyed reading your posts from the mission trip, but I know you're glad to be home and settling back into your comfy home.
I have one (19 y/o) child still at home - although we don't see him all that often. Some of my weeks are just like that - and then others seem more normal. Mine seem to run in spurts.
Hi Marlene,
So glad to see you made it home safe and I have to say my time is spent just about like yours. Never enough and so much to do. Just think if we were back with wood burning stoves, no washing machines, clothes to hang out and bread to make. I bow to those women. I don't even have kids at home either.
Goodness, now I'm worn out after reading your post, LOL! I seem to have weeks at a time like that---then nothing for a while. I'm not sure which is worse!
It seems like we are all in this same boat with you - that saying "the hurrier I go,the behinder I get", well my boat has lost an oar. But God gives us one day at a time - so let's bless Him in each and every one of them.
Glad you are back safely and healthy from your trip.
It seems like we are all in this same boat with you - that saying "the hurrier I go,the behinder I get", well my boat has lost an oar. But God gives us one day at a time - so let's bless Him in each and every one of them.
Glad you are back safely and healthy from your trip.
Sometimes it just takes listing all the things you actually did (even if there is little to show for it) to help you realize you're not just lazy. I hardly feel like I do anything, but if I told you all that I hardly did, you would laugh. ;-)
You know, I struggle with the validity of what I do sometimes. I am enjoying myself! So how can I say I'm accomplishing anything, when I'm doing the things I love to do???
Pretty good place to be, I'd say.
Whew! I'm tired just reading about all that you've done since getting back home!!! Wow! A whirlwind of doings!!!
I must admit, my days are rarely like that these days... I seem to be in a state of being on strike... 8-)
I hope you have a day to take a breath sometime this week!
Take care!
Todd retired about 5 years ago now, and let me tell you . . . he's been busier than ever!!! I think that's a good thing. As for me, I look forward to retirement when I will have nothing to do!
PS - I know it's a myth, this having nothing to do thing . . .
Marlene, I enjoyed the story of your mission trip. It will inspire people to get involved and do likewise. The description of your busy week makes ME tired. I'm going to have to go back to bed. I haven't worked for two years and I cannot imagine how I did everything I did while working full-time. Likewise, I can't figure out where my week goes to.
- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
You are not alone sweetheart. I still work full-time but it's just my hubby and I at home anymore. Yesterday we even had a snow day but I felt so overhwhelmed abotu what I all had to do yet before Christmas and upcoming mission trip, it's frustrating. I seriously considered blogging about it as well.
Hope today goes better for you.
Busy is good considering the alternative of not being able to do what you do due to sickness or disability! Just remember to schedule some quiet time for yourself and what you enjoy doing in the midst of all the "have to" things.
Yes yes yes!! I wonder how I ever worked and served on so many committees and went to so many meetngs. I am so blessed to have retired at 50!! I like being busy though and a lot of my busy is of my own choice and making so I like that kind of busy. We have so many better choices during retirement than the generations before us did.
Count me in... I'm "just" a stay at home mom... wishing I was laying around eating bon bons all day!
I've heard many people say-after they retired they could not for the life of them figure out how they had mangaged everything-and worked a full time job!
Welcome home and now that you got all that done in one week, you can sit and relax the next. Ha Ha...yea right!
I sometimes scold myself about taking forever to do things too. But, other factors are so different now. First of all I don't go shopping or run errands as often as I used to. So, I try to do a lot in one day. Compared to when I was say 30ish, I traffic is much worse, the sales clerks and registers take longer to compute. As for housework, I'm just much slower now. I used to have my whole house clean by 10:00 am when I was young. Now if I have one room clean in a day I think I've accomplished a lot! LOL! Plus I didn't have a computer when I was 30 something to spend so much time on! LOL!
I don't think it ever really ends. (Not what you wanted to hear!) My parents are 83 years old and they are never home! They are always busy doing and going. Actually, I think it's what keeps them going - giving to one another and to others.
Hope you find some rest in your busy days!
I'm tired just reading all that. Do you need my address? All that housework could come in handy here!
My mom retired this year and she is always busy now. Things she wasn't able to do before. Things like go to church on Thursdays to help prepare elder meals, and ladies meeting on Saturday for prayer, and breakfast and coffee on her deck early in the mornings for her friends. So its just a different kind of busy. Enjoy!
Hi Marlene -
This sounds like my life! Always busy - always waiting for life to slow down a bit. I don't think it's going to happen. A girl's gotta do what she gotta do!
I DO know the feeling...
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