I didn't really have many goals in October because I was just determined to enjoy the process and quit stressing over what I wasn't getting done. That one I accomplished! I wanted to get another redwork baby bib done and I managed to complete it. I'm showing you both of the ones I've done even though you've seen one before. I think I'll keep one of these going most of the time because they're just so cute I think they'll make wonderful baby gifts. I'm not sure which is my favorite...The Play House Mouse or
The Honey Bear. What do you think?
I needed to make one more Christmas stocking that I'd promised last year. I think I've made 9 of these now!
Gumtree Designers has had several free Christmas patterns the last few weeks. This little Christmas Mouse caught my eye - he looks like I feel after Christmas dinner! I stitched it and then couldn't decide exactly what I wanted to do with it! Finally I ran across this fabric and it turned into a Christmas Gift Sack - not sure who will get this one but it sure is cute don't you think?
Gumtree Designers has had several free Christmas patterns the last few weeks. This little Christmas Mouse caught my eye - he looks like I feel after Christmas dinner! I stitched it and then couldn't decide exactly what I wanted to do with it! Finally I ran across this fabric and it turned into a Christmas Gift Sack - not sure who will get this one but it sure is cute don't you think?
I had a lot of fun embroidering this little Fall Sampler. I feel really, really bad because I've misplaced the pattern and can't remember where I got it. I know one of my blogging friends gave it away as a free pattern on her blog so if you know please tell me and I'll add a link here. I have a small wall space in my kitchen where I'm trying to hang a different quilt each month. This one is having to serve for October and November both!
Edited to note that this pattern came from Kaaren at The Painted Quilt. Thanks to Karen at Log Cabin Quilter for reminding m e!
This candle mat was a lot of fun to make too. It has jack-o-lanterns and gourds all around the outside with a blank space in the center for a candle. I had considered using wools but because I had the scraps I needed I went with all cottons.
When we were in Estes Park, Colorado in September I visited Maggie Mae's Quilt Shop - one of my favorite shops ever. She has tons of embroidery patterns and has made most of them herself, pieced them into quilts, and hand quilted them all! This time she had some good, thick, old-fashioned tea towels with patterns of 8 different fruits. This is the first one I've done. I'm hoping to get them all made for Christmas gifts - wish me luck!
And finally, finally, Winter Wonderland is finished. My sewing room is a mess and I couldn't get it to hang well enough for me to get a picture so I had to just lay it on the floor - I know, I know, it's time to clean the sewing room! You've seen it in various stages though and I'll try to get a picture of it hanging when I get my Christmas decorations up.
Every month when I think about what I've done I think oh there's nothing to show...until I start gathering things up! I'm glad I've done this goal-setting thing because it's made me realize that I really do get more done than I think I do. :)
OOOOOOoooooo! I love ALL YOUR projects and I envy the time and energy you have to do them. That darn job of mine just is hindering my creating! I love your quilt. I have never made just a red and white quilt, but it is something I think I would really like, and I like your quilt because you can have it out all winter!
Have a great day.
be blessed,
You certainly have been doing the stitching. I like the bear design bib the best of the two bibs.
The pumpkin mat is cute as can be. Shows that you don't always have to have wool for a project.
The Santa stocking is really nice. I made some stocking last year to use as gift wrap rather than paper. Re-usable that way.
The stitchery pattern was from Kaaren at The Painted Quilt.
Those are BEAUTIFUL! I like the honey-bear bib. I have the perfect cookie jar to go with it. It was a wedding gift to my parents. So cute!
The winter wonderland quilt is just gorgeous. Can't wait to see the stitching better, but I absolutely love the border!
You do beautiful work! Love the honey bear; I want to make your gourds in the round. Your winter wonderland is lovely. Red and white is such a striking combination. Congrats! It's easy to lose track, huh? Linda at rgranch@pioneer.net
It looks to me like October was more productive than you thought. Wow! I especially love th stocking but my fave is the quilt. I have to get that pattern!
Wow...you have been a stitching machine...all very lovely!! Good for you!
Play House Mouse! I love that. I would dribble my dinner any day - lucky baby who gets that.
love, Angie, xx
I saw that cute little mouse curled up by the Christmas pudding! I even printed out the pattern. I didn't like the place mat they made from him...Your bag is a much better use for him! I'm wondering what I've done this month.....ummmmmmmm?? With NaBloPoMo, sewing is having to take a back seat. I did finish two more bird ornaments today though --- do I get points for them? Waiting for a better pic of your winter wonderland quilt---it looks gorgeous!
For someone with goals, you done good! I can't decide which one I like the best. Each one is cuter than the other!!
Your winter wonderland quilt is absolutely beautiful. Can't wait to see the hanging view. Wish I could get as much done as you do!
I'm stitching the stuffed mouse now and am almost finished.
Where did you get the cute pattern on the first big? I'd love to make one for my new granddaughter.
Wonderful projects! You sure have been one busy woman. :D Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Am off to work at the elevator, corn, corn, and more corn!!!!! Pretty bad when I start dreaming about it. LOL
The Winter Wonderland is a Wonderful!
The mouse one is my favorite, reminds me of Beatrix Potter. Very very sweet.
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