Do you read
The Pioneer Woman?

She's quite possibly the most famous blogger ever. She was a spoiled little city girl whose father was a surgeon and who grew up living in a house on the golf course. Can you say spoiled? She loved Starbucks and black high heel pumps, not necessarily in that order. One day, between college and law school, she met The Marlboro Man, fell in love, and got married. He was/is a bonafide cowboy and he took her to live down on the ranch...where she learned the front end of a horse from the back end, has cattle in her front yard, has shoveled manure, fought fires, and herded those cattle (or helped as I'm sure she couldn't do it alone). She learned ranching from the ground up, had four babies that she home-schools, and takes amazing photographs. I like the way she writes - she's honest and down to earth and she isn't afraid to laugh at herself. She also learned to cook - none of that fat-free stuff, but food that will stick to your ribs if you're a cowboy getting up at dawn to brand cattle or you're a kid running around like a wild thing all day long. Recently she released her cookbook and began a book signing tour. This week it hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list! Which brings me to the point of this post.
One of my daughters gave me the cookbook for my birthday and then drove me to Little Rock for the book signing. The traffic was horrible, we went to the wrong store, and when we finally made it to the right place there were hundreds of women ligned up to see her! She is a nice lady ya'll. A really nice lady. Cute dimples, a great smile, to-die-for hair, and so very friendly. She signed and had her picture taken over and over and over. As nice as she was there was no way I was going to stand in line for 3 or 4 hours to have her sign my book. We decided to just stand back a little way, take her picture, and drive back home. We had a wonderful visit driving over and we were ok with that. Until.....until we spotted him.

The Marlboro Man. Live and in person.
Now Ree I love you honey, but.....

We're talking about The Marlboro Man.

I don't know about you but I'd rather have him sign my book and be in a picture with me than her any day. I thought seriously about sneaking out the back door with him and running away. He really likes older women. He told me so. I'm sure I heard him say that. She'd probably want to fight me for him but I think I could take her.
You saw the Pioneer Woman and Marlboro Man???? Oh, you lucky girl!
Marlene, you are just such a beautiful lady. I think you are the pretty one in that picture. (Sorry Marlboro Man!)
Have a wonderful day!
be blessed,
Oh Marlene...how wonderful...I know you were super excited with this adventure...that is better than getting Ree's autograph.
I too enjoy her blog...don't follow the photgraphy part or the home schooling part...but the cooking and life on the ranch part I enjoy.
I saw she was going to be in Little Rock but I'm afraid I'm not the type to wander on over there just to get a book signed :) I do look at her site though now and then and print out recipes. I'm surprised her agent didn't tell her though not to post the recipes on her blog when she had a book coming out as a lot of the recipes are on the site too. I heard the book is pretty much a print out of her blog - do you agree with that? I print her recipes out so wouldn't spend the money on the book - but that is just me :)
Marlene...are you blushing there beside him?! I think there's some chemistry going on....he's blushing too! Let us know how you like the cookbook.
Love it! Smart girl-going for the guy! Thanks for sharing! I'm so jealous!
Way to go - a woman after my own heart! I'd go for Mr. Marlboro too. Too bad he wasn't wearing his hat, a cowboy looks even better in their hat!
Oh I so wish I had been in your shoes. I pre ordered the cookbook for myself and my Oklahoma City daughter. But did she go to the book signing NOOOOO.
I'm like you I'd much rather have my picture with Marboro Man.
And was all this at a Wal-Mart?
I'll just keep praying she comes to little ol' Jefferson City Misery.
We were there and had a wonderful time meeting Ree & her husband. The line was long, but worth it. If you got there BEFORE 6pm (when she arrived) your wait wasn't too bad. If you showed up late, you waited in the long line. Period. This is Arkansas and every aspect of life revolves around Wal-Mart, so yes, her signing was at Wal-Mart. The cook book does have some of her more popular recipes from the blog: migas, Marlboro Man sandwiches, cinnamon rolls, etc. But there are many others not on her site and lots of tidbits about life on the ranch and her family... much like her site so I think the cook book is a perfect representation of her and what she's all about and it's WONDERFUL that she's made the NY best seller list!
I don't think I would want to challenge her over him....she is one tough cookie! I love following her.
You devil you! Where does that man you cook for stand in all this?
How neat you got to see her (and especially HIM, LOL)! I'm afraid that wouldn't have stood in line, either. Sounds like you had a fun day!
Do I dare admit on here that I don't read the Pioneer Woman?? I guess I'll have to start since all my "friends" just LOVE her.
Marlene, you are just beautiful. I love your hair!!
I'm with you!!! The Marlboro Man looks so much better in a picture with you than that other lady would. Good for you!!!! He was probably tickled to have some attention!!!
oh my goodness!!! I'm so jealous. She doesn't have any CA book signings on the schedule.
Good for you!! But I still like him best in chaps ;)
Oh my goodness....what a cute picture! You lucky duck....I would pose with him too!
Will have to check her blog out...haven't seen it.
You are full of surprises, aren't you. Marlboro Man has stayed in the background pretty much but you brought him front and center! He and Pioneer Woman are quite a pair and I love their story of how they met! Linda at rgranch@pioneer.net
Oh, I am so jealous
Oh Marlene, that is absolutely priceless!!
I am so jealous! What a great post. And you posted pictures of THE Marlboro Man! Sigh.
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