At my sister's house this past weekend we spent some time watching the birds. These turkeys come to eat every day. They're really skittish so it was hard to get a picture of them. At the first sign of movement in the house they would fly away. And when the flash went off, even from a distance, they would fly away. It's as if they knew Mike had taken the screen off the window so he could shoot out it - he wanted turkey for dinner. :( Thank goodness they were smart enough to figure him out and make their escape quickly! The day I took these pictures it was snowing hard - small flakes but thick - for about four hours.

Some of the birds didn't care if we were watching or not, they were there to eat and that's what they were going to do. These pictures are through a window with the screen still on. :) The little guy on the blue feeder seemed to be curious about what I was doing.
This little group of friends almost seemed to be gossiping about that strange human standing in there watching us!

This guy here never turned around to look at me! He was hungry and he wasn't budging from his perch. He was probably afraid someone else would get his food because there were lots and lots of birds at the feeders that day.
Love wild turkeys. They are so much smarter than their domestic cousins.
The birds really are coming aren't they? 50 pound bags of seed aren't lasting long but they are so much fun to watch from a warm house.
Stay warm.
We love feeding our birds too. This is one of my favorite things to do. I thought I found the neatest bird feeder the other day but someone got it before I did (at the thrift store). Love the turkeys. We used to have them come around but haven't saw them in a while.
we use to have a lot of wild turkeys come to our backyard. They visited for several years but have not seen them now for 2 years - I guess they moved to your house! At times we had up to 40 of them searching for food - I would toss out seed and corn for them
Great pictures! I think the little group was discussing the unusual weather this year. ;)
What wonderful pictures! I love the fact that the wild turkeys come up and eat. They must be so fun to watch.
I see them back in the forest a lot when I'm out with hubby. Every once in a while I see a bobcat, and of course, plenty of deer. Hubby has seen a bear, but I haven't been lucky enough to get a glimpse of one, yet.
Loved the photos. Even the one through the screen is good. Mine usually aren't.
Mama Bear
Great pictures....I love watching my birds eat during the snow.....
be blessed,
I'm going through bird seed and chicken food like crazy! It's so cold that there are no bugs for the birds to eat. I'm glad you're feeding them too.
Love theses photos, especially the bluebirds.
Love your pictures of the birds! I love taking pictures of them through my kitchen window. They are so pretty and relaxing to watch! We just bought our 3rd 50lb bag of birdseed.
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